Back to Middle-earth Month 2019: Text-Only BINGO Cards

Below are copies of card prompts in plain text only, made available for participants who use screen readers or those who prefer to peruse the cards in text-only format. Please contact at any time for assistance in using text-only cards. Find images of the cards on the 2019 claims page.

Useful Links: B2MeM 2019 Introduction
How to Play and FAQs
Posting and Tagging Rules for the DW Community
Lists of Cards Sorted by Theme
Card Claim Form
Daily Bingo Numbers
B2MeM 2019 Subcollection on AO3

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1. Adjectival ABC - new in 2019

B3: A like an Austere Andreth
B6: B like a Blissful Béruthiel
B10: C like a Cryptic Castamir
B12: D like a Deserving Dís
B14: E like an Eldritch Eilienel
I21: F like a Furtive Finrod
I23: G like a Grateful Gwahir
I26: H like a Headless Haleth
I27: I like an Irresistable Ibûn
I28: K like a Keen Khamûl
N31: L like a Livid Lothíriel
N35: M like a Maudlin Mahtan
N38: N like a Nettlesome Núneth
N44: O like an Obsessive Oropher
G47: P like a Perplexed Pharazôn
G50: Q like a Quixotic Quickbeam
G53: R like a Ruthless Rían
G56: S like a Seductive Silmariën
G59: T like a Thrwarted Thuringwethil
O64: U like an Uppity Uinen
O65: V like a Voyeuristic Varda
O69: W like a Wayfaring Wormtongue
O74: Y like a Yawning Yavanna
O75: Z like a Zealous Zamin

2. Adûnaic

Create fanworks set in Númenor (or its colonies) centered around these words or phrases
B4: Êphalak (far away)
B6: Abâr (strength, endurance, fidelity)
B8: Phazân (prince, king's son)
B9: Minul-Tarîk (Pillar of Heaven, Meneltarma)
B15: Miyât ([infant] twins)
I18: Izrê (sweetheart, beloved)
I23: Avalê (goddess, Valie)
I25: Yanâkhim ([they] are at hand)
I26: Bawîba (winds)
I30: Izindu-bêth (true sayer, prophet)
N31: Ugru-dalad (under-[the]-shadow)
N37: Narîka ‘nBâri ‘nAdûn (the Eagles of the Lords of the West)
N40: Usaphda (he understood)
N41: *Zimra (jewel)
G48: *Akhâs (chasm)
G49: Kathu-phazgân (conquerer)
G53: Batan (road)
G57: Zigûr (wizard, referring to Sauron)
G58: Gimil (stars [coll.], starry sky)
O61: Bâ Kitab-dahê! (Don't touch me!)
O65: Nimriyê (Nimrian [queen])
O67: Pûh (breath)
O70: Nîph (fool)
O71: Hikallaba (she-fell-down [Númenor])

3. All Creatures, Foul and Fair

B4: Balrogs
B6: Glaurung, the father of dragons
B7: Crebain
B12: Eagles in the service of Manwë
B14: Black Squirrels of Mirkwood
I16: Mearas
I17: Mûmakil
I24: Wargs or Demonic Wolves
I25: Thorondor, Lord of Eagles
I29: Ungoliant, destroyer of the Two Trees
N36: Shelob, child of Ungoliant
N37: Ancalagand the Black
N42: Kirinki, a bird of Numenor
N45: Carcharoth, the great wolf
G47: Huan, Celegorm’s hound of Valinor
G52: Nahar, Oromë's geat steed
G53: Beruthiel's cats
G55: The Watcher in the Water
G58: Asfaloth, Glorfindel’s horse
O63: Kine of Araw
O65: Smaug, the last great dragon
O67: Firefoot, Éomer’s horse
O70: Rochallor, warhorse of Fingolfin
O75: Bill the Pony

4. All OCs, All the Time

B1: A black-sheep brother
B4: A housekeeper
B5: A scribe
B12: A stranger
B14: A shade
I16: A tanner
I23: A Maia
I25: A distant ancestor
I26: A midwife
I28: A troubador
N34: A seer
N37: A camp follower
N39: An in-law
N42: A gravedigger
G46: A servant
G49: An actor
G53: A child
G55: A soldier
G59: A minor noble
O61: A queen
O62: A twin
O64: An artisan
O70: A poisoner
O74: A distant descendant

5. Alternate Viewpoints

Write the events of each chapter from a different character's point of view.
B1: "Riddles in the Dark" - The Hobbit
B4: "Fog on the Barrow-Downs" - The Fellowship of the Ring
B9: "The Voice of Saruman" - The Two Towers
B11: "The Scouring of the Shire" - The Return of the King
B14: "Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad" - The Silmarillion
I17: "Of the Silmarils and the Unrest of the Noldor" - The Silmarillion
I18: "The Tower of Cirith Ungol" - The Return of the King
I22: "A Thief in the Night" - The Hobbit
I24: "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit" - The Two Towers
I29: "The Bridge of Khazad-Dum" - The Fellowship of the Ring
N31: "Helm's Deep" - The Two Towers
N34: "Of the Flight of the Noldor" - The Silmarillion
N40: "The Council of Elrond" - The Fellowship of the Ring
N44: "The Pyre of Denethor" - The Return of the King
G47: "At the Sign of the Prancing Pony" - The Fellowship of the Ring
G50: "The Black Gate Opens" - The Return of the King
G54: "Of Turin Turambar" - The Silmarillion
G56: "Roast Mutton" - The Hobbit
G59: "The Uruk-Hai" - The Two Towers
O63: "The Palantir" - The Two Towers
O65: "The Clouds Burst" - The Hobbit
O70: "A Long-Expected Party" - The Fellowship of the Ring
O71: "Of the Ruin of Beleriand and the Fall of Fingolfin" - The Silmarillion
O72: "The Field of Cormallen" - The Return of the King

6. Alternative Rock Lyrics - new in 2019

B1: "And I try, oh my god do I try / I try all the time, in this institution" -4 Non Blondes
B2: "I just want someone to say to me / I'll always be there when you wake" -Blind Melon
B8: "They were all in love with dying they were drinking from a fountain / That is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain" -Butthole Surfers
B12: "You're just like an angel / Your skin makes me cry" -Radiohead
B14: "I'm so ugly, that's okay, 'cause so are you" -Nirvana
I16: "You feed us lies from the tablecloth" -System of a Down
I17: "Our love is like water / Pinned down and abused / For being strange" -Live
I21: "If I treated you bad / You bruised my face" -Bush
I26: "Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me" -Green Day
I30: "Will she smell alone?" -Stone Temple Pilots
N31: "One more time to kill the pain" -Tom Petty
N35: "I remember running through the wet grass / Falling a step behind / Both of us never tiring / Desperately wanting" -Better Than Ezra
N40: "If I met you in a scissor fight / I'd cut off both your wings on principle alone" -Incubus
N41: "I want a girl with a mind like a diamond" -Cake
G47: "In disguises no one knows / Hides the face, lies the snake" -Soundgarden
G48: "I'm just a girl, living in captivity" -No Doubt
G50: "We'll crucify the insincere tonight" -Smashing Pumpkins
G51: "I care but I'm restless" -Alanis Morisette
G60: "We're guilt-stricken sobbing with our / Heads on the floor" -The Verve Pipe
O64: "That's me in the corner / That's me in the spotlight" -REM
O66: "Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?" -Alice in Chains
O69: "I want to feel you from the inside / You get me closer to god" -Nine Inch Nails
O70: "She sees my good deeds / And she kisses me windy" -Red Hot Chili Peppers
O72: "I know you'll be a star / In somebody else's sky / ... Why can't it be mine?" -Pearl Jam

7. Apothecary Garden - new in 2019

Use either the plant, ailment/injury, or both.
B2: Inflammation- chamomile
B4: Heart complaint- foxglove
B9: Pain- willow bark
B11: Sore throad- hollyhock
B15: Sore eyes- eyebright
I16: Low blood pressure- rosemary
I19: Headache- mint
I21: Cough- thyme
I25: Sleeplessness- valerian
I27: Contusion- marigold
N32: Sprain- wolf’s bane
N36: Fever- lime blossom
N37: Wound bleeding- buckhorn
N40: Depression- goldencup
G48: Agitation- lavender
G52: Broken bone- comfrey
G55: Cramping- lady’s mantle
G58: Nausea- ginger
G60: Hay fever- rose
O61: Skin complaints- horse chestnut
O64: Head cold- rose hip
O66: Lack of appetite- yarrow
O73: Toothache- cloves
O74: Indigestion- chicory

8. Archery in Arda

B6: Wood-elves of Mirkwood
B7: Bard the Bowman
B10: Laer Cú Beleg (Song of the Great Bow)
B12: King's Archers
B13: Telerin Bows
I16: Celegorm
I21: Legolas
I24: Oromë
I25: Hobbit Archers
I27: Bow of Bregor
N32: Fingon
N38: Thorin Oakenshield
Free Space
N43: Lake town archers
N45: Bow of the Galadhrim
G46: Marchwardens of Lórien
G49: Bowman 'Nick' Cotton
G50: Duilin and Derufin
G59: Ithilien rangers
G60: Belthronding
O63: Faramir
O64: Beleg Strongbow
O66: Tilion
O68: Hithlum horse archers
O74 Black Arrow

9. Archetypes - new in 2019

B1: hero
B6: heroine
B9: villain
B13: high priestess
B15: wise old man
I19: maiden
I20: knight
I21: lovers
I22: king
I26: crone
N31: wizard
N39: queen
N44: simpleton
N45: trickster
G47: wise woman
G48: innocent
G49: warrior maiden
G55: wise animal
G60: best friend
O64: hermit
O66: witch
O67: mother
O74: fool
O75: high priest

10. Art - new in 2019

B4: lineart
B6: silhouettes
B9: a fic illustration (please ask the writer for permission)
B10: landscape or cityscape
B11: abstract style
I19: characters kissing
I21: realistic style
I23: full color
I27: restricted palette
I28: hair study
N37: reflections
N40: anatomy study
N44: in your favorite artistÕs style
N45: digital art
G47: patterns and textures
G52: lineless art
G55: comic style
G56: black and white
G57: a five-minute sketch
O63: hand study
O66: a waterscape
O69: traditional art
O72: fashion study
O75: swap styles with another artist

11. Artifacts and Weapons

B3: Silmaril
B7: Narsil (Elendil's sword, forged by Telchar)
B9: Fëanorian Lamp
B12: Elessar (Elfstone, made by Fëanor, Enerdhil or Celebrimbor)
B13: Ringil (Fingolfin's sword, which glittered like blue ice)
I18: Palantír (seeing-stone)
I20: Dragon-helm of Dor-lomin
I21: Ring of Barahir
I26: Angrist (Beren's knife, earlier owned by Curufin)
I28: Aeglos (Gil-galad's spear)
N33: Gurthang (Túrin's sword, borne by Beleg and made by Eöl)
N37: Angainor (made by Aulë to chain Melkor)
Free Space
N41: Ulumúri (horns of Ulmo, made out of white shell)
N45: Illuin (Lamp of the Valar)
G49: Valaroma (Horn of Oromë)
G52: Dramborleg (Tuor's big axe, preserved in Númenor)
G54: Grond (Morgoth's mace, borne in the fight with Fingolfin)
G56: Glamdring (Turgon's sword, later borne by Gandalf)
G58: Míriel's Embroidery
O61: Nenya (Ring of Adamant, borne by Galadriel)
O65: Glingal (Golden Tree of Gondolin)
O68: Sceptre of Elros Tar-Minyatur (Sceptre of Númenor)
O71: Steel Gate of Gondolin (Orfalch Echor)
O73: Mirror of Galadriel

12. Art Supplies

B3: Clay
B5: Jewels
B8: Charcoal
B9: Paper
B14: Paintbrushes
I19: Enamel
I22: Stone
I26: Watercolors
I29: Wood
I30: Needlework
N31: Beads
N32: Pastels
Free Space
N41: Easel
N43: Carving
G46: Sketchbooks/Notebooks
G49: Inks
G52: Oils
G55: Tiles
G60: String
O65: Metal
O67: Pencils
O68: Canvas
O70: Kiln
O71: Yarn

13. Aspects of Aragorn

B1: Warrior
B4: Estel
B7: Wooer
B9: Aragorn
B10: Sellsword
I18: Healer
I22: Thorongil
I23: Son
I25: Wingfoot
I28: Husband
N33: Father
N36: Friend
N42: Tracker
N43: Strider
G46: Ranger
G49: The Dúnadan
G53: Hunter
G57: Envinyatar
G59: King
O63: Elessar
O66: Longshanks
O67: Traveller
O72: Captain
O74: Chieftain

14. The AU Card

B2: Finduilas of Dol Amroth - first Ruling Lady Steward of Gondor
B5: Arathorn dies - Gilraen becomes Chieftain in Eriador
B9: Aredhel longs for forests - and so challenges Turgon for leadership of Gondolin
B14: The Dragon has fallen - Dís leads her people to Erebor
B15: The Shire is occupied - Eglantine Banks Took leads the Tookish resistance
I19: And the Battle of Five Armies was lost...
I22: And in that year, the Necromancer, Sauron, revealed himself, and he broke the Council that had come to assail him...
I25: And the dragon, Smaug, was driven off and destroyed, and Erebor sought to rule across the North...
I27: And Elrond sighed over the map, for there was nothing to see this night...
I29: "The next day, Bilbo had almost forgotten about Gandalf. He did not remember things very well, unless he put them down on his Engagement Tablet". But moved by thoughts of strange adventures, he decided to go and visit his relations elsewhere in the Shire and left that very morning...
N32: Valinor never left the circles of the world.
N36: Merry and Pippin never escaped the Uruk-hai.
N38: Lúthien never loved Beren.
N45: Boromir never died on Parth Galen.
G46: In 2509, Galadriel, journeying to Imladris on Conciliar business, is waylaid by Orcs in the Redhorn Pass...
G50: I n 3285, Ar-Pharazôn installs his son and heir as governor of Pelargir among the Faithful...
G53: In 983, Erendis, in costume of a high queen, descends upon the Erukyermë court...
G57: In 3019, the Entmoot ends, and the Ents retreat farther into their forests...
G60: In 20, the Dark Lord sends an emissary forth to work mischief at the Mereth Aderthad...
O64: Identify a crossroads in the life of a character you like writing about - write a story in which s/he goes the other route.
O66: Identify a battle crucial to the establishment of the people of Middle-earth you're most interestedin - write an alternative ending.
O67: Identify a cultural artifact associated with a people you're interested in - how might a different history change its significance?
O72: Identify a journey in the history of a population you're interested in - how might it have gone differently?
O74: Identify your favorite deus ex machina moment in Tolkien's universe - how does history unfold without it?

15. AU Sci-Fi - new in 2019

B2: Space Opera
B6: Sentient Spaceships
B9: Finding New Worlds
B10: Memory Wipe
B14: Cyborgs and Hackers
I20: Sassy Robots and Objects
I21: Lost in Space
I23: Bad Robots/AI Uprising
I24: Space Pirates
I26: Galactic Alliance/Space Wars
N31: Mecha/Giant Robots
N35: Nanotechnology
N40: End of Times
N41: "It's life, Jim, but not as we know it."
G46: First Contact
G52: Dystopian Governments
G53: Parallel Worlds
G59: Clones/Evil Clones
G60: Wormholes and Black Holes
O61: Traveling faster than the speed of light
O63: Time travel
O73: Interspecies Romance
O74: Cryosleep
O75: Ancient Aliens

16. AU Types - new in 2019

B2: What if…
B5: Coffeeshop AU
B7: Harlequin Novel Style
B12: Movieverse
B13: Genderswap AU
I17: Sedoretu
I20: Everyone lives!
I22: Superheroes AU
I25: Crossover or Fusion
I29: Soulmate marks AU
N34: Mpreg/Fempreg
N36: Film Noir
N39: Road Trip AU
N45: In Modern Day
G46: College/University AU
G52: A/B/O
G55: Steampunk AU
G58: Fix-it AU
G60: Canon divergence
O61: Space AU
O63: Happy endings
O67: Mirrorverse
O70: Regency AU
O72: Zombie apocalypse AU

17. AU: Who Lives and Who Dies?

B1: Gandalf never falls in Moria
B2: Gollum kills Sam on the Emyn Muil
B6: Boromir never dies at Path Galen
B12: Frodo and Sam die on Mount Doom
B15: Denethor never dies
I20: Gollum is killed in Ithilien
I23: Finduilas of Dol Amroth never dies
I26: Denethor dies a few years after his wife
I27: Theodred never dies
I30: Faramir dies before the end of the War
N36: The Ring isn't destroyed
N39: Eomer dies on the Pelennor Fields
Free Space
N42: Eowyn dies on the Pelennor Fields
N45: The Witch King isn't killed on the Pelennor
G48: Aragorn falls before the Black Gates
G51: Arathorn father of Aragorn never dies
G54: Gimli or Legolas dies at Helm's Deep
G57: Theoden's wife never dies
G59: Arachne kills Frodo
O61: Frodo's parents never die
O65: Gandalf falls in Moria but doesn't come back
O68: Theoden never dies
O72: Arwen dies during the War
O73: Smaug still loves at the beginning of the War

18. "Beachy" and "Coastly"

B5: The distant shore
B6: Dock/quay
B8: Seaward recreation
B11: Winds to the sail!
B12: What's in the sea?
I19: Shipcraft and shipping
I23: Tempest the Tempestuous ("Or is that a Maia I'm facing?")
I26: Fishing and fishary (or ... fishy?)
I27: Seacoast market
I28: Seacoast housing
N32: Alqualonde (Swanhaven)
N34: Eglarist/Brithombar
N40: Mithlond (Grey Havens)
N44: Pelargir
G46: Pirates/corsair
G47: Sea-folk of Dol Amroth
G55: Sea-folk of the Teleri
G58: Pearl-seeker
G59: Weaving sail, weaving net
O61: Animals of the sea
O67: Seabirds
O71: Under the stars, under the sun, under the moon (depict the seacoast under a heavenly illumination in art or story form)
O73: Sea-wall
O74: Sea-side fortress

19. Be Advised ... This Is the Glorestor Card! - new in 2019

B1: In the library
B6: In the wine cellar
B7: Negotiating with Thranduil
B9: Hiding from Lindir
B11: Rescuing a small child or animal together
I17: Being diplomatic
I20: On the battlefield
I22: “Who stole Asfaloth THIS time?!”
I26: Nicknames they use privately
I29: “I’ll show you my sword if you show me yours…”
N34: Hall of Fire shenanigans
N39: Babysitting the twins
N43: “Don’t you DARE suggest I cut my hair!”
N45: Swimming in the Bruinen
G46: At a council meeting
G51: Getting drunk on miruvor
G52: “Your glowing is keeping me awake.”
G58: Writing poetry for each other
G59: Saying Chief Counsellor but using air quotes
O62: Singing in a tree
O63: In the barrack
O67: Listening to the balrog story… again
O72: A whole weekend free!
O75: Being in trouble and rescued by the other

20. Beasts

Create fanworks featuring these animals and monsters of Arda!
B4: Cat
B7: Watcher in the Water
B8: Squirrel
B12: Seagull
B15: Toad
I18: Hawk
I21: Snail
I23: Cow
I29: Dragon
I30: Fox
N32: Spider
N36: Deer
Free Space
N40: Dog
N43: Crane
G47: Trout
G50: Horse
G52: Eagle
G56: Boar
G59: Oliphaunt
O61: Bear
O62: Goose
O64: Snake
O71: Turtle
O75: Bee

21. B Is for Boy - new in 2019

B2: Boromir
B3: Barahir
B8: Bilbo
B11: Beren
B12: Beorn
I18: Balin
I24: Beregond
I25: Bergil
I27: Brodda
I28: Bregor
N35: Bregolas
N37: Borondir
N40: Brandir
N45: Beleg
G46: Bard
G51: Beechbone
G54: Bregalad
G57: Bill
G59: Bob
O62: Bifur
O63: Bofur
O68: Bombur
O72: Barliman Butterbur
O73: Bombadil

22. Blind Guardian Lyrics - new in 2019

B3: Truth might be changed by victory
B6: How long shall we mourn in the dark?
B8: I dare you Come out You coward!
B12: Blackheart show me what you hold in hand
B15: A new star shall arise
I17: Cut off your old friend’s hand
I20: So I stand still in front of the crowd
I21: Farewell my friend farewell
I25: This deed can’t be undone
I28: Welcome dawn Your light will take me home
N31: Go now, my lord, while there is still time
N36: You are now my guest, forever!
N38: Just lead my fate to the victory of elves
N42: Dreams might be filled with lies
G50: True hope lies beyond the coast
G52: We brought hope but also lies and treachery
G54: Damned shall thy house be
G56: Will grace die in pain? Will light ever rise again?
G60: In a land so dark where I have to go
O61: Burning vessels, burning hope
O64: Caught in the afterlife I’ve gone too far
O66: The sun went down beyond the sea
O70: Still their deeds live forth in songs
O74: And horror in the halls of stone

23. Book Title

Use these titles as inspiration for your art or writing
B1: Silver on the tree
B5: Extremely loud and incredibly close
B8: The Tin Princess
B10: The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime
B14: Fragile things
I18: Out of the dust
I24: A clash of Kings
I27: The wave in the mind
I29: ____ The robber's daughter
I30: The stone gods
N33: Skin and other stories
N35: South of the border, West of the sun
Free Space
N38: The Book thief
N39: Tongues of serpents
G50: Paper towns
G53: The girl who played with fire
G56: The bloody chamber
G58: Treasure island
G60: Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy
064: The importance of being earnest
O65: A thousand splendid suns
O66: A wizard abroad
O70: Dead poets society
O75: The Stand

24. Book Title 2 - new in 2019

B4: Ammonite
B6: Lark in the Morning
B10: At Her Feet
B13: Her Name in the Sky
B15: The Will of the Empress
I18: Pages for You
I20: Spring Fire
I25: Send My Roots Rain
I28: Sing You Home
I30: The Stone Gods
N37: Crave
N40: The Price of Salt
N44: Fall on Your Knees
N45: The Grass Widow
G46: The World Unseen
G49: Night's Kiss
G52: Songs of Silk
G55: The Dark Wife
G56: The Paying Guests
O63: Fox Run
O68: I Can't Think Straight
O71: Girl Walking Backwards
O72: Waiting in the Wings
O73: Taking the Long Way

25. Botany

Create Pieces in which these plans play an important role
B4: Elanor
B7: Sage
B10: Rowan
B11: Madder
B14: Lotus
I16: Poppy
I20: Brambles
I22: Barley
I26: Toadstool
I30: Simbelmynë
N34: Oak
N35: Onion
Free Space
N41: Niphredil
N44: Hypericum
G47: Rose
G48: Nightshade
G54: Athelas
G57: Ivy
G58: Woad
O62: Common Mushroom
O66: Seregon
O69: Willow
O71: Cornflower
O75: Beans

26. Canon Couples

These are couples who feature in JRRT's fiction. Write a piece of fiction or non-fiction, or create a piece of art featuring the couple.
B3: Finwë/Indis
B4: Beren/Lúthien
B6: Denethor/Finduilas
B7: Imrazôr/Mithrellas
B8: Faramir Took/Goldilocks Gamgee
I20: Aragorn/Arwen
I22: Celeborn/Galadriel
I25: Éomer/Lothiriel
I27: Pippin/Diamond
I28: Tom Cotton/Marigold Gamgee
N33: Eärendil/Elwing
N38: Valacar/Vidumavi
N41: Thingol/Melian
N43: Manwë/Varda
G47: Tom Bombadil/Goldberry
G49: Merry/Estella
G51: Arathorn/Gilraen
G54: Elrond/Celebrian
G57: Bungo Baggins/Belladonna Took
O61: Rose/Sam
O66: Námo/Vairë
O67: Faramir/Éowyn
O68: Aegnor/Andreth
O73: Finwë/Miriel

27. Cause of Death

B5: Grief
B7: Infection
B8: Arrow
B9: Torture
B15: Dehydration
I16: Drowning
I18: Poison
I21: Self-sacrifice
I25: Suicide
I27: Hypothermia
N34: Burning
N36: Head injury
N42: Accident
N43: Exhaustion
G46: Suffocation
G47: Childbirth
G56: Blood loss
G58: Murder
G59: Falling
O62: Starvation
O66: Illness
O69: Wild animal
O71: War
O72: Shock

28. Cliches, Fluff, and TLC - new in 2019

B3: bathing
B6: changing bandages
B9: candlelight
B10: cuddling
B14: anniversaries
I16: massages
I19: slow dancing
I21: flowers
I22: gift-giving
I25: hair brushing
N31: breakfast in bed
N32: caught in a rainstorm
N36: weddings
N41: wearing the otherÕs clothes
G47: reading together
G49: domesticity
G56: betrothals
G59: taking walks
G60: stargazing
O61: compliments
O64: curtain fic
O68: insomnia
O70: hand-holding
O74: forehead touching

29. Colors

B3: Black
B5: Red
B8: Tan
B10: Sky Blue
B13: Rose
I17: White
I21: Purple
I22: Lavender
I25: Pumpkin
I28: Dark Blue
N32: Gray
N36: Green
Free Space
N38: Sea Green
N39: Silver
G46: Yellow
G50: Orange
G52: Teal
G58: Dark Brown
G60: Gold
O61: Blue
O64: Brown
O69: Fuchsia
O73: Bright Green
O75: Copper

30. Color Burst 1 - Red - new in 2019

B2: Alarm
B5: Cherry
B7: Fox
B11: Ladybug
B13: Rooster
I18: Anger
I21: Danger
I24: Ginger
I26: Lips
I29: Scarlet
N33: Barn
N37: Dawn
N38: Love
N43: Stop
G46: Blood
G47: Emergency
G53: Guilt
G56: Rash
G59: Strawberry
O62: Blush
O64: Fire
O67: Heart
O70: Revenger
O72: Target

31. Color Burst 2 - Orange - new in 2019

B3: Adventure
B6: Carrot
B9: Fearless
B12: Inspirational
B14: Rust
I19: Ambition
I20: Citrus
I22: Flamboyant
I25: Lava
I30: Salmon
N33: Apricot
N35: Copper
N39: Lively
N45: Spontaneous
G49: Autumn
G52: Coral
G54: Funny
G58: Pumpkin
G60: Tiger
O63: Bold
O66: Curiosity
O69: Goldfish
O73: Rhymes with…
O74: Yams

32. Color Burst 3 - Yellow - new in 2019

B1: Baby chicks
B4: Caution
B8: Daffodil
B10: Lemon
B15: Pollen
I19: Banana
I21: Cheerful
I22: Gold
I27: Mellow
I29: Remembrance
N32: Blond
N38: Cheese
N40: Mustard
N44: Sunflower
G48: Butter
G52: Corn
G55: Halo
G57: Omelet
G58: Sunshine
O64: Butterscotch
O66: Coward
O68: Honey
O69: Penalty
O71: Topaz

33. Color Burst 4- Green - new in 2019

B1: Algae
B3: Emerald
B5: Grass
B10: Lime
B12: Secure
I16: Balanced
I18: Envy
I24: Green tea
I26: Mint
I30: Spring
N31: Camouflage
N36: Forest
N41: Moss
N45: Tree
G46: Caterpillar
G47: Frog
G53: Green Thumb
G54: Nature
G60: Turtle
O63: Clarity
O65: Go
O70: Growing
O73: Outdoors
O74: Youth

34. Color Burst 5 - Blue - new in 2019

B2: Blue blooded
B6: Fountain
B8: Marine
B11: Rivers
B14: Spirituality
I17: Bluebird
I20: Freeze
I23: Moon
I25: Robin eggs
I28: Turquoise
N34: Bubbles
N37: Ice
N42: Sad
N43: Velvet
G49: Calm
G50: Lake
G51: Navy
G56: Sapphire
G59: Waterfall
O61: Forget-me-nots
O62: Lapis Lazuli
O67: Police
O72: Sky
O75: Whale

35. Color Burst 6 - Indigo - new in 2019

B4: Azurite
B7: Devotion
B9: Impartiality
B13: Intuition
B15: Rituals and Traditions
I17: Blueberries
I18: Dignity
I23: Indigo milk cap
I28: Iolite
I29: Sodalite
N34: Crowned pigeon
N38: Elderberries
N41: Justice
N43: Trust
G47: Deep underwater
G49: Figs
G51: Indigo snake
G56: Organization
G57: Truthfulness
O62: Denim
O64: Gentian flowers
O66: Ink
O72: Reliable
O73: Twilight

36. Color Burst 7 - Purple - new in 2019

B3: Admiration
B6: Future
B9: Imagination
B12: Majesty
B15: Purple prose
I16: Bruise
I20: Grape jelly
I22: Lavender
I27: Mulberry
I28: Respect
N33: Charm
N37: Harmony of the universe
N39: Nobility
N45: Royal
G46: Connected
G48: Haze
G53: Lilacs
G58: Plum
G60: Thistle
O61: Dignified
O65: Heliotrope
O69: Luxury
O71: Profanity
O74: Visionary

37. Color Burst 8 - Spectrum - new in 2019

B1: Agama
B5: Cocktails
B8: Fruit salad
B10: Parrot
B11: Snow cones
I19: Barber pole grasshopper
I21: Confetti
I24: Geode
I25: Peacock
I30: Sunbeam snake
N32: Betta
N35: Crayons
N36: Prism
N40: Tie-dye
G50: Candy
G52: Cuckoo wasp
G54: Macarons
G55: Rainbow
G59: Unicorn
O63: Chameleon
O67: Fireworks
O68: Opals
O70: Rainbow hibiscus
O75: Watercolors

38. Comment on a Fanwork - new in 2019

B1: traditional art
B4: digital art
B9: moodboard
B10: gifset
B13: photomanip
I16: Drabble-- exactly one hundred words
I17: ficlet-- under one thousand words
I21: short story-- a thousand to seven thousand words
I26: novella-- 7000 to 40,000 words
I27: novel-- over 40,000 words
N32: created for a fest or exchange
N34: created for Back to Middle-earth Month
N39: created as a gift
N41: created for a Big Bang
G48: a fic you reread
G52: a fic you read but never commented on
G55: non-traditional art form
G59: poetry
G60: non-traditional text form
O63: new-to-you time period
O64: new-to-you character
O68: new-to-you ship
O71: new-to-you creator
O73: new-to-you setting

39. Complexities of Celegorm - new in 2019

B10: hunter
B12: follower of Oromë
B13: friend of Aredhel
B14: the Fair
B15: Menegroth
I18: Valinor
I19: betrayer
I25: the Great Outdoors
I29: leader
I30: son
N34: brother
N36: the Cruel
N40: speaker to birds and beasts
N42: strong in body
G48: fighter
G50: orator
G51: master of Huan
G56: the Pass of Aglon
G58: the Oath
O64: cousin
O66: Kinslayer
O67: hasty in temper
O68: the Dagor Bragollach
O70: Nargothrond

40. Concerning Hobbits - new in 2019

B4: smials
B6: round windows and doors
B7: genealogy
B11: coming of age at 33
B15: pipeweed
I20: Harfoots
I21: Stoors
I26: Fallohides
I27: Peace and quiet and good tilled earth
I29: "they have not heard of the king"
N32: presents
N38: mathoms
N42: free fair
N43: Lithe
G46: Thain
G49: Shire-Moot
G52: mayor
G59: Shirriffs
G60: messengers
O65L breakfast
O66: elevenses
O67: lunch
O74: tea
O75: dinner (or supper)

41. Controversial Topics

Discuss these topics by creating fic, meta, or art.
B1: Laws and Customs of the Eldar
B5: Children of the Ainur
B7: Nothing is evil in the beginning ...
B12: The Hair Colour Debate
B13: Was Tolkien Racist?
I16: Evil Spells and Elvish Craft
I21: Elves and Dwarves
I22: Fate: Free Will or Preordained?
I24: Absent Wives and Mothers
I25: Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth
N34: Elves and Men: One Species?
N36: Colonialism in Beleriand
N37: Colonialism of Númenor
N45: The Parentage of Gil-galad
G49: Tol Eressëa = England? Fantastical Geography
G50: Surviving the Impossible: Helcaraxë and Angband
G53: Death: Gift or Doom of Men?
G55: Origin of Orcs
G56: To Cuiviénen there is no returning...
O62: Was Tolkien Sexist?
O63: Just Who Was Celeborn?
O69: Morgoth's Ring: Power Management
O72: Do Balrogs Have Wings?
O73: Myths Transformed

42. Cosmology - new in 2019

B1: Eksiqilta
B3: Soronúme
B6: Helluin
B9: Aiwenórë
B15: Wilwarin
I18: Vista
I22: Borgil
I25: Valacirca
I26: Ithil
I27: Fanyamar
N35: Eärendil's Star
N38: Valya
N39: Nenar
N45: Carnil
G50: Ilmen
G51: Alcarinque
G58: Telumendil
G59: Menelvagor
G60: Eä
O62: Anor
O65: Remmirath
O66: The Void
O70: Anarrima
O74: Elemmire

43. Cotton Candy Fluff - new in 2019

B3: tucking someone in
B5: cuddling
B9: gifts
B12: found family
B15: making up
I20: witty banter
I21: reuniting
I22: forehead kisses
I23: approval and recognition
I27: riding off into the sunset
N33: group hug
N37: family with fur
N40: everything sad come untrue
N44: party time!
G46: family bonding
G47: the laughter of children
G50: comfort food
G54: quality time
G60: love at first sight
O64: general cuteness
O65: happily ever after
O66: a lullaby
O69: a special surprise
O73: recovery

44. Crackfic

B2: Genderswap
B6: They fight crime!
B7: ___ made them do it!
B13: Iambic pentameter only
B15: Wingfic (Balrogs and otherwise)
I17: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Middle-earth
I19: Kidfic!
I22: Unlikely pairings
I26: Superhero
I28: Breaking the fourth wall
N39: Deliberate Badfic!
N41: Everything is better in space
Free Space
N43: Harlequin Romance!
N44: Anachronisms Galore
G48: Your characters on a Talk Show
G52: Woke up as an animal!
G55: Apocafic!
G58: You - yes, you! - in Middle-earth
G59: Jedi powers and lightsabers
O62: Ye Old Shakespearean English
O63: Over the top characterization!
O67: Characters discover fanficion
O68: Time Travel
O69: Characters in Modern Day

45. Crack Pairings 1

B4: Thingol/Finduilas of Nargothrond
B5: Goldberry/Gandalf
B10: Feanor/Turin
B11: Faramir/Cirdan
B13: Orodreth/Thuringwethil
I16: Sauron/Yavanna
I17: Tar-Miriel/Glorfindel
I20: Gil-galad/Maeglin
I23: Eowyn/Halbarad
I29: Earendil/Eol
N32: Elrond/Erendis
N37: Caranthir/Beleg
N38: Boromir/Nienna
N45: Maedhros/Melkor
G46: Fingon/Celebrimbor
G47: Manwe/Fingolfin
G51: Gothmog/Ungoliant
G55: Gimli/Thranduil
G56: Aegnor/Luthien
O61: Ulmo/Maglor
O65: Tom Bombadil/Erestor
O70: Melian/Bilbo
O72: Arwen/Theodred
O75: Curufin/Daeron

46. Crack Pairings 2

B3: Galadriel/Beren
B7: Nerdanel/Aredhel
B8: Turgon/Beleg
B12: Pengolodh/Finarfin
B15: Maedhros/Elenwe
I19: Haldir/Amras
I25: Fingon/Arwen
I26: Celeborn/Fingolfin
I27: Pippin/Nob
I30: Celebrian/Anaire
N31: Mithrellas/Daeron
N33: Earendil/Gil-galad
N36: Rumil of Tirion/Miriel
N42: Legolas/Thorin II. Oakenshield
G46: Aragorn/Ioreth
G47: Amarie/Caranthir
G48: Amrod/Vana
G52: Eomer/Beregond
G54: Egalmoth of the Heavenly Arch/Celegorm
O62: Indis/Cirdan
O63: Bilbo/Dis
O68: Finduilas of Dol Amroth/Beorn
O71: Nimrodel/Maglor
O74: Arien/Elwing

47. Crack Pairings - Femslash - new in 2019

B1: Nellas/Indis
B5: Varda/Lúthien
B8: Lobelia Sackville-Baggins/Nerdanel
B11: Shelob/Thuringwethil
B13: Dís/Haleth
I20: Finduilas of Nargothrond/Finduilas of Dol Amroth
I23: Théodwyn/Míriel
I26: Arien/Arwen
I29: Éowyn/Emeldir
I30: Nimloth/Fimbrethil
N36: Goldberry/Aredhel
N38: Elanor Gardner/Ni‘nor
N39: Tar-Ancalimë/Idril
N41: Vidumavi/Lalwen
G46: River-woman/Ilmar‘
G54: Tar-Telperien/Celebrían
G55: Morwen of Dor-L—min/Morwen of Lossarnach
G56: Eilinel/Tar-Míriel
G58: Melian/Belladona Took
O64: Zamîn/Ioreth
O68: Elwing/Gilmith
O70: Iminyë/Fíriel Fairbairn
O72: Lothíriel/Yavanna
O74: Meássë/Tauriel

48. Crossover 1

Write a crossover or fusion...
B2: ... with a literature classic
B5: ... with a piece of contemporary literature
B8: ... with a piece of nonfiction writing
B12: ... with a comic book or graphic novel
B14: ... with (one of) your favourite book(s)
I17: ... with a mystery-themed show
I20: ... with a sitcom or comedy
I25: ... with a sci-fi themed tv show
I27: ... with a crime drama
I28: ... with an animated or anime tv show
N31: ... with a fairytale or folktale
N38: ... with a story from your country
Free Space
N41: ... with a mythological story
N45: ... with an event from world history
G47: ... with a horror film
G51: ... with an action/adventure film
G53: ... with a Disney film
G56: ... with your favourite B-movie
G60: ... with a musical film or stage musical
O64: ... with one of Tolkien's other writings (e.g. Farmer Giles, Leaf by Niggle)
O66: ... with an earlier or later era of Middle-earth
O70: ... with another author's fanfic (please ask permission first)
O73: ... with another character "falling into Middle-earth"
O75: ... with a Tolkien character "falling" into another canon

49. Crossover 2

Cross Arda with a/an ____ book or movie
B3: Western
B4: Fantasy
B7: Romance
B9: War
B14: Chick Lit/Chick Flick
I16: Children's/Young Adult
I18: Action/Adventure
I21: Western Animation
I23: Spy
I29: Anime
N35: Drama
N39: Sports
Free Space
N40: Superhero
N43: Comedy
G46: Mystery
G48: Crime
G52: Mainstream/Contemporary
G55: Historical
G59: Erotica
O61: Horror
O62: Poetry
O63: Musical
O69: Religious/Inspirational
O73: Science Fiction

50. Cuiviénen - new in 2019

B6: Awakening
B10: Iminyë, Tatië, and Enelyë
B12: The Dark Rider
B14: Creation of the first Orcs
I18: Death in Cuiviénen
I24: Tribes of the Avari
I27: The Cuiviényarna and what really happened
I28: Domestication of Animals
I30: The Tatyar
N33: The Minyar
N38: Behavioural Modernity
N42: Shadow-shapes in the hills
N44: Primitive Elvish
G46: Discovery by Oromë
G47: Life before the Sun… or was it?
G48: Finwë, Ingwë, and Elwë
G57: Beliefs, Laws, Rites and Customs before the Valar
G58: Tool Use and Early Crafts
O63: Learning to Use Fire
O67: The Nelyar
O69: The Sundering of the Elves
O71: The Inland Sea of Helcar
O72: To Cuiviénen there is no returning.

51. Darkness, Darkness - Dark Themes in Tolkien's Legendarium - new in 2019

B2: war
B6: exposure to the elements
B8: trauma
B10: captivity
B13: loss
I18: powerlessness
I20: separation
I21: disease
I24: torture
I28: capital punishment
N32: betrayal
N41: usurpation
N42: slavery
N45: exile
G48: suicide
G49: incest
G55: natural(?) disasters
G58: greed
G60: poverty
O61: mutilation
O65: dark magic
O69: grief
O70: rape
O73: murder

52. The Dark Side - new in 2019

B1: Ungoliant
B2: Morgoth
B3: Sauron
B7: Balrogs
B13: Saruman
I17: Utumno
I20: Angband
I25: Thangorodrim
I27: Barad-dúr
I30: Dol Guldur
N33: Witch-king of Angmar
N36: Khamûl
N42: Rise of the Nazgžl
N45: Nazgûl in the Third Age
G47: Ancalagon the Black
G48: Glaurung
G52: Smaug
G54: Azog
G55: Gorgol
O62: Origin of Orcs
O65: Life in Angband/Mordor
O66: Orc culture
O69: Black Speech
O70: Fate of the Orcs

53. Deep Thoughts

B2: faith
B6: eternity
B7: love
B12: cosmos
B15: immortality
I19: suffering
I20: reason
I23: good
I26: evil
I29: happiness
N33: beyond
N36: truth
N41: God
N45: death
G47: freedom
G49: omnipotent
G52: me
G55: belief
G60: justice
O62: faith seeking understanding
O64: you
O69: knowing
O71: hope
O72: we

54. Diners' Club (Food & Eating)

Bon appetit!
B2: first breakfast
B7: second breakfast
B8: elevenses
B9: luncheon
B14: afternoon tea
I16: dinner
I18: supper
I24: afternoon snack
I28: bedtime snack
I30: eating out
N35: soup
N37: muffins
N39: bread
N43: cake
G48: tea
G51: coffee
G52: ice-cream or ices
G56: mushrooms
G60: vegetables (author's choice)
O64: pizza
O65: pasta
O70: fruit (author's choice)
O72: bacon
O75: ham

55. Discoveries and Inventions

How does the presence (or absence) of these invention and discoveries change the lives of the people(s) of Arda? Explore their impact by creating fanworks.
B3: Glass
B4: The Rings of Power
B6: Optics
B11: Cement/Concrete
B14: Clocks
I20: Warfare
I21: Shipbuilding
I26: Aqueducts
I28: Cartography
I29: The Mirror of Galadriel
N35: Parchment/Paper
N40: Silk
N43: Anatomy
N44: Domestication of Animals
G48: Roads
G51: Songs of Power
G52: Steam Engine
G57: Hypocaust
G58: Steam Engine
O63: Compass
O64: Agriculture
O65: Pottery
O67: The World Made Round
O71: Loom

56. Draw a Tolkien Character (art)

B3: in modern setting
B7: in a Halloween costume
B11: in black leather
B13: wearing pink
B14: in formal attire
I19: in chibi style
I21: in underwear
I23: as an animal
I26: cross-dressing
I29: injured
N32: fighting
N35: asleep
Free Space
N39: dancing
N45: as a child
G48: in love
G50: embarrassed
G54: with a teddy bear
G55: climbing a tree
G58: hunting
O61: drunk
O62: with a crazy hairstyle
O68: on the dark side
O71: cooking
O73: celebrating

57. Dwarf Women - new in 2019

B4: Rituals and Celebrations
B5: ... of the Second Age
B8: Crafts-women
B11: Mythology
B12: ... of Moria
I18: Petty Dwarves
I21: Dís
I23: ... of the Blue Mountains
I27: Origin stories
I28: ... of the Lonely Mountain
N35: beards
N38: life underground
N40: ... of the Third Age
N44: the seven clans
G46: relations with other people
G52: battles
G53: undercover journeys
G56: ... of the Iron Hills
G58: jewels
O63: ... of the First Age
O64: gold
O65: ... of Aglarond
O69: smithing
O71: ... of the Red Mountains

58. Dwarves of the First Age

B1: Naugrim meet Eöl's wife
B2: Caranthir meets Dwarves for the first time
B6: Thingol's death
B11: Curufin tries to learn Khuzdul
B15: Azaghâl gives Maedhros the Dragon-helm
I17: Treebeard joins Beren in the battle by Sarn Athdrad
I18: Durin the Deathless remembers coming to life and his make Aulë
I20: Maeglin learns about the Dwarves
I24: "... he was named in the tongue of the Dwarves Felagund, Hewer of Caves"
I25: Naugrim and their fear of sea
N35: Maedhros saves Azaghâl's life
N38: Melian and Dwarves
Free Space
N40: Telchar and Narsil
N44: Celeborn fights in the Battle of the Thousand Caves
G47: Telchar, the greatest craftsman of Nogrod
G49: Khîm and Ibun as children
G53: creation of the first Dwarf-women
G58: Eöl attends midsummer feast in Nogrod
G59: Curufin receives Angrist
O62: Mîm and Beleg
O63: Finrod and Nauglamir
O69: Maedhros and Azaghâl negotiate Dwarves joining the Union of Maedhros
O72: awakening of the seven Fathers of the Dwarves
O75: Yavanna and Dwarves

59. Dwarves 2 - new in 2019

B2: Khazad-dûm
B5: Gabilgathol
B6: Tumunzahar
B8: Kingdom under the Mountain
B15: the Glittering Caves
I20: Thrór
I22: Thráin
I23: Thorin Oakenshield
I28: Balin
I30: Gimli
N31: Durin the Deathless
N36: Azaghâl
N40: Telchar
N44: Gamil Zirak
G46: Nauglimir
G47: Angrist
G50: Narsil
G53: Mithril
G58: Menegroth and Nargothrond
O61: Sons of Fëanor
O62: Finrod and Galadriel
O66: Thingol and Melian
O72: Thranduil
O73: Legolas

60. Eat, Drink, and Make Merry - new in 2019

B5: cheese in Beleriand
B6: red meat off the bone
B11: Manwë decrees a glorious feast
B14: the fruits of Yavanna
B15: the Feast of Reuniting
I16: the wedding feast of Tuor and Idril
I17: the Númenoreans drank and feasted
I23: Eöl goes to Dwarven feast in Nogrod
I29: Great Feast of the Gates of Summer
I30: bring out the cold chicken and pickles
N32: cake and ale and coffee
N34: mine pies and cheese
N38: pork pie and salad
N44: beautiful, round seed cakes
G50: butter, honey, and clotted cream
G52: nuts, flour, sealed jars of dried fruits
G53: wine fit for an Elven king's table
G56: wine to make a Wood-elf drowsy
G58: Lembas of Melian
O61: fish abundant all about the coasts
O65: more than a meal! a feast!
O69: hot soup, cold meats, a blackberry tart
O70: eat, drink, and be merry
O71: drink to the memory of the kings

61. Echoes in the Water - new in 2019

B2: The Anduin
B5: Swan ships
B8: Falls of Rauros
B11: Laketown
B15: Sea of Rhûn
I18: Ulmo
I20: The Sea
I23: Sirion
I28: Bay of Eldamar
I29: Entwash
N33: Grey Havens
N38: Lake Mithrim
N42: Gulf of Lune
N45: Ossë
G47: Lake Evendim
G50: Bay of Balar
G51: Celebrant
G54: Gladden River
G57: Uinen
O63: Bruinen
O65: Brandywine
O68: Dol Amroth
O69: Bay of Belfalas
O71: Cuiviénen

62. Economy

Explore the economic systems of Arda by creating stories or artwork inspired by these prompts!
b1: Agriculture
b4: Luxury Items
b10: Scarcity
b11: Intercultural Relations
b15: Taxation
i18: Market Day
i20: Smuggling
i22: Climatic Change
i26: Monopoly
i30: Ritual Exchange
n33: Infrastructure
n34: Social Hierarchy
Free Space
n38: Travelling Merchants
n41: Redistribution
g46: Commodity of Goods
g49: Exploitation
g54: Trade Fair
g57: Coinage
g60: Service Sector
o63: Mining
o66: Mass Production
o68: War
o72: Real Estate
o73: Technology

63. Elements of Elrond - new in 2019

B1: healer
B6: traveler
B8: scholar
B11: survivor
B14: father
I16: peredhil
I17: harpist
I21: Noldor
I25: foster son
I30: herald
N35: kinsman
N38: seer
N39: diplomat
N45: friend
G49: birth son
G51: host
G55: warrior
G58: Ring-bearer
G59: brother
O61: protector
O62: Sindar
O68: advisor
O71: leader
O72: husband

64. Eligible Bachelor Baggins

Create art where Frodo or Bilbo...
b3: first impression of Rivendell
b5: celebrates a festival
b8: mourns a loved one
b12: exchanges letters with Dwarves
b13: as a burglar
i18: explores the Shire
i20: forms a friendship for life
i24: moves into Bag End
i25: is in love
i26: is homesick
n34: misses a meal
n36: meets Gandalf for the first time
Free Space
n41: with a pet
n45: shares lore with Celeborn
g50: learns another language
g51: is injured
g55: encounters some mysterious rangers
g58: as a tween/Tween
g59: arrives in Tol Eressëa
o63: converses with Éowyn
o65: corrects a wrong doing
o70: as a young child/faunt
o74: sings a song
o75: throws a birthday party

65. Elven Realms

Create art or writing about or set in...
B1: Cuivienén
B2: Avallónë
B9: Tirion
B14: Formenos
B15: Alqualondë
I18: the Falas
I21: Nevrast
I24: Mithrim
I28: Doriath
I29: Nargothrond
N34: Gondolin
N39: Dorthonion
Free Space
N40: Ard-galen
N44: Ossiriand
G50: Amon Lanc
G51: Eregion
G53: Lindon
G57: Lórinand
G58: Edhellond
O61: Imladris
O64: Lothlórien
O69: the Woodland Realm
O70: Ithilien
O73: Mithlond

66. Emotions

b1: Joy
b5: Sorrow
b8: Peace
b9: Love
b14: Pain
i18: Grief
i21: Awe
i22: Ecstasy
i28: Fear
i29: Hate
n33: Courage
n37: Nervousness
n40: Gratitude
n44: Amusement
g48: Generosity
g51: Cruelty
g55: Miserliness
g56: Gloom
g59: Hope
o63: Bewilderment
o64: Horror
o67: Delight
o68: Apprehension
o75: Calm

67. Emotions 2 - new in 2019

B2: desire
B4: shame
B9: affection
B10: envy
B15: anticipation
I17: confusion
I22: hope
I24: guile
I25: lust
I27: contempt
N32: confidence
N34: nostalgia
N42: kindness
N43: anger
G47: love
G51: solemnity
G52: satisfaction
G56: hunger
G60: gratitude
O62: defeat
O63: courage
O66: longing
O67: joy
O75: fear

68. The End - new in 2019

B2: Oaths
B5: Foresight
B9: Prophecy fulfilled
B12: Beneath the wave
B13: Breaking of the world
I18: Sailing West
I23: The Gift
I25: Last as he was first
I27: Even the wise cannot say
I28: The remaking of the world
N31: Falling into Mount Doom
N33: Stabbed in the back
N38: Surprised by Hobbits
N40: Éowyn
G49: Dragons
G50: Balrogs
G53: Battles
G55: Single combat with Morgoth
G60: Túrin
O64: Mandos
O65: Meneltarma
O68: Mourning
O71: More than memory
O73: The Second Music

69. Evil Villians and Monsters

B3: Morgoth
B7: Shelob
B8: Saruman
B12: Ar-Pharazôn
B13: Barrow-Wights
I19: The Fëanorians
I20: Smaug
I23: Sauron
I26: Ufthak
I27: Gothmog
N31: Bolg
N36: Gollum
Free Space
N37: Meássë and Makar
N42: Carcharoth
G48: Tevildo
G49: Draugluin
G50: Glaurung
G56: Bill Ferny
G60: Ungoliant
G61: The Nine
G67: Bill, Bert and Tom
G70: Uglúk
G73: Thuringwethil
G75: The Necromancer

70. Facets of Faramir

"I am sure I did not invent him. I did not even want him, though I like him." JRR Tolkien
b5: Player
b6: Statesman
b8: Friend
b12: Poet
b15: Diplomat
i16: Scholar
i19: Pupil
i23: Dreamer
i24: Warden
i30: Enemy
n33: Mentor
n37: Lover
n40: Strategist
n44: Patriot
g46: Sidekick
g49: Smoker
g52: Seer
g58: Defender
g60: Teacher
o61: Patient
o63: Rival
o67: Writer
o70: Questioner
o71: Soldier

71. Family Affairs (F/F Incest) - new in 2019

B2: Rosie/Elanor
B7: Melian/Lúthien
B9: Galadriel/Arwen
B11: Andreth/Beril
B15: Inzilbêth/Tar-Míriel
I16: Yavanna/Vána
I18: Anairë/Eärwen/Aredhel/Galadriel
I19: Mithrellas/Gilmith
I21: Almarian/Ancalimë
I25: Arwen/Lúthien
N34: Hareth/Híril
N37: Morwen/Rían
N41: Finduilas/Celebrían
N43: Erendis/Ancalimë
G48: Daughter of Arwen/Daughter of Arwen
G51: Idril/Aredheil
G43: Morwen/Niënor
G56: Lúthien/Galadriel
G57: Indis/Findis/Lalwen
O62: Ioreth/her sister(s)
O65: Ailinel/Almiel
O68: Celebrían/Galadriel
O73: Belladonna/Donnamira/Mirabella
O75: Lalaith/Niënor

72. Favorite Couples

These canon, fanon, and speculative couples are the fanfic opposite of a "rare pair." The stories do not have to be a romance, but could be a tale of friendship.
b1: Aredhel/Celegorm
b2: Erestor/Glorfindel
b4: Beren/Lúthien
b7: Fëanor/Nerdanel
b8: Finrod/Amarië
i17: Eärendil/Elwing
i20: Maedhros/Fingon
i21: Thingol/Melian
i26: Finwë/Míriel Serindë
i28: Finarfin/Eärwen
n34: Finwë/Indis
n38: Aegnor/Andreth
n44: Turgon/Elenwë
n45: Fingolfin/Anairë
g46: Caranthir/Haleth
g49: Beleg/Túrin
g50: Tuor/Idril
g53: Túrin/Finduilas
g59: Ar-Pharazôn/Míriel
o61: Túrin/Nienor
o64: Aredhel/Eöl
o67: Galadriel/Celeborn
o68: Ecthelion/Glorfindel
o69: Aldarion/Erendis

73. Feanatics

B1: In Aman... the motherless child
B6: Daddy issues
B8: That weasely Fingolfin
B10: Unjust exile
B14: The war of Telerin Aggression
I18: In Beleriand... freedom fighter
I20: 'he was very willing that the chief peril of assault should fall upon himself'
I25: knight in shining armor
I27: family guy
I28: sacrificial lamb
N31: Did you know... Fëanor hugged his kids (really, he did!)
N32: Fëanor wasn't nuts (just misunderstood)
Free Space
N40: Nerdanel loved him (that must count for something!)
N42: Fëanor was framed!
G48: Who's to blame? Indis: History's first wicked stepmother.
G52: The Valar. Always the Valar
G54: that weasly Fingolfin, reprise
G56: Dior: pretty but stupid
G58: Elwing Refrigerator Mother of the year
062: Notable Moments of Goodness: every useful invention (and then some).
064: Caranthir helped Haleth (Caranthir, for pity's sake!)
068: Maedhros went to look for Eluréd and Elurin
069: Maglor fostered Elrond and Elros
072: Fëanor: saviour of Middle-earth

74. Femslash

b2: Dwarves
b6: Ungoliant, Thuringwethil, & other Maiar
b9: "Softly goes my song's entreaty, through the night to thee. In the silent woods I wait thee; come, my love, to me." - Franz Schubert
b10: Melian and her descendants
b14: Kink
i17: "Don't you know it's love you're talking about? You're talking about how I feel about another human being & how she feels about me, not some disease you have to save us from." - Annie on My Mind
i22: Valier
i23: Queens of Númenor
i28: OFC
i30: "We're closet cincerellas, each other's perfect fit." - Rachael Sage
n32: Women of different cultures
n35: Unrequited love
Free Space
n40: Entwives
n44: Nerdanel & Indis "have tea."
g46: "I love you."
g47: "I became a lesbian because of women, because women are beautiful, strong and compassionate." - Rita Mae Brown
g52: Star-crossed
g53: Haleth, Éowyn, & other mortals
g60: First time
o62: AU
o67: Women of the House of Finwë
o69: Hobbits
o73: Kissing
074: Adûnaphel the Quiet

75. Festivals and Celebrations

b2: Spring
b6: Wedding
b8: New Year
b12: Victory
b15: Winter
i16: Masks
i20: Samírien
i22: Funeral/Wake
i24: Nost-na-Lothion
i30: Gift-giving
n31: Lovers' Day
n34: Begetting/Birthday
Free Space
n40: Coming of Age
n42: Thanksgiving
g46: Competition
g49: Mereth Aderthad
g52: Essecarmë/Essecilmë
g55: Turuhalmë
g56: Lanterns
o64: Summer
o66: Coronation
o70: Harvest
o73: Remembrance
o75: Autumn

76. F/F Potpourri - new in 2019

Create femslash works for the following prompts B6: Remix an existing f/f fic (please ask first)
B7: 4 Words: continental, wing, obstacle, love
B9: set in The Hobbit
B13: With every lesson learned a line upon your beautiful face (Indigo Girls, Get Out the Map)
B14: set in The Silmarillion
I16: wedding/marriage
I17: meta
I22: partings
I27: fanmix
I29: four words: filthy, pearl, ashes, missing
N33: review five f/f fics
N36: flirting
N38: first meeting
N44: create a fanwork for an existing f/f fic
G50: And you've a head full of liquor and perfume (Chris Pueta, Burning Bridges)
G53: family
G56: poetry
G57: set in The Lord of the Rings
O64: female canon character/OFC
O66: Stars are falling are wee falling too? Dawn is coming, what's this coming to? (LP, Night Like This)
O68: Set in other Tolkien words or Crossover
O71: Four words: banquet, flourish, burn, contant
O75: happily ever after

77. Finrod: The Quarter-Blood Prince

B1: Birth, during the noontide of Valinor
B3: Childhood – four siblings
B4: Childhood – many, many cousins
B5: Of the House of Finwë
B6: Of the House of Olwë
I17: Son of two Houses
I20: Eldest of five
I23: Beloved of Amarië
I25: Chums with Turgon
I29: Closest to Galadriel
N31: Finrod – change of dialect from Findaráto (story of character study or essay of etimology)
N36: Ingoldo – Mother-name (story/essay)
N41: Felagund – After-name by the Dwarves (story/essay)
N42: Nöm – After-name by Bëor’s people (story/essay)
G49: In the First Kinslaying (Alqualondë)
G53: Journey across the Helkaraxë
G54: Managing temporary settlement at Hithlum
G57: Visit to Menegroth
G60: Receiving Thingol's wrath on the news of the Kinslaying
O63: Dream sent by Ulmo
O67: Permission to settle in the caves of Narog – building Nargothrond
O69: King of Nargothrond: friend and ruler of various peoples
O73: The Battle of Sudden Flame (Dagor Braggolach) – Oath to Barahir
O74: Beren, and death in the Isle of Werewolves

78. Finwëion Friendship - new in 2019

B1: Celebrimbor and Finduilas
B3: Anaire and Eärwen and Nerdanel
B4: Fëanor and Fingolfin
B5: Maedhros and Maglor
B8: Celegorm and Indis
I17: Caranthir and Argon
I22: Finrod and Turgon
I24: Celebrimbor and Gil-galad
I26: Fëanor and Lalwen
I27: Maeglin and Idril
N34: Maedhros and Fingon
N36: Fingolfin and Finarfin
N39: Finrod and Nerdanel
N40: Indis and Míriel
G46: Maglor and Curufin
G49: Celegorm and Aredhel
G52: Orodreth and Idril
G55: Maeglin and Celebrimbor
G58: Amrod and Amras and Faniel
O61: Lalwen and Findis
O63: Galadriel and Curufin
O66: Finrod and Celegorm
O70: Turgon and Aredhel
074: Angrod and Aegnor and Maedhros

79. The First Age - new in 2019

B2: Sun
B3: Moon
B8: Beleriand
B9: Silmarils
B14: Morgoth
I17: Noldor
I18: Sindar
I23: Falathrim
I28: Ban on Quenya
I30: Kinslaying
N35: Dwarves
N37: Belegost and Nogrod
N44: Menegroth and Nargothrond
N45: Nauglamir
G48: Edain
G54: Bëor
G57: Hador
G58: Haleth
O63: Battle Under the Stars
O64: Siege of Angband
O69: Long Peace
O70: Sudden Flame
O71: War of Wrath

80. First Lines

Use the first lines from these classic works of literature as the first line in your story/poem or inspiration for your artwork. [Fill in the blanks with the name/place of your choice.]
b1: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. - Austen, Pride & Prejudice.
b5: It was love at first sight. - Heller, Catch-22
b6: The cold passed reluctantly from the earth, and the retiring fogs revealed an army stretched out on the hills, resting. - Crame, The Red Badge of Courage
b10: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. - Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
b11: He who is alone often lives to find favor, mildness of the Lord, even though he was long had to stir with his arms the frost-cold sea. - The Wanderer
i18: When shall we meet again in thunder, lightning, or in rain? - Shakespeare, Macbeth
i19: It was four o'clock when the ceremony was over and the carriages began to arrive. - Sinclair, The Jungle
i21: Call me ____. - Melville, Moby Dick
i25: Do you remember the fragrance girls acquire in autumn? - Updike, The Music School
i30: ___ of ___ were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. - Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
n31: Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board. - Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God
n35: ___ was well known throughout the nine villages and even beyond. - Achebe, Things Fall Apart
Free Space
n40: One night when the royal bed had been prepared for ___ and ___ in ____, they engaged in pillow talk. The Táin
n44: In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. - Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
g48: We are at rest five miles behind the front. - Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front
g51: My father and mother should have stayed in ____ where they met and married and where I was born. - McCourt, Angela's Ashes
g52: In a hole the ground there lived a hobbit. - Tolkien, The Hobbit
g55: There was no hope for him this time. Joyce, The Dubliners
g59: ____ discovered the door a little while after they moved into the house. - Gaiman, Coraline
o63: I celebrate myself. - Whitman, Leaves of Grass
o65: The towers of ____ aspired above the morning mist; austere towers of steel and cement and limestone, sturdy as cliffs and delicate as silver rods. - Lewis, Babbitt
o68: One midwinter day off the coast of ____, the crew spotted a bottle with a note in it. - Junger, The Perfect Storm
o69: I am forced into speech because men of science have refused to follow my advice without knowing why. - Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness
o73: They're out there. - Kesey, One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest

81. Five Books, Five Characters

b4: Namo
b8: Mahedros
b13: Nerdanel
b14: Ecthelion
b15: Aredhel
i18: Thorin Oakenshield
i20: Bilbo
i25: Gollum
i29: Beorn
i30: Gandalf
n33: Arwen
n35: Boromir
n41: Barliman
n43: Pippin
g48: Shelob
g51: Fangorn
g56: Eowyn
g58: Grima
g60: Grishnakh
o63: Faramir
o66: Imrahil
o67: The Witch King
o68: Denethor
o73: Merry

82. Food

B4: Bread
B5: Cake
B6: Soup
B11: Stew
B14: Pastry
I16: Biscuit
I22: Sandwich
I23: Jelly
I28: Broth
I29: Grains (including oats and barley)
N31: Pasta (including noodle)
N35: Cheese
N40: Chocolate
N41: Tarts
G48: Sausage
G49: Pie
G53: Waybread
G56: Steak
G57: Corn
O62: Potato
O66: Preservedmeats and/or fruits)
O67: Iced Fruits
O72: Vegetables
O73: Outlandish Meal

83. Food and Drink of Middle-earth

B1: Coimas/Lembas
B2: Of Herbs of Stewed Rabbit
B3: Dorwinion
B8: The Inns of Middle-earth
B9: Ent-Draught
I17: Honey
I18: "It comes in pints?"
I22: Hunting and Gathering
I26: Petty-Dwarf Roots
I30: Recipe Fic
N33: Miruvor
N34: Learning to Cook
Free Space
N35: Mushrooms
N42: Orc-Drink
G47: Taters
G51: Roast Mutton
G52: Local Cuisine
G54: Beorning Honey Cakes
G55: Taboos and Dislikes
O61: Food Economy of Nargothrond
O65: "We only wish to catch a fish, so juicy-sweet!"
O69: Tea
O71: "Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!"
O74: Cram

84. Forgery - new in 2019

B2: Curunir
B4: Aeglos
B7: Mithril coat
B10: Barrow-blades
B13: Glamdring
I20: Sting
I23: The Nauglamir
I28: Aulë
I29: Rings of Power
I30: The Winged Crown
N31: Eöl
N41: Eregion
N42: Andúril
N43: Palantíri
G47: Curufin
G50: The Silmarils
G54: Mahtan
G59: Fëanor
G60: Sauron
O64: Narvi
O67: The Iron Crown
O69: Maeglin
O71: Orcrist
O72: Ring of Barahir

85. Formats - new in 2019

B1: Fanfic
B2: Craft (crochet, knitting, dolls, etc.)
B4: Collaborate with an artist
B12: Respond to a piece of meta
B14: Five reviews
I16: Illumination/calligraphy
I17: Promote a femslash creator
I21: Meta
I25: Gifset
I29: Redraw a fanart (please as first!)
N33: Collaborate with a podficcer
N34: Traditional fanart
N36: Headcanon
N37: Collaborate with a fanmixer
G48: Fanmix
G49: Remix a fanfic (please ask first!)
G50: Rec list
G54: Collaborate with a cosplayer
G57: Digital fanart
O62: Edit
O65: Cosplay (closet cosplay counts!)
O69: Collaborate with a writer
O71: Poetry
O72: Podfic

86. Formats and Genres - new in 2019

B5: meta
B7: Epistolary fic
B11: darkfic
B13: recipe fic
B15: shipping manifesto
I17: true drabble
I19: action/adventure
I22: alternate viewpoints
I26: humor
I27: popular fanon
N34: other poetic forms
N39: fix-it
N41: hurt/comfort
N42: sonnet
G47: one-shot
G51: drabble series
G52: character study
G54: found poem
G60: elevenie
O61: gapfiller
O66: haiku
O68: fanon subverted
O70: sapphic stanza
O73: AU

87. Forth Eorlingas!

Where now the horse and the rider?
b1: shieldmaiden
b4: horse breeder
b10: history through songs
b11: Edoras
b13: Long Winter of 2758
i19: Helm's Deep
i24: farmer
i26: Invasion
i29: in the stables
i30: Queen of Rohan
n32: Dunharrow
n34: Oath of Eorl & Cirion
n43: Marshal of the Mark
n44: simbelmynë
g49: extended family
g50: Dwimordene
g54: armorer
g57: Beacons of Gondor
g58: warhorses
o66: healing injured horses
o67: intercultural relations
o68: Orthanc
o72: Ride of the Rohirrim
o74: shepherd

88. Four Words (drabble)

B3: front, totter, barbed, ally
B7: core, vulture, stratus, maim
B8: lock, council, rob, rabid
B13: vase, leech, armful, possibility
B15: exception, hospitality, sell, publish
I16: free, maternal, figurehead, sluice
I17: force, vice, eliminate, effectual
I22: order, cascade, small, dogwood
I26: depict, howl, savor, gallery
I27: apart, buzz, half, thimble
N33: gang, remarkable, blackberry, nicety
N39: quit, deep, lapse, coy
N42: glum, smudge, demand, leash
N43: smith, consonance, cradle, mantle
G47: high, cascade, road, form
G49: natural, alone, perform, season
G54: ear, afterthought, standard, executioner
G57: chestnut, cross, funnel, want
G60: peer, hotheaded, smile, yard
O64: infidelity, new, mesmerize, classify
O66: descend, dependence, inconsiderate, beyond
O70: social, weather, virtuous, thirteen
O71: bank, probably, mercy, good
O74: sponge, bread, world, penetrate

89. Four Words 2 (drabble) - new in 2019

Use the four words in a true drabble.
B1: ancestor, fatal, culture, gloom
B3: homewards, hymn, collection, reverse
B7: bloom, dovour, blinding, alliance
B12: thunder, fradmet, apple, arch
B14: knot, founder, intimate, aim
I19: below, ankle, invisible, glacier
I20: charade, amber, colony, moment
I23: firstborn, portrait, absent, dove
I24: humble, linear, comet, marble
I29: battalion, unsure, headstart, bliss
N34: antelope, fierce, tremor, honey
N35: silver, tangle, rainfall, dormant
N41: pattern, tongue, lantern, blush
N42: early, skyline, almost, mask
G49: promise, eastern, echo, cloud
G52: trial, naive, beacon, cloud
G53: berries, lively, ruby, scroll G57: ocean, thousand, ceramic, fever
G58: crush, legion, bewitching, flame
O61: heartsick, infinite, settler, sudden
O64: heroes, recluse, ten, initial
O68: exile, hands, diversion, perception
O70: limit, daisies, cotton, hopeful
O71: proposal, drifting, lock ,mortal

90. Fun with Feanorians - new in 2019

B2: Those left behind
B3: (Kin)Slayer, The
B7: Let it burn
B12: Life in Beleriand
B14: Battered but not broken
I18: Mommy issues
I19: Daddy issues
I24: Sibling rivalry
I25: Growing up with the world watching
I29: What's in a name?
N35: the Valar
N37: Language and letters
N42: Silmarils
N43: Tirion and Formenos
G49: Finwë
G51: Míriel
G54: Indis
G56: Mahtan
G57: Nerdanel
O65: Himring
O68: Himlad
O70: Maglor's Gap
O71: Thargelion
O74: East Beleriand

91. Games People Play

b1: Backgammon
b4: Darts
b7: Card Games
b12: Roleplaying
b13: Hopscotch
i16: Dice
i17: Wrestling
i18: Tag
i25: Politics
i28: Sprints
n31: Mancala
n33: Tournament
Free Space
n43: Horseraces
n44: Climbing
g49: Chess
g51: King of the Hill
g53: Hide and Seek
g57: Crosscountry Races
g58: Archery
o65: Draughts
o66: Senat
o69: Golf
o71: Jumping
o72: Drinking

92. Genre 1

b3: AU
b6: Murder Mystery
b9: Adventure
b11: Het
b14: Romance
i16: Character Study
i17: Parody
i21: Thriller
i24: General
i29: Hurt/Comfort
n31: Friendship
n37: Script
Free Space
n42: Comedy
n44: Nonfiction
g48: Dystopia
g52: Poetry
g55: Horror
g56: Slash
g59: Tragedy
o62: Mystery
o65: SciFi
o69: Femslash
o72: Coming of Age
o74: Crossover

93. Genre 2

b3: Tragedy
b6: Romance
b10: Poetry
b11: Canon Scene From a Different POV
b13: Family
i16: Fewer Than 500 Words
i19: General
i22: Crossover
i27: Horror
i30: Character Study
n32: Adventure
n37: Parody
n39: AU
n45: Trope of Your Choice
g47: Angst
g52: Gapfiller
g55: Essay
g56: Friendship
g60: Hurt/Comfort
o62: Humor
o65: Mystery
o71: Research Article
o72: Manifesto
o75: Drama

94. Geography of The Silmarillion

Create a story or a work of art set in one of these sites of significance in the history of the First and Second Ages.
b2: Helcaracxë or the Grinding Ice
b5: Halls of Mandos
b9: Menegroth, Thingol’s city of a Thousand Caves
b11: Ost-in-Edhil, the capital city of Eregion
b15: Nargothrond, Finrod Felagund’s underground fortress
i17: Himring, hill west of Maglor’s Gap where Maedhros built his fortress
i21: Alqualondë, coastal city ruled by King Olwë of the Teleri
i24: Tirion upon Túna, whence Finwë ruled as King of the Noldor in Valinor
i26: Lake Mithrim, first settlement by the Noldor in the north of Middle-earth
i29: Greenwood the Great, the magnificent forest east of the Misty Mountains
n34: Gondor, name of the southern Númenórean kingdom in Middle-earth
n37: Neverast, Turgon’s first settlement before his founding of Gondolin
n39: Gondolin, Turgon’s secret city
n41: Formenos the stronghold of Fëanor in the north of Valinor
g48: Eregion, Noldorin realm where the Elven Rings were made
g50: Dwarf-road leading into Beleriand from the cities of Nogrod and Belegost
g54: Dor-lómin, Fingon’s territory in the south of Hithlum
g55: Doriath, land enclosed within the Girdle of Melian
g58: Cuiviénen, the lake where the first Elves awoke
o61: Barad Eithel! , the fo rtress of the Noldor at Eithel Sirion
o64: Barad-dûr, ‘The Dark Tower’ of Sauron in Mordor
o68: Avallónë, haven and city of the Eldar on Tol Eressëa
o70: Arnor, the northern realm of the Númenóreans in Middle-earth
o75: Armenelos, City of the Kings in Númenor

95. Gildor - new in 2019

Not all who wander all lost.
B1: Wandering Companies
B3: Of the House of Finrod
B8: Emyn Beraid
B12: Exiles
B14: "Courage is found in unlikely places."
I16: Inglorion
I18: Friend of Hobbits
I21: Feasting Outdoors
I29: "The wide world is all about you ..."
I30: "Seldom have we had such delight in strangers ..."
N33: Traveling Companion
N38: Messenger
N39: "May Elbereth protect you!"
N43: "Speak no secrets!"
G47: Rivendell
G49: Singer of Songs
G54: Evading Black Riders
G55: "Elves seldom give unguarded advice, for advice is a dangerous gift ..."
G58: "... peril is now both before you and behind you ..."
O61: Meeting at Woody End
O67: Three is Company
O68: Palantir
O71: Sailing West
O75: "May the stars shine upon the end of your road."

96. G Is for Girl - new in 2019

B3: Galadriel
B6: Goddesses
B8: …Of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain
B10: Generational
B15: …Of Gondolin
I17: …Of Gondor
I19: Greedy
I25: Glóredhel
I28: Ghosts
I30: …Of the Green Dragon
N34: Guides
N37: …Of the Golden Hall
N39: Gifted
N45: Gamgees
G49: …Of the Glittering Caves
G53: Goldberry
G55: Gilwen
G58: …Of the Galadhrim
G60: Gumption
O62: …Of the Great Smials
O64: Globetrotters
O68: Gilmith
O71: Gilraen
O73: …Of the Grey Mountains

97. Glorfindel - new in 2019

B3: the balrog
B5: Imladris
B10: golden-haired
B13: Witch-king of Angmar
B15: silver-studded leather flask
I17: Asfaloth
I21: Nírnaeth Arnoediad
I22: celandine
I25: fearless and full of joy
I29: losing track of Aredhel
N33: House of the Golden Flower
N37: bells on his horse
N40: rebirth
N42: Tra-lal-la-lally?
G47: Gondolin
G51: Council of Elrond
G53: voice like music
G58: self sacrifice
G60: politics
O62: prophecies
O66: Battle of Fornost
O70: wisdom and strength
O72: mighty warrior
O73: most dearly beloved

98. Gondorian History

B4: Founding
B6: Isildur takes the Ring
B9: Isildur Dies
B11: Ostoher rebuilds Minas Anor
B15: Line of Ship-Kings begins
I17: Earnil I takes Umbar
I21: Hyarmendacil
I22: Kin-Strife
I27: Burning of Osgiliath
I29: Great Plague
N33: King’s House moved to Minas Anor
N36: Calimehtar
N42: Earnil II
N43: Fall of Minas Ithil
G48: Ruling Stewards
G49: Osgiliath ruined
G54: Rohirrim given Calenardhon
G56: Ecthelion I
G57: White Tree dies
O61: Thorongil serves
O61: Denethor
O68: War of the Ring
O71: Elessar
O72: The Fourth Age

99. Graphics - new in 2019

B6: a gifset
B8: color study
B9: featuring your OTP
B11: minimalism
B15: from the LotR movies
I18: 540 pixels by 540 pixels
I21: create a moodboard
I24: muted colors
I28: from the Silmarillion
I30: negative space
N31: constrasting colors
N38: your favorite quote
N42: illustrate a fanfic (please ask first!)
N43: pastel colors
G47: an edit
G49: from other sources
G52: bright colors
G53: use a template
G59: 540x225 pixels times 3
O63: from the Hobbit movies
O67: text-based
O69: featuring fancasts
O70: black and white
O75: a Tolkien quote

100. Here We Come A-Caroling

B2: "Hark, hear the bells!" -Carol of the Bells
B7: "tidings of comfort and joy" -God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
B10: "over the river and through the woods"
B11: "far as the curse is found" -Joy to the World
B13: "And they looked up and saw a star..." -The First Noel
I17: "Misfortune seemed his lot..." -Jingle Bells
I19: "those who sang creation's story" -Angels from the Realms of Glory
I22: "heedless of the wind and weather" -Deck the Halls
I24: "till morning is nigh" -Away in a Manger
I28: "kiss her once for me" -Holly Jolly Christmas
N32: "He sees you when you're sleeping..." -Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
N33: "You would even say it glows..." -Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
N34: "the hopes and fears of all the years" -O' Little Town of Bethlehem
N39: "if you really hold me tight" -Let It Snow
G47: "the triumph of the skies" -Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
G50: "a beautiful sight; we're happy tonight" -Winter Wonderland
G51: "Let's take the road before us..." -Sleigh Ride
G52: "a midnight clear" -It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
G54: "Haste, haste..." -What Child Is This?
O61: "if only in my dreams" -I'll Be Home For Christmas
O64: "if the Fates allow" -Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
O66: "breathes a life of gathering gloom" -We Three Kings
O68: "We won't go until we get some!" -We Wish You a Merry Christmas
O69: "All is calm, all is bright." -Silent Night

101. Hobbit Lasses - new in 2019

B2: Elanor Gardner
B3: Donnamira Took
B8: Diamond of Long Cleeve
B11: Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
B15: Primula Brandybuck
I19: Pervinca Took
I23: Farmer Maggot's Wife
I25: Bell Gamgee
I26: Esmeralda Took
I30: Angelica Took
N34: Lalia Clayhanger-Took
N35: Lily Brown
N37: Rosie Cotton
N43: Pearl Took
G46: Hobbit lasses going on adventures
G47: Fíriel Fairburn
G52: Pimpernel Took
G54: Mirabella Took
G59: The Fairy Wife Took
O62: Belladonna Took
O63: May Gamgee
O67: Estella Bolger
O72: Goldilocks Gardner
O74: Smeagol's Grandmother

102. Hobbits

All hobbits, all the time!
B1: The Origins of Hobbits
B7: The Settling of Buckland
B10: Deagol and Smeagol
B12: The Great Plague
B13: The Battle of Bywater
I16: The Settling of the Shire
I19: The First Thain
I20: First Encounter with a Wizard
I25: The Fallohides in Rhovanion
I27: The Battle of Greenfields
N32: The Tooks
N36: The Bagginses
N43: The Gamgees
N45: The Brandybucks
G46: Hobbits in the Bree-lands
G49: The Shire in the Fourth Age
G50: 1420 - The Great Year of Plenty
G59: Lotho Sackville-Baggins
G60: The Travellers' Wives
O63: The Fell Winter
O64: The Lockholes
O67: "When the King comes back"
O68: Sharkey
O75: 22 September

103. Horror

B1: Wraiths, wights, and ghosts
B5: In the stronghold of the Dark Lord
B7: Mazes and labyrinths
B11: Body horror
B12: Windows, mirrors, and statues
I16: Shapeshifters
I23: Wolves, wargs, and werewolves
I24: Human sacrifice
I26: Blood, bones, and body parts
I27: Eyes and mouths
N31: Darkness, fog, and shadows
N37: Madness and hallucinations
Free Space
N42: Horror crossover
N43: Spiders, flies, and maggots
G48: Chains, prisons, and torture
G49: Houseless spirits
G50: Abandoned ruins
G55: Puppets, dolls, and nursery rhymes
G59: Deep woods and water
O64: Psychological horror
O66: Cannibalism
O68: Footsteps and whispers
O72: Thuringwethil and other vampires
O75: Tombs and crypts

104. Hurt/Comfort

B1: pneumonia
B4: bronchitis
B6: chest cold
B11: influenza
B12: pneumothorax (collapsed lung)
I18: stomach flu
I19: heartburn
I24: invalid food
I27: liquid diet
I28: strengthening diet
N31: head cold
N36: sore throat
N38: ear infection
N42: toothache
G49: fluffy pillows
G50: warm blankets
G53: featherbed
G56: hot bath
G60: massage
O61: measles
O66: mumps
O72: chicken pox
O74: whooping-cough
O75: croup

105. Hurt/Comfort 2 - new in 2019

B3: Emotional constipation
B6: Bullying
B10: Don’t you dare let go
B12: Tragic misunderstanding
B14: New beginnings
I17: Suicide attempt
I18: Baby steps
I20: Permanent injury
I26: Catharsis
I30: Mental illness
N31: Flashbacks
N37: I thought you were dead
N39: Fear
N41: Lost and found
G48: Sacrifice
G49: Recovery
G53: Survivor’s Guilt
G57: Grief
G59: Taking one for the team
O63: Hopeful ending
O66: Nightmares
O69: Friendly fire
O71: Captivity
O75: It’s just a scratch

106. In a Manner of Speaking

To be taken literally or figuratively.
B2: Bump in the night
B4: Forever hold your peace
B5: Kiss it and make it better
B11: Hell or high water
B13: Home sweet home
I18: For pity's sake
I24: Shaking like a leaf
I26: Burst your bubble
I27: Blind as a bat
I28: Clear as mud
N31: Ways to skin a cat
N41: Yours truly
N44: Freeze your face off
N45: Spread like wildfire
G47: Starlight, star bright
G50: Silent as the grave
G52: The straw that broke the camel's back
G55: Cry me a river
G60: Just a bowl of cherries
O63: Line in the sand
O64: Scream bloody murder
O67: Skeletons in the closet
O70: Needle in a haystack
O71: Not all there

107. Injuries and Other Ailments

B4: Broken bone
B5: Bruised ribs
B9: Concussion
B11: Dislocated shoulder
B14: Twisted ankle
I18: Arrow wound
I19: Sword wound
I24: Bruise
I27: /just a/scratch
I29: Poison
N34: Burns
N37: Hypothermia
Free Space
N40: Cold/flu
N41: Tooth ache
G47: Bite wound
G51: Torture
G53: Shock
G56: Unconsciousness
G60: Fever
O62: Black breath
O63: Exhaustion
O67: Stomach ache
O70: Cough
O74: Internal injuries

108. In the Words of Shakespeare - new in 2019

B5: Prove, imagination, O, prove true
B10: Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs
B12: I come to bury Ceaser, not to praise him
B14: Love alters not where it alteration finds
B15: Exit, pursued by a bear
I19: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
I21: Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises ...
I22: O, why should wrath be mute, and fury dumb?
I23: I could have better spared a better man
I26: Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer
N34: Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown
N35: The lady doth protest too much
N38: Lord, what fools these mortals be!
N39: Beware, my lord, of jealousy ...
G46: For which of my bad parts didst thou first fall in love with me?
G50: Pardon's the word to all
G51: For he today that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother.
G58: As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods.
G59: A plague o' both your houses
O62: I love not the humour of bread and cheese
O64: Why, I can smile, and murder whiles I smile ...
O69: Out, damned spot!
O73: All the world's a stage ...
O74: My desolation does begin to make a better life.

109. In Your Dreams - new in 2019

B4: a dream come true
B7: from Ulmo to Turgon and Finrod
B8: loved ones who have passed on
B11: super weird
B14: shared dreams
I17: insufficient clothing
I21: the Black Breath
I23: I'm dying!
I28: deja vu
I30: Oh no! I forgotÉ
N31: nightmare
N33: dream within a dream
N37: talking in your sleep
N39: counting sheep
G48: X of your dreams
G54: being chased
G56: visions of the future
G59: someone pinch me
G60: the river in Mirkwood
O63: teeth falling out
O67: Irmo
O69: rude awakening
O73: the Great Wave
O75: can't get back to sleep

110. Keep It in the Family - new in 2019

B4: Maedhros x Maglor
B7: Nargothrond O4 (Celegorm x Curufin x Finrod x Orodreth)
B8: Aredhel x Celegorm
B9: Maedhros x Fingon
B13: Orodreth x Celebrimbor
I20: Finrod x Celebrimbor
I22: Fingolfin x Fëanor x Finarfin
I23: Manwë x Melkor
I26: Fëanor x Aredhel
I30: Fingolfin x Maedhros
N36: Fëanorian OT7
N42: Finrod x Curufin
N43: Fëanorian OT8
N45: Maedhros x Maglor x Fingon
G46: Turgon x Finrod
G51: Galadriel x Aredhel
G52: Finarfin x Fingolfin
G58: Caranthir x Finrod
G60: Finrod x Curufin
O61: Celegorm x Curufin
O63: Fëanor x Fingolfin
O67: Maedhros x Fingon x Finrod
O69: Fëanor x Finarfin
O73: Celegorm x Curufin x Finrod

111. Landscape

B2: Mountains
B7: Cliffs
B10: Mountain gap
B11: Volcano
B15: Glacier
I18: Hill
I19: River
I23: Swamp/marsh
I26: Brook/stream
I29: Forest
N32: Plain
N36: Cave
N40: Beach
N43: Cove
G46: Fjord
G47: River delta
G52: Boulder
G55: Rise
G57: Desert
O64: Sand dune
O67: Canyon
O71: Natural bridge
O73: Island
O74: Lake

112. Languages of Arda

B2: Iglishmêk
B3: Valarin
B7: learning a language
B11: Entish
B13: Sindarin
I17: Tengwar
I20: Orcish
I21: Rohirric
I22: Dunlending
I26: body language
N31: Taliska
N39: interpreter
Free Space
N40: Khuzdul
N45: Cirth
G47: Rhovanion
G50: Drûg
G54: Easterling
G56: speechless
G59: Adûnaic
O62: language barrier
O64: Westron (Common Speech)
O69: Black Speech of Mordor
O74: Haradrim
O75: Quenya

113. The Language of Flowers - new in 2019

Create a femslash fanwork featuring these plants and/or their meanings.
B3: green willow-- false love
B5: almond-- promise
B7: elderflower-- compassion
B10: rosemary-- remembrance
B13: lobelia-- malevolence
I19: celandine-- joys to come
I20: wisteria-- welcoming
I22: witch-hazel-- a magic spell
I23: buttercup-- riches
I27: laurel-- ambition, success
N32: hollyhock-- ambitions
N39: thistle-- nobility
N40: mint-- suspicion
N41: snowdrop-- consolation
G46: olive-- peace
G48: balsamine-- impatience
G50: pansy-- loverÕs thoughts
G51: iris-- good news
G55: cherry blossom-- transience of life
O61: carnation-- fascination
O65: wormwood-- absence
O68: gladiolus-- strength of character
O71: phlax-- harmony
O74: red rose-- true love

114. Last Lines

Use the last lines from these science fiction and fantasy novels as either the last line or as inspiration.
B3: I'll be right over… -Duane, A Wizard Alone
B4: Laughing, he ran to meet her. -Duane, Wizards at War
B6: There wouldn't be any decent wine, would there? --McCaffery, Masterharper
B10: We jumped. -Gould, Jumper
B13: I'd just make more tea. -Viehl, StarDoc
I17: We have work to do. -Pierce, Squire
I19: True stories never end. -Kerner, Song in the Silence
I23: All who seek to build in truth and memory shall find our way. -Slonczewski, Brain Plague
I26: I've been waiting a long time. -King, Firestarter
I30: When we reach the city. -Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451
N32: And realized that was all she ever really wanted. -Sanderson, Mistborn
N35: All was well. -Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
N41: I think that he is singing. -Kushner, Thomas the Rhymer
N42: I'm writing you a poem. -Dean, Tam Lin
G46: … anything could happen. -Duane, Omnitopia Dawn
G50: I wonder if she is as stubborn as I am. -Bertin, The Last Dragonlord
G53: His ladies would be waiting. -Bujold, The Curse of Chalion
G57: We'll think of something. -Zahn, Heir to the Empire
G59: I'll come with you. -Zahn, Vision of the Future
O63: South-south-west, south, south-east, east… -Huxle! y, Brave New World
O64: And the party got started. -Ridley, Those Who Walk in Darkness
O69: Nobody's perfect. -McCaffery and Scarborough, Powers That Be
O70: _____ was alive, but taken by the Enemy. -Tolkien, The Two Towers
O73: Well, I'm back. -Tolkien, Return of the King

115. The Late, Great Mary Oliver - new in 2019

B1: Instructions for living a life: pay attention, be astonished, tell about it.
B5: Joy is not made to be a crumb.
B12: Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are headed home again.
B13: She rows with her white arms through the dark water which she enjoys.
B15: I have become the friend of the enemy, whoever that is.
I18: I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I19: On one side is radiance; on another is an abyss.
I26: That's how we learn most everything in the world: love and imitation.
I28: The look on her face in a dream stayed with me all day.
I29: The poem is not the world. It isn't even the first page of the world.
N31: Teach the children.
N34: And there was a new voice, which you slowly recognized as your own.
N38: And probably everything is possible.
N39: ... makes me take measure of myself, one iota pondering heaven.
G49: Will the Earth turn as it was taught, and if not, how shall I correct it?
G54: And the runaway honeysuckle that no one will ever trim again.
G55: The heart, in those days, was small and hard and full of meanness.
G56: I stand in the cold kitchen, bowing down to her.
G58: And anyway, what's wrong with Maybe?
O63: There is a thing in me that dream of trees.
O66: We should take small, thoughtful steps. But bless us, we didn't.
O67: Bless touching.
O71: I'm letting all the voodoos of ambition sleep.
O72: If you have ever gone to the woods with me, I must love you very much.

116. Legendarium Curiosities - new in 2019

B1: The Mewlips
B4: Maglor's wandering
B7: The Drúedain
B11: Shapeshifting
IB14: Númenorean Flying Ships
I16: For all living creatures that are or have been [...] lived then in the land of Aman [É]
I17: Thuringwethil and other Vampires
I18: Osanwë-Kenta
I19: Talking Animals
121: Barrow-wights
N31: [...]there were also many other creatures that have not been seen upon Middle-earth, and perhaps now never shall be[...] (Of Eldamar)
N34: The Wild Were-worms of the Last Desert
N39: The Bëornings
N40: The Sleep of Yavanna
G46: Interspecies Offspring
G48: The Avari
G53: The Vanished Entwives
G58: Houseless Elves
G60: Glorfindel
O64: Tom Bombadil
O65: Foresight and Prophecies
O69: Stone-giants
O74: Ungoliant
O75: The Blue Wizards

117. Let's Get Meta!

Kindly ask permission when referencing another author's work. :)
B3: If [insert canon work] took place in the present day
B6: If [insert canon work] took place during World War I or II
B8: If [insert canon work] took place during the 19th century
B12: A gapfiller to one of your own fanworks
B15: A gapfiller to another author’s fanwork
I16: 5 interview questions you’d like to ask a canon character (answer for them—extra kudos if they get annoyed with you)
I19: 5 interview questions for another fan author (send it to them—no extra kudos for being annoying)
I24: If [insert famous author] wrote LotR/Silm/UT/etc
I27: If Tolkien wrote [insert famous literary work here]
I28: Borrow another author’s OC
N31: Create a music playlist to accompany a canon scene or event
N35: Create a music playlist to accompany another author’s fanwork
N40: A sequel/prequel to one of your own fanworks
N44: A sequel/prequel to another author’s fanwork
G47: Tolkien meets one of his own characters. What do they talk about?
G51: Tolkien reviews one of your fanworks. Is he pleased? Amused? Utterly horrified?
G52: A character reviews a fanwork you’ve done about them. Are they pleased? Amused? Utterly horrified?
G56: What's in your head canon?
G60: Identify a comm on fanon assumption and go against it.
O62: Crossover!
O63: Death to Mary Sue!
O66: Mary Sue lives!
O71: An AU for a fanwork you’ve written (extra kudos if the original is already an AU).
O74: An AU for another author’s fanwork (extra kudos if the original is already an AU).

118. Life Events

B1: Birth
B4: Death
B10: Sex
B12: Vacation/Holiday
B13: New friendship
I16: Betrothal
I18: Old age
I21: Pregnancy
I23: New job
I28: Separation from family
N33: Childhood
N34: Change in leadership/new boss
N38: Loss of friendship
N42: Changing beliefs
G48: New pet
G50: Marriage
G53: Serious illness or injury
G54: New romantic relationship
G57: Leaving home
O64: Adulthood
O66: First kiss
O69: New home/moving
O71: Puberty
O74: Family Problems

119. The Lord and Lady of Imladris - new in 2019

A card of prompts for Elrond/Celebrían
B2: Master and Mistress of the Manor
B4: When your relative and in-laws are ALL dramatic
B7: Behind closed doors
B13: When Maglor comes to visit
B14: Love letters
I19: Raising twins
I20: Loneliness of separation
I24: Dealing with house guests
I26: Making difficult decisions
I30: Their son
N31: Romantic getaways in Imladris (known only to them)
N36: Parenting styles
N42: Host and Hostess of the Hall of Fire
N44: Happiest day of their lives
G48: Reunion in Valinor
G49: Preparing and sharing meals together
G54: Raising Arwen
G55: Celebrations in Imladris
G57: First kiss
O63: Shared interests
O65: When you’re already related to your in-laws
O67: When they visit Lothlórien
O68: Stocking the apothecary
O75: Gift giving

120. Love in Middle-earth

B1: Love at first sight
B5: Star-crossed lovers
B7: "And though in all lands, love is now mingled with grief, it still grows, perhaps, the greater."
B10: Across all the ages of Arda
B12: "Go whither love leads you; yet beware!"
I18: Unconditional love
I19: "Love not too well the work of thy hands, nor the devices of thy heart"
I23: Love-hate relationship
I27: "He believed that he must now say farewell to both love and light."
I30: Boon companions
N36: "Yet between the brothers there was great love"
N38: A mother's love
N43: Unrequited love
N45: "I love him. He's like that, and sometimes it shines through, somehow. But I love him, whether or no."
G48: Love triangle
G51: "...torn between his oath and his love..."
G54: A broken heart
G55: Eros
G59: "And love grew after between them, as little might be thought"
O61: Puppy love
O65: A father's love
O68: "...they loved the woods and the riversides..."
O71: "He loved him greatly: too much perhaps; and the more so because they were unlike"
O74: Soul mates

121. Lyrics and Poetry - new in 2019

B3: I could be your morning sunrise (Mary Lambert)
B8: Some say a fleet of ships is the loveliest sight on this dark earth; but I say it is whatever you desire (Sappho)
B11: your goodbye is a promise of lightning in the last angels hand unwelcome and warning (Audre Lorde)
B14: Love until we burn up (Hayley Kiyoko)
B15: You're touching me like you have no desire for closure (the xx)
I18: She's beautiful. I dream about her in my attic bed; picture her dancing (Carol Ann Duffy)
I22: I want a woman's wit swift as a fox (Joan Larkin)
I23: Here comes the spark before the dark, come a little closer. The lights are off and the sun finally setting (Tegan and Sara)
I26: The lines of you were the closest thing to holy I'd ever heard (Andrea Gibson)
I29: I'm searchin for something that I canÕt reach (Halsey)
N35: And all my swords have turned to words that blow like poems in the wind (Indigo Girls)
N38: We are the universe We float indifferently but louder than the rest (K's Choice)
N44: But the rain is full of ghosts tonight (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
N45: Curtains forcing their will against the wind, children sleep, exchanging dreams with seraphim (Maya Angelou)
G49: And I am left, standing with your face in my hands like a mirror (Cherrie L. Moraga)
G52: When you came you were like red wine and honey (Amy Lowell)
G55: The petals reach inward the blue tips bend towar the bluer heart and the flowers are lost (H.D.)
G58: You wanna ouch me but there's too much history (Shura)
G60: Will you walk with me to where the light is more calm and be in me where the seas heave (Suniti Namjoshi)
O64: Bring wings to the weak and bring grace to the strong May all evil stumble as it flies in the world (Janelle Monáe)
O66: I sing for love, I sing for me I'll shout it out like a bird set free (Sia)
O70: You were the first person on Earth (Tracey Chapman)
O73: Let me find you and the son (forever) between us (Eloise Klein Healy)
O74: And I said Venice And you heard Vegas But now I say either way let's go (Ani DiFranco)

122. Magic and Real

May the titles of these Latin American novels, short stories and one rock song inspire you!
B1: A Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
B6: The Kingdom of this World - Alejo Carpentier
B9: Tales of Love, Madness and Death - Horacio Quiroga
B14: The Immortal - Jorge Luis Borges
B15: Broad and Alien is the World - Ciro Alegria
I18: The Poisons - Julio Cortazar
I20: Girl (Paper Eyes) - Luis Alberto Spinetta
I24: Sad, Lonely and Final - Osvaldo Soriano
I25: Man on the Pink Corner - Jorge Luis Borges
I30: The War of the End of the World - Mario Vargas Llosa
N33: The Seven Madmen - Roberto Arlt
N35: A Universal History of Infamy - Jorge Luis Borges
N36: The House of Spirits - Isabel Allende
N38: Autumn of the Patriarch - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
G48: The Tunnel - Ernesto Sabato
G51: Hopscotch - Julio Cortazar
G53: The Garden of Forking Paths - Jorge Luis Borges
G55: The Secret Weapons - Julio Cortazar
G57: The Burning Plain - Juan Rulfo
O61: The Book of Sand - Jorge Luis Borges
O67: Chronicle of a Death Foretold - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
O71: End of the Game - Julio Cortazar
O73: On Heroes and Tombs - Ernesto Sabato
O75: The Feather Pillow - Horacio Quiroga

123. Maglor in History 1

B1: The launching of Sputnik
B4: Construction of the Pyramids
B9: The reign of Henry VIII
B10: The One Ring is destroyed
B14: The death of Caesar
I19: The French Revolution
I21: The Vietnam War
I23: The Beatles
I28: The Roaring 20s
I29: Creation of the Silk Road
N32: The Harlem Renaissance
N36: Hundred Years War
N39: Rome falls
N43: Galileo and heliocentrism
G47: The Vikings invade Britain
G50: First flight by the Wright brothers
G53: The Black Plague
G59: The Battle of Hastings
G60: The World Wars
O62: The Titanic sinks
O65: The Fall of Numenor
O68: The Manhattan project
O72: Mongol Invasion
O74: The New World is discovered

124. Maglor in History 2

B1: Rome
B2: The First Crusade
B4: Baroque period
B10: Napoleon conquers Europe
B13: The Cold War
I19: Age of discovery
I22: Sturm und Drang
I25: The Zulu kingdom
I28: The Trojan War
I29: Travels of Marco Polo
N34: Fin de Siècle
N38: End of Qing dynasty
N39: Charlemagne
N45: Fall of Constantinople
G47: Unification of Japan
G51: Travels of Captain Cook
G54: The Great Depression
G57: Spread of Buddhism
G58: Italian Renaissance
O63: Reformation
O66: The East India Company
O69: 2012
O70: Alexander the Great
O71: Rise of Islam

125. Maglor Through History - new in 2019

B1: 2019
B2: The Trier Witch Trials
B4: The construction of Numenorean havens in Middle-earth
B7: The settlement of Sumer
B9: The rise of the Tang dynasty
I17: The Kingdom of Dumnonia
I20: Imperial Russia
I24: 1980s glam rock scene
I129: The Fourth Age
I30: Phoenician Traders
N33: Paleolithic Europe
N37: The depopulation of Malta
N43: The invention of the piano
N44: America between the World Wars
G48: The death of Gil-galad
G50: The Swinging Sixties
G51: Magna Carta
G55: Minoan Crete
G57: The eruption of Vesuvius
O63: The Industrial Revolution
O66: The English Civil War
O67: Sauron returns to Mordor
O70: The Athenian Empire
O74: Waterloo

126. March 3019, T.A.

B3: March 1st: Faramir prepares to leave Minas Tirith
B6: March 16th: Shagrat en route to Barad-dûr
B7: March 15th: Battle under the trees in Mirkwood
B8: March 14th: Aragorn’s fleet heads north
B15: March 13th: The Púkel-Men hold a council
I18: March 2nd: Second Battle of the Fords of Isen
I20: March 17th: The Battle of Dale
I21: March 24th: The Mouth of Sauron receives his instructions
I27: March 23rd: One of the “faint-hearted”
I30: March 12th: The Ents defeat the invaders of Rohan
N32: March 3rd: The destruction of Isengard
N36: March 18th: The orc companies march to Udûn
N42: March 22nd: Third assault on Lórien
N44: March 11th: Gollum visits Shelob
G46: March 4th: Inside Orthanc
G52: March 19th: War in the North
G53: March 20th: Gollum in Mordor
G56: March 21st: The siege of Erebor
G60: March 10th: The Dawnless Day – in the North, South, or East
O62: March 5th: The Dúnedain ride through Rohan
O65: March 6th: The Haradrim in Ithilien
O68: March 7th: Denethor and the palantír
O72: March 8th: The Dead receive their summons
O74: March 9th: The Fall of Cair Andros

127. Mary Oliver (1935-2009) - new in 2019

B1: emperor for a minute
B5: beautiful and accurate
B7: Wild geese
B11: the rumpled sea
B13: idle and blessed
I19: an oracular fever
I22: crumbling damply
I23: this grasshopper
I26: a shrill dark music
I29: the owned, tilled earth
N32: grass-stained muzzle
N35: you do not have to be good
N36: the unfailing trees
N45: citizen of this fallen city
G49: momentary pleasures
G51: light wrapping itself around us
G53: his hands over his eyes
G55: perfect imperial distance
G59: reckless blossoms of weeds
O62: rapturous mistake
O65: clear pebbles of rain
O68: perfect commotion of silk
O73: listen better to the wind
O75: rich spiced residues

128. Mirkwood's Favorite Son

B2: Legolas for the Elves (the Fellowship)
B3: Legolas and Haldir
B10: An Elf for all seasons
B13: Legolas and his father
B14: Youngest/Oldest of Thranduil's children
I20: Dutiful son
I22: Legolas, tall as a young tree, wielder of a great war bow
I23: Legolas and the twins
I29: Legolas and Mary Sue
I30: Legolas and his mother
N33: Great Elf or the Greatest Elf?
N37: Dwarf-friend
N38: Book Legolas
N45: Legolas doesn't sail (AU)
G48: Legolas sails
G51: Archer
G52: Legolas the Sinda
G54: Legolas in Rohan
G55: Movie Legolas
O64: Legolas and Aragorn
O67: Nazgul's bane
O68: The Ringo of the Fellowship
O73: Hunter vs. Warrior
O74: Legolas the Silvan

129. Mirkwood the Great

Create a piece of fanwork featuring Greenwood the Great/Mirkwood or a resident thereof.
B2: Diplomacy
B5: Family heirloom
B10: Birth
B11: Wine
B13: A challenge
I18: Leisure Time
I19: Dawning evil
I23: Art
I29: Dwarves
I30: Bad weather
N31: To war!
N34: Hunting
N40: Trade
N44: Visitors
G48: Spider
G50: Enchanted water
G51: Celebration
G57: The king
G59: Misunderstanding
O64: Strange customs
O66: Jewelry
O68: Food
O71: Death
O74: Deer

130. Mister E: The Mysteries of Erestor - new in 2019

The mysteries of Erestor
B2: How does he become Elrond’s Cheif Counsellor?
B4: How long has he lived in Rivendell?
B8: Is he married or in a relationship?
B12: What was he doing in the Second Age?
B14: Why didn’t he want to destroy the Ring?
I16: How does he know Tom Bombadil?
I18: What does his name mean?
I23: Does he have any children?
I27: How did he come to be in Middle-earth?
I28: Why did Tolkien write him out of the fellowship?
N31: Does he sail to Valinor?
N32: Who were his parents?
N35: Has he fought in any of the wars?
N38: How did he feel about being proven wrong when the Ring was destroyed?
G46: What was he doing in the First Age?
G50: Does he have any siblings?
G52: What is his occupation?
G56: Who are his friends and allies?
G59: Does he like solving riddles?
O61: What color is his hair?
O64: Is he kin of Elrond?
O69: What are his hobbies?
O71: Is he Noldorin, Sindarin, or …?
O74: Who is his nemesis?

131. Moodboards - new in 2019

B2: ending of an Age
B5: green
B8: belonging
B9: purple
B11: favorite quote
I16: battle
I17: yellow
I22: family
I26: brown
I27: favorite character
N33: home
N37: red
N43: black
N45: favorite friendship
G47: adventure
G50: blue
G53: pride
G54: grey
G59: favorite ship
O62: journey
O65: white
O69: change
O74: orange
O75: favorite setting

132. Moriquendi - new in 2019

B3: Avari Languages
B4: Relations and Trade with the Dwarves
B7: Nurwe
B8: The Hwenti
B11: Moriquendi after the First Age
I16: The Penni
I17: The Sundering of the Elves
I22: The Sindar
I27: In Cuivienen
I28: The Kinn-lai
N32: Moriquendi Customs and Rituals
N35: The Kindi
N43: Relations and Trade with the Race of Men
N44: The Orcs Descended from Captured Avari
G47: The Nandor
G49: Morwe
G54: Laws and Beliefs of the Avari
G55: The Cuind
G57: The Laiquendi
O62: Relations and Trade with the Calaquendi
O65: Battles with Morgoth
O69: The Windan
O71: Avari Naming Conventions
O72: Relations between Moriquendi Tribes

133. Mortal Women - new in 2019

B1: Haleth
B4: Theodwyn
B5: Aerin
B10: Vidumavi
B12: Tar-Míriel
I16: Gilraen
I17: Queen Berúthiel
I18: Almarian
I24: Ioreth
I29: Nienor
N31: Tar-Telperiën
N35: Elfhild
N40: Silmariën
N41: Morwen of Gondor
G48: Rían of Dol-lómin
G49: Erendis
G53: Ivorwen
G56: Éowyn
G57: Emeldir
O62: Finduilas of Dol Amroth
O65: Lalaith
O66: Fíriel of Gondor
O70: Andreth
O71: Lothíriel

134. Movie Quotes - new in 2019

B2: I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
B4: He’s not as tought as he thinks! Neither are we.
B9: Just because something works doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.
B10: What are you afraid of, a fate worse than death? No, just death.
Isn’t that bad enough?
B14: Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
I16: I am your father.
I23: I don’t want to survive. I want to live.
I24: I can do this all day.
I25: I have got to get me one of these!
I29: I’ll explain, and I’ll use small words so that you’d be sure you
understand, you warthog-faced buffoon.
N34: Do. Or do not. There is no try.
N35: To infinity and beyond!
N40: Run away!
N43: Have fun storming the castle!
G47: Judge me by my size, do you?
G50: Pay no attention to the man behind that curtain!
G52: What percentage of a plan do you have?
G56: Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here. This is the war room!
G60: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
O61: That’s how we’re gonna win. Not fighting what we hate. Saving what we love.
O67: This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
O68: Don’t do anything I would do, and definitely don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. There’s a little gray area in there, and that’s where you operate.
O72: Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.
O74: Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.

135. The Noldor - new in 2019

“The Teleri on their side asserted that most of the Noldor in Aman itself were in heart Avari, and returned to Middle-earth when they discovered their mistake; they needed room to quarrel in.” B2: in Cuiviénen
B6: the Great Journey
B7: building Tirion
B11: friendship with the Teleri
B14: noontide of Valinor
I18: Finwë
I19: Míriel Þerindë
I24: Indis
128: Fëanor
I29: Nolofinwë (Fingolfin)
N31: Doom of Manwë
N32: Darkening of Valinor
N41: Flight of the Noldor
N43: Kinslayings
G48: Findis
G52: Lalwen
G53: Eldalótë
G56: Nerdanel
G57: Anarië
O63: Rúmil
O67: Sarati and Tengwar
O70: Mahtan
O74: Palantíri
O75: in Beleriand

136. NSFW and Kinks - new in 2019

B3: Sex pollen
B5: Orgasm delay/denial
B12: Toys
B13: Begging
B15: Lingerie
I17: Bondage
I24: Exhibitionism
I25: Discipline
I29: Loyalty kink
I30: Cuddling
N31: Breathplay
N32: D/s
N35: Fantasies
N43: Foreplay
G48: Body worship
G50: Vanilla
G53: Bathing
G54: First times
G58: Comfort sex
O67: Oral sex
O68: Striptease
O70: Morning sex
O73: Gags
O74: Blindfolds

137. Numenor - new in 2019

B3: Elenna
B6: Elros
B7: Meneltarma
B12: Nimloth
B15: Adunaic
I16: Elendil
I20: Meneldur
I23: Aldarion
I28: Ministir
I29: Palantir
N33: Ancalimë
N36: Telperiën
N42: Vanimeldë
N44: Míriel
G49: Andúnië
G50: Vinyalond‘
G53: Rómenna
G56: Eldalondë
G57: Armenelos
O61: Ciryatan
O65: King's Men
O66: Sauron
O68: Ar-Pharazôn
O72: Downfall

138. Occupations

B3: ostler
B6: cartwright
B7: blacksmith
B10: scribe
B12: rat catcher
I17: ferryman
I22: apothecary
I25: midwife
I27: miller
I28: baker
N31: alewife
N36: bard
N40: dairymaid
N42: stonecutter
G47: cordwainer
G50: draper
G53: dressmaker
G57: spinner
G59: weaver
O61: illuminator
O62: bladesmith
O69: butcher
O72: cook
O75: chandler

139. Off the Map's Edge

People we don't know, places we've not gone, perspectives we've not occupied
B3: Be there dragons here: Cold drakes
B7: Scatha
B10: Fell beast
B11: The Black Serpent of Harad
B14: The Were-worms of the Last Desert
I16: In transit: The great journeys of the Guild of Venturers
I21: The rides of Oromë
I23: Anyone Going Where the Stars Are Strange To Them
I27: The flight of the Stoors
I28: The journey home of the descendents of Ulfang
N34: Sir-Not-Appearing-In-These-Tales: The Ironfists, Stiffbeards, Blacklocks, or Stonefoots
N37: The Skin-changers
N42: The Forodwaith
N45: The peoples of Dorwinion
G46: Good lands, gone missing: Almaren
G50: Hildorian
G54: The Orocarni
G59: The Land of the Sun
G60: The Dark Land
O63: Our others, ourselves: The Wainrider Confederacy
O64: The Variags of Khand
O65: The Petty Dwarves
O70: The Dunlendings
O72: The Balrogs

140. Of The Sea

B1: Waves
B2: Beach/Coast
B6: Inlet
B10: Rivermouth
B11: Currents
I18: Corals
I22: Seaweed
I25: Fishes
I28: Pearl
I30: Mangrove
N33: Storm
N35: Island
N43: Underwater Cave
N45: Trench
G47: Lighthouse
G51: Vessels (ship, boat, etc)
G54: Fisherman
G55: Beach/Coast-guard
G57: Fishing-net
O63: Harbour
O65: Sailor
O69: Bay
O72: Cape
O74: Whirlpool

141. Opposites Attract - new in 2019

B2: a warrior/a healer
B5: a noble lady/a handmaiden
B7: a scholar/an artist
B12: political enemies
B13: a widow/a spinster
I19: a sailor/a shepherdess
I24: a country woman/a city woman
I26: a guard/a prisoner
I28: a writer/a swordswoman
I30: an immortal/a mortal
N35: a wealthy woman/a pauper
N37: a grump/a ray of sunshine
N42: women from different cultures
N43: a musician/a visual artist
G48: butch/femme
G51: a villain/a heroine
G54: a May/December romance
G56: rivals
G59: shy/confident
O63: a loner/a social butterfly
O66: naive/experienced
O67: optimist/pessimist
O71: reckless/cautious
O73: star-crossed lovers

142. Original Characters - new in 2019

B1: faithful Fëanorian followers
B2: a Maia of Irmo
B6: Second Age Dwarves
B7: the Northmen of Rhovanion
B11: a Houseless Elf
I19 a member of the Guild of Venturers
I20: Fallohide Hobbits
I22: Vanyar
I25: the Unbegotten
I29: a jewelsmith
N33: a spy
N37: the Line of Dol Amroth
N38: the Lossoth
N39: Wainriders
G46: a Balrog
G48: animal companions
G52: an Orc
G56: a trader from Umbar
G60: the Dunlendings
O61: a servant
O63: Nandor
O66: a Petty-dwarf
O72: rebels against Sauron in the East
O73: a "treeish" Ent

143. Pairings - new in 2019

B1: Elf/Elf
B5: Hobbit/Ainu
B8: Human/Dwarf
B13: Ainu/Ainu
B15: Elf/Hobbit
I17: Canon character/OFC
I20: Dwarf/Dwarf
I24: Your OTP
I27: Textual Ghosts
I29: An Aromantic Pairing
N33: Human/Hobbit
N36: Elf/Human
N37: Hobbit/Hobbit
N38: Dwarf/Ainu
G49: Enemies
G51: Human/Ainu
G59: Elf/Dwarf
G60: Human/Human
O62: Dwarf/Hobbit
O64: An Asexual Pairing
O68: Elf/Ainu
O69: A Poly Relationship
O73: Other Creatures

144. Palettes - new in 2019

Use the palettes in a piece of art. They are given in hex codes.
B1: #2F1847, #624763, #C62E65, #F9B3D1, #D63AF9
B2: #DA2C38, #226F54, #87C38F, #F4F0BB, #43291F
B3: #0A0908, #49111C, #F2F4F3, #A9927D, #5E503F
B10: #EAEAEA, #CBC5EA, #73628A, #313D5A, #183642
B12: #FFD275, #E8AE68, #A57F60, #E3A587, #DB5A42
I19: #166B9D, #92BE54, #FEC31A, #91CCE7, #1B155B
I23: #042A03, #443522, #525432, #776C1D, #658725
I25: #F4C965, #DDC481, #CBB37F, #FAE894, #E8DA61
I27: #D96448, #E8DDD9, #222222, #272727, #4E2C3D
I28: #DE9A1B, #2961DC, #0E153F, #FA9E4B, #D45119
N33: #8E8D90, #CA2C1D, #F7E4B7, #3E0C09, #0A0C0D
N37: #3F291E, #221E1B, #E28800, #2D2C28, #BDC2C6
N38: #F3F675, #F8BE74, #EC9C3B, #98ED37, #77BE20
N39: #14EFD8, #44BBAE, #1F9A8D, #CEEDEA, #506B68
G47: #FBF4EC, #D3CAB9, #998E78, #242424, #171A1F
G50: #04090F, #0A0B1B, #00A241, #0D4D34, #262B47
G54: #E6D64F, #F42E45, #FD7E21, #362575, #78245F
G55: #9498BB, #CB945C, #6181A7, #C5C5E1, #7D7D9F
G59: #B44C29, #440000, #EE6666, #FFBBBB, #441100
O64: #270303, #C1342D, #D81208, #E8480F, #810B05
O68: #FBA104, #0B9E7A, #B53AB4, #D01895, #075643
O72: #505050, #0F0F0F, #EFEFEF, #FFC4AA, #B9B9B9
O74: #FF4907, #FF8A0F, #F1D10F, #988E00, #3D4104
O75: #0F7AB0, #FCD2A0, #8BCEF8, #8BB0A9, #F7ECBF

145. Person vs. Nature - new in 2019

B1: finding food
B4: mud and muck
B5: the ocean
B12: poisonous/venomous things
B15: caught out in bad weather
I17: animal encounter
I23: bugs, snakes, and other creepy-crawlies
I25: your character gets filthy or muddy
I27: strange sounds in the night
I30: a forest or jungle
N33: your character gets hurt
N36: difficult terrain
N42: a river
N43: caves, crevassed, and other creepy places
G48: a mountain or mountains
G50: your character gets lost
G51: finding water
G53: extreme temperatures
G57: finding/building a shelter
O62: afraid of heights
O68: a desert
O69: natural disasters
O73: finding a place to sleep
075: your character falls into water

146. Person vs. Self - new in 2019

B3: stage fright
B8: deep secrets
B9: “I won’t let YOU define me.”
B11: overcoming disappointment
B14: crippled by worry
I16: peer pressure
I20: overcoming my past
I21: taking a stand
I22: facing your fears
I24: making tough choices
N32: doing the right thing (when it’s really hard)
N37: test anxiety
N44: self-doubt
N45: overcoming trauma
G46: willpower
G47: conflicting loyalty
G52: “I don’t believe in myself.”
G59: my secret self
G60: mental illness
O61: mastering my emotions
O64: fear of failure
O65: meeting goals (especially the hard ones)
O70: habits and addictions
O74: “I’m my own worst enemy.”

147. Poetic Forms (poetry)

B3: villanelle
B7: haiku
B8: drabble poem
B13: free verse
B15: alliterative verse
I16: limerick
I17: sestina
I24: elegy
I26: rondeau
I29: ghazal
N31: acrostic
N34: found poem
N37: ekphrasis
N42: pastoral
G49: haibun
G52: prose poem
G54: pantoum
G55: ballad
G59: cinquain
O61: anaphora
O64: sapphic
O67: sonnet
O70: tanka
O75: triolet

148. Poetic Language

B2: Allegory
B6: Hyperbole
B8: Metonymy
B11: Simile
B15: Connotation
I17: Alliteration
I23: Imagery
I24: Onomatopoeia
I25: Symbolism
I29: Denotation
N31: Assonance
N32: Irony
N39: Personification
N42: Synecdoche
G46: Exposition
G47: Dialogue
G51: Literal
G55: Rhyme
G59: Theme
O63: Setting
O67: Foreshadowing
O70: Metaphor
O72: Rhythm
O74: Understatement

149. Powers and Underpowers

On the Subject of ...
B1: Aulë: cursed creations
B6: Estë: warrior doubling as healer
B7: Irmo (Lórien): nightmare
B12: Manwë: Thorondor aiding Maedhros and Fingon (assuming Thorondor worked on his own volition at that time)
B15: Námo (Mandos): fear of the dead/ghost
I17: Nessa: the hunting and consumption of deer
I25: Nienna: weepy, whimpy
I26: Oromë: Ents
I29: Tulkas: arms and army
I30: Ulmo: betrayal of Ossë
N32: Vairë: tapestries woven by children's hands (early ages or modern era)
N35: Vána: the Everyoung (her title)
N39: Varda: Black Hole
N40: Yavanna: Taur nar Fuin (the Forest under Nightshade)
G51: Melkor/Morgoth: the end of the world
G54: Sauron: Celebrimbor's "betrayal"
G56: Saruman/Curumo: knowledge+power=. . .?
G58: Thuringwethil: real, common bats
G60: Balrog(s): defeated by the defeatable (any age, any person; from Ecthelion and Glorfindel to Gandalf)
O63: Arien: scorching flame (literally)
O65: Tillion: the phrase "mooning over somebody"
O66: Ossë: the last Gondolin ship he had to drown (seeing that of the ship, Voronwë was a kin of Círdan)
O70: Melian: meeting survivors of Doriath after her flight to Valinor
O74: Ilmarë: Outshone by li’l bro? (assuming that Eönwë is younger than she)

150. Powers of the World

This card is meant to challenge us to write beyond the idea that the Valar largely withdraw from the world after the Breaking.
B2: Nienna: The genocide of the Petty-Dwarves by the Sindar
B5: Nienna: The genocide of the Druédain by the Rohirrim
B8: Nienna: Galadriel and the Teleri of Alqualondë
B12: Nienna: Robin Smallburrow and the Tooks concerning the Occupation
B14: Nienna: Aulë and the Dwarves of Belegost and Nogrod
I16: Ulmo: To Mariners of Numenor at the breaking of the world
I19: Ulmo: In the storm with King Arvedui
I23: Ulmo: Upon the Helcaraxe beneath the Noldor
I25: Ulmo: At the Battle of Unnumbered Tears
I28: Ulmo: Meets the Dwarves at Kheled-zaram
N33: Vána: juxtaposed with "In the juvescence of the year came Christ the tiger"
N34: Estë: juxtaposed with "Horror carries out the condemnation to perpetual reality"
N40: Irmo: juxtaposed with "My silent heart, lie still and break: /Life, and the world, and mine own self, are changed/For a dream's sake"
N43: Tulkas: juxtaposed with "'We have invented happiness,' say the last men, and they blink."
G47: Yavanna: Lotho goes down to the greenwood side...
G49: Yavanna: A merchant of Dorwinion comes before the tree at the Hill of Shang...
G52: Yavanna: In Eriador's untilled garden, Elendil meets the reaper...
G55: Yavanna: Kementári fights the Dark Lord...
G60: Yavanna: Radagast among the weeds...
O61: Oromë: ... against the Dark Rider
O64: Oromë: ... meets the Beornings
O65: Oromë: ... among the Wainriders
O68: Oromë: ... makes the horses of Rhovanion
O69: Oromë: ... hunter of the ages

151. Quenya and Sindarin

Create fanworks centered around these words and their definitions. (Quenya from Ardalambion, Sindarin from Hiswelóke.)
B1: Úmanyar ("those not of Aman," Elves who did not reach the Blessed Realm (but did leave Cuiviénen with the intention of going there)
B2: Elanor (a flower, a kind of enlarged pimpernel bearing golden and silver flowers)
B8: Ósanwë ("interchange of thought", "communication of thought", i.e. telepathy)
B10: Nothlir (family line (esp. as family tree, genealogical tree)
B15: Tancol ("Signifer", "the significant star" = Venus. The literal meaning is apparently *”sign-bearer”)
I16: Tarlanc (stiff-necked, obstinate)
I17: Telma ("a conclusion, anything used to finish off a work or affair", often applied to the last item in a structure, such as a coping-stone, or a topmost pinnacle)
I19: Linnod (a chant of a certain metrical type, where each (half-)verse is composed of seven syllables)
I23: Kuivië-Lankassë (literally 'on the brink of life', of a perilous situation in which one is likely to fall into death)
I30: Paur (“fist, hand”, its chief use was in reference of the tighly closed hand, as in using an implement or a craft-tool, rather than to the fist used in punching)
N32: Omentië ("meeting" [meeting or junction of the directions of two people])
N33: Urug (“Orc” [rarely used], arch. "bogey", anything that caused fear to the Elves, any dubious shape or shadow, or prowling creature)
N39: Gûl (magic lore, long study [being used mostly of secret knowledge, especially such as possessed by artificers who made wonderful things])
N41: Hyarmen ("south”, literally, “lefthand-direction”, since the Elves named the directions as they were to a person facing the Blessed Realm in the West)
G46: Mindon (isolated hill, especially a hill with a watchtower, by extension, tower)
G47: Loiquetë ("a mistake in speech")
G54: Estel (hope, trust, a temper of mind, steady fixed in purpose, and difficult to dissuade and unlikely to fall into despair or abandon its purpose)
G59: Tyenya (“My tye” [tye being an intimate form of “you”], used = “dear kinsman”)
G60: Ost (city, town with wall round, citadel, fortress or stronghold, made or strenghtened by art)
O61: Hrávani (“the Wild, Wild-Men, Savages", used as a name of non-Edain Men)
O62: Imrath (long narrow valley with a road or watercourse running through it lengthwise)
O68: Astarmo (“bystander”, mainly used in the sense of “witness”)
O70: Úthaes (inducement to do wrong, temptation)
O74: Návatar (a title of Aulë referring to his position as the immediate author of the Dwarvish race)

152. Rangers of the North

B4: Gilraen
B5: Lake Nenuial
B9: Eriador
B14: The Grey Company
B15: Annúminas
I16: Halbarad
I17: Ivorwen
I21: Fornost
I23: Bree
I24: Arathorn
N34: Aragorn
N36: Dú­rhael
N40: The Shire
N44: Rivendell
G46: Star of the Dúnedain
G52: Trackers
G53: Roheryn
G58: Shards of Narsil
G59: Aranarth
O62: Arador
O64: Protectors
O67: Sceptre of Annúminas
O68: Fell Winter
O71: Weathertop

153. Rare Characters

B6: Eru Ilúvatar
B8: The Daughters of Finwë and Indis
B9: Rían
B12: Annael
B13: Meleth of Gondolin
I19: Ancalagon the Black
I20: Old Man Willow
I27: Castamir the Usurper
I28: Marcho and Blanco
I30: Imrâzor and Mithrellas
N32: Landroval
N37: Queen Berúthiel
Free Space
N39: Dís Daughte of Thráin
N41: Morwen Steelsheen
G48: Alatar and Pallando
G49: Trotter
G53: Barliman Butterbur
G59: The Watcher in the Water
G60: Ioreth
O65: Ghân-buri-Ghân
O66: The Daughters of Aragorn and Arwen
O69: Ecthelion II of Gondor
O73: Rúmil the Sage
O75: Bandobras "Bullroarer" Took

154. Rare Characters - new in 2019

At the time of card creation, these characters were tagged in fewer than 25 fics on AO3. Let's change that!
B3: Gilmith
B4: Quennar i Onótimo
B5: Enerdhil
B8: Telchar
B9: Vidumavi
I16: Ithilbor
I21: Scatha
I24: Hiril of the House of Haleth
I28: Oromendil
I30: Arahael
N32: Lindissë
N34: Nahar
N41: Eilinel
N43: Carc
G49: the Stone Giants
G53: Beechbone
G55: Salmar
G57: Makar and Meássë
G58: Bard II
O62: Meneldor
O65: Lalia Clayhanger
O70: the Silent Watchers
O71: Grimbeorn
O74: Durin VII

155. Rare Women Characters - new in 2019

B2: Meleth of Gondolin
B6: Faniel
B7: Gilmith
B8: Tarië
B10: Mrs. Maggot
I22: Iminyë
I24: Edhellos
I25: Gilraen
I28: Findulias of Dol Amroth
I30: Dís
N33: Finvain
N38: Ivorwen
N42: Smeagol's Grandmother
N43: Emeldir
G49: Ioreth
G50: Goldberry
G52: Enelyë
G54: Aerin
G56: Morwen Steelsheen
O61: Queen Berúthiel
O62: Elanor Gardner
O67: Hareth
O70: Eilinel
O71: Nimloth

156. Rec and Review Femslash - new in 2019

B1: has more than one chapter
B4: features a Textual Ghost
B6: features a poly ship
B9: has fewer than three reviews
B10: is by your favorite author
I17: was written recently
I20: features a favorite trope
I21: was written for this event
I25: is hosted outside the SWG
I27: is longer than 1000 words
N34: features smut
N36: is canon-compliant
N41: features a favorite character
N44: is a fix-it
G46: is hosted on the SWG
G47: is by an author you havenÕt read before
G50: is shorter than 1000 words
G53: features a rare ship
G57: has a happy ending
O62: features your OTP
O64: is an AU
O69: has one chapter
O72: was written a long time ago
O75: is by you!

157. Relationship

B1: intimacy
B7: death of a loved one
B11: kissing
B14: fear of commitment
B15: betrothal
I18: childhood sweethearts
I19: Dear John letter
I22: remarriage
I24: infidelity
I26: long-distance relationship
N35: arranged marriage
N38: seduction
N39: interracial marriage
N42: first date
G50: monogamy
G51: jealousy
G55: wedding
G57: love triangle
G58: breakup
O63: divorce
O66: anniversary
O68: same-sex relationship
O71: love letter
O74: relationship counseling

158. Review a Story (review)

Make an author’s day! Write a review of at least 200 words.
B2: … by someone you don’t know
B5: … about a character you dislike
B6: … based on The Hobbit
B11: … posted on your birthday
B12: … with a one-word title
I20: … posted today
I23: … featuring your favorite pairing
I25: … with three or more chapters
I28: … that the writer hasn’t updated in a year or more
I30: … written for B2MeM
N33: … with Ents in it
N40: … that’s a poem or has poetry in it
N44: … featuring an original character
N45: … by someone whose work you admire
G46: … set in the Fourth Age
G50: … by a friend
G53: … that hasn’t been reviewed yet
G56: … with children in it
G58: … in a genre you don’t usually read
O62: … that you’ve read before but never reviewed
O66: … set in Aman
O69: … that’s 1,000 words or less
O72: … that includes artwork
O75: … based on The Silmarillion

159. Riddle Me Writerly

In honor of The Hobbit's riddle game, a card about riddles. Use your fandom connections and social media well for the middle row.
B3: I am greater than Eru, more evil than the Morgoth. The poor have me, the rich need me, and if you eat me, you'll die. What am I?
B5: The more you have, the less you see of me - who am I?
B9: I am always hungry, I must always be fed, the finger I touch, will soon turn red.
B12: If you break me, I do not stop working; If you touch me, I may be snared; If you lose me, nothing will matter.
B14: Reaching stiffly for the sky, I bare my fingers when it's cold, In warmth I wear an emerald glove, And in between I dress in gold.
I20: A riddle guards a mystery.
I21: Divine riddles.
I22: "X is a riddle" - insert value of "X" and write a story around this theme.
I27: Sphinx-figures of Middle-earth.
I29: A riddle disappoints the seeker.
N35: Set another fan-writer a riddle to write a story about.
N38: Create a rebus - tag a fan writer to write a story about it.
N43: Invite others to tag you with riddles, write stories that give out your answer.
N44: Invite others to tag you with a rebus, write stories that give out your answer.
G46: Delineate a culture/cultures through its/their riddles.
G50: Riddles that don't translate.
G55: Riddles that have double entendre answers.
G56: Visual puns and clueless visitors.
G59: My word is my weapon - riddles as defense and attack.
O62: Paradox: their concealing betrays their object.
O66: Play: they are a slide of signifiers.
O68: Intimacy: they are sometimes metonomic.
O72: Picturesque: they are sometimes allegorical.
O75: Particularly universal: all people make them... perhaps?

160. Rivendell - new in 2019

B3: Last Homely House
B6: Unexpected visitors
B7: Bruinen
B12: Living quarters
B14: Singing and music
I16: House of Lore
I18: Elves who live there
I19: Farmland
I21: Porch overlooking Bruinen
I28: Councils
N31: Refuge
N35: Elrond and his family
N40: Hall of Fire
N44: Storytelling
G48: Imladris/Rivendell
G51: Others who live there
G57: The house itself
G58: Healing hall/rooms
G60: Preservation of history
O61: Place of healing
O64: Expected visitors
O66: Nature in the valley
O67: Kitchens
O73: Vilya

161. Roles and Names of Aragorn

B4: Aragorn
B5: Elessar
B6: Estel
B13: Envinyatar
B14: Telcontar
I16: Strider
I17: Longshanks
I20: Dunadan
I25: Thorongil
I27: Wingfoot
N33: King
N37: Father
N41: Ranger
N44: Soldier
G47: Husband
G51: Lover
G52: Chieftain
G56: Friend
G57: Priest
O65: Son
O67: Stranger
O69: Enemy
O72: Healer
O73: Patient

162. Romance Tropes - new in 2019

B3: friends to lovers
B6: reunion
B10: unrequited love
B11: opposites attract
B14: pregnancy
I16: teacher/student
I21: time travel
I22: fake dating
I25: fling
I30: age difference
N34: amnesia
N39: pining
N40: long distance
N42: crossdressing
G46: forbidden love
G47: enemies to lovers
G52: love triangle
G56: arranged marriage
G57: fairytale
O63: matchmaker
O67: friends with benefits
O70: disguise
O72: fish out of water
O74: kidnapped

163. The Russingon Card - new in 2019

Shh… don’t tell your Uncle
B1: Living in Valinor
B4: I would die for you
B7: Height difference
B8: Ancient friendship
B11: Thangorodrim
I16: Princes and Kings
I19: Oaths
I21: We hate balrogs
I24: Southpaw
I30: Braiding his hair for him with golden threads
N34: Extended family
N37: Half-cousins
N41: Eldest sons
N44: Watching the ships burn
G47: Eagles and arrows
G48: Blood
G54: We hate Morgoth
G56: Kinslayers
G57: Playing his favorite son for him on the harp
O61: Rescue me
O66: Living in Middle-earth
O69: Apologies and forgiveness
O70: Singing duets
O74: Alqualondë

164. Scientific Achievement

Natural forces, inventions, discoveries - what did they mean to the peoples of Arda, and howe were these milestones achieved?
B2: fire
B5: writing
B8: communicating vessels
B9: metalworking
B12: lever
I16: chemistry
I17: wheel
I19: aerodynamics
I25: geometry
I29: feanorian lamps
N35: rhetoric
N37: black powder
N42: astronomy
N45: water wheel
G48: palantiri
G50: medicine
G51: print
G53: trebuchet
G55: stone tools
O64: arithmetics
O65: statics
O67: pharmacy
O69: silmarils
O70: pulley

165. The Sea - new in 2019

B4: Ulmo
B5: Ossë
B9: Uinen
B11: Belegaer
B13: waves
I17: Balar
I21: Tol Eressëa
I22: Enchanted Isles
I26: Númenor
I30: Tolfalas
N34: Sailing
N40: Swanships
N41: Vingilótë
N43: Guild of Venturers
G46: Mithlond
G51: Alqualondë
G55: The Falas
G58: Havens of Sirion
G59: Rómenna or Andúnië
O63: Cirdan
O67: Olwë
O69: Eärendil
O70: Aldarion
O74: Elendil

166. Second Age

B3: First Year on Númenor
B8: Three for the Elves
B9: Palantíri
B14: Grey Havens
B15: Gondor and Arnor
I16: Eregion
I17: Lost Treasures
I22: The Gift of Men
I23: Guild of Venturers
I28: Seven for the Dwarf-Lords
N32: Arda Reshaped
N35: Queen of Númenor
N36: One Ring
N39: War of the Elves and Sauron
G46: Last Alliance: 10+ Years of War
G48: Founding of Khazad-dûm
G49: The Downfall
G53: Rise of the Nazgûl
G57: Men of Middle-earth meeting Númenóreans
O65: Mithril
O68: Destruction of Barad-dûr
O69: Amanyar visiting Númenor
O73: The Faithful: Years of Secrecy
O75: Sauron the Deceiver

167. Second Age 2 - new in 2019

B4: setting sail
B6: building new realms
B8: a fresh start
B11: mourning losses
B12: making choices
I16: Lindon
I18: Númenor
I24: Khazad-dûm
I28: Greenwood the Great
I29: Eregion
N31: Elenna
N32: Elros
N37: the Line of Elros
N40: Lords of Andúnië
G49: Narvi
G53: Celebrimbor
G56: Annatar
G57: Sauron
G60: the Faithful
O61: making of the Rings
O65: sack of Eregion
O68: Downfall of Númenor
O71: the Last Alliance
O75: defeat of Sauron

168. Setting as Character - new in 2019

B2: talking trees
B6: haunted places
B7: getting lost
B10: magical or poisonous plants
B13: ancient places
I19: portal to another world
I24: closed-in spaces
I25: the city
I28: strange smells
I30: finding something unexpected
N34: saved by nature
N36: strange sounds
N37: enormous setting features
N44: underground
G46: following a path or trail
G49: darkness falls
G50: animal guide
G52: the setting hurts your character
G57: strange plants and creatures
O63: bad weather
O66: the ocean
O68: a cave or hole
O70: silence
O71: open spaces

169. The Shire - new in 2019

B1: Hobbiton
B5: Bywater
B10: The Four Farthings
B12: Michel Delving
B13: Tuckborough
I16: The Hill
I19: Bagshot Row
I22: Underhill
I24: the Old Grange
I25: Bag End
N31: Buckland
N36: Great Smials
N40: Budgeford
N41: the Marish
G47: Brandybuck
G50: Took
G51: Baggins
G55: Bolger
G56: Gamgee
O61: Party Tree
O62: Brandywine Bridge
O68: Old Forest
O72: Sandyman's Mill
O73: the East Road

170. Shirish

These are words used only by hobbits of the Shire. Use the words to create a work of fiction or non-fiction, or a work of art. The words in parentheses are suggestions only.
B2: Trewsday (Hardly anything happens on a Trewsday...)
B3: smial ( What goes into making a smial a home?)
B7: shirriff (A feather in your cap...)
B8: Rethe (March: what happens on the fifteenth?)
B11: Sterday ( It's hard to get up on a Sterday morning...)
I16: elevenses ( There's nothing in the larder that appeals...)
I20: Hensday ( It's the slowest night of the week at the Green Dragon...)
I21: faunt ( A young hobbit becomes a faunt on his or her third birthday. Describe his or her day...)
I25: Lithe ( Midsummer, a time for bonfires and dancing...)
I27: Astron (April: Spring is in full bud...)
N35: four farthings ( East Farthing, West Farthing, South Farthing, North Farthing-- how are they different?)
N37: Blotmath (November: Remember, remember the third of November...)
N38: first breakfast ( It's the only thing that makes getting up so early worth it...)
N39: Thrimidge (May: The first of Thrimidge is a good day for weddings, so they say...)
G49: Winterfilth (October: In Bree they say "Winterfilth in the muddy Shire"...)
G51: Yule (Tell of a Yule custom unique to a certain family or location.)
G54: mathom ( What's in the mathom-house at Michel Delving? And why?)
G58: Mersday (Thursday: Their birthday alway! s fell o n Mersday...)
G60: Wedmath (August: It was the hottest Wedmath on record, or so the old gaffers said...)
O62: Solmath (February: grey, gloomy, wet, cold...)
O65: second breakfast ( Second breakfast is different from first in what way?)
O66: byrding ( A word for the birthday child-- what gifts will the byrding give?)
O67: Halimath (September: Autumn in all her splendor)
O74: Highday (Friday: There is never a Highday the first...)

171. Silmarillion Fanon

We *heart* fanon. It represents the collective nature of our community and all that. But for this challenge, create in opposition to fanon.
B3: Of Nerdanel’s sons, Maglor was most like her
B4: Maglor the Mighty Wimp
B9: Amrod and Amras: pranksters extraordinaire
B11: Maedhros mistreats Elrond and Elros
B12: Maglor lives!
I16: Gil-galad/Elrond
I19: Celegorm/Aredhel
I20: Beleg/Nellas
I21: Caranthir/Haleth
I25: Maedhros/Fingon
N31: Námo Mandos: a kinder, gentler Lord of Death
N37: Angband: Melkor’s secret S&M dungeon
N40: Aulë: mentor of Nerdanel and Fëanor
N41: Middle-earth = Middle Ages
G49: Beren the scraggly, unkempt mortal
G54: Glorfindel of Gondolin = Glorfindel of Rivendell
G57: virago!Galadriel and whipped!Celeborn
G59: Daeron + Maglor = BFF
G60: Finarfin the Pansy
O61: Super Speshul Elves: immune to sickness, painful childbirth, contracted speech, BO, and farting
O64: The rustic simpleton Sindar
O67: Death of grief = fading
O71: Everything related to Elves and hair
O73: The universality of Laws and Customs among the Eldar

172. Silmarillion Locations - new in 2019

B2: Doriath
B3: Hithlum
B8: Nargothrond
B13: The Havens of Sirion
B14: Mithrim
I16: Estolad
I18: Cuiviénen
I23: The Forest of Brethil
I28: Ered Luin
I30: Tol Eressëa
N49: Nogrod and Belegost
N39: Dorthonion
N40: Tirion
N45: Vinyamar
G49: Gondolin
G53: Taniquetil
G57: Ossiriand
G58: Eregion
G59: Alqualond‘
O61: Amon Rûdh
O65: Númenor
O68: Hildorien
O72: Formenos
O75: Valinor

173. The Silmarillion vs. Harry Potter Character Matches

B1: Morgoth vs Voldemort
B4: Aulë vs Olivanders
B8: Draugluin vs Remus Lupin
B10: Túrin vs Harry Potter
B12: Yavanna vs Neville Longbottom
I19: Curufin vs Draco Malfoy
I20: Emeldir (mother of Beren) vs Lily Evans-Potter
I21: Fëanor vs Ginny Weasley
I26: Curumo (Saruman) vs Hermione Granger
I27: Olórin (Gandalf) vs Luna Lovegood
N33: Sauron vs Belatrix Lestrange
N38: (one-handed) Maedhros vs (one-handed) Albus Dumbledore
N41: Finrod Felagund vs Cedric Diggory
N43: Huan vs (animagus-form) Sirius Black
G46: Glaurung vs Norbert
G49: Luthien Tinuviel vs Fleur Delacour
G54: Ambarussa (the both of them; Amrod and Amras) vs the Weasley twins
G56: Lorgan (Tuor's slaver) vs Dudley Dursley
G60: Finduilas (Nargothrond) vs Cho Chang
O61: Ossë vs Severus Snape
O62: Estë vs Poppy Pomfrey
O69: Thuringwethil vs Hedwig
O72: Manwë vs Lucius Malfoy
O73: Námo (Mandos) vs Sybill Trelawney

174. Sitcom - new in 2019

B3: talking in one’s sleep
B4: dramatic reveal
B10: put the fun in dysfunction
B12: are we there yet?
B13: jerk with a heart of gold
I16: roommates
I17: contrived coincidences
I21: laugh track
I22: average suburban family
I23: getting volunteered
N33: will they or won’t they?
N35: is this thing still on?
N40: sophisticated as hell
N42: the exit is that way
G47: double entendre
G55: breaking the fourth wall
G58: workplace weirdos
G59: chain reaction
G60: failure is the only option
O64: a very special episode
O67: we need a distraction!
O72: you did what??
O74: dumbass has a point
O75: running gag

175. Smells

B1: Pine trees
B6: Wood smoke
B8: Fresh bread
B9: Fish
B13: Petrichor (the smell of dust after rain)
I17: Seawater
I21: Meat
I24: Blood
I28: Sweat
I30: Leather
N33: Onion
N38: Grass
N39: Flower
N45: Metal
G46: Dirt
G50: Skunk
G54: Horse
G56: Stale beer/ale
G60: Paint
O65: Soap
O68: Pipeweed
O70: Moss
O73: Dung
O75: Cheese

176. Snippets of Verse

B3: Earth stood hard as iron (C. Rossetti)
B6: One must have a mind of winter (W. Stevens)
B10: The former door where the dead feet walked in (Th. Hardy)
B11: Take the gentle path (G. Herbert)
B15: I am the swift uplifting rush (Anon.)
I17: That year of now done darkness (G.M. Hopkins)
I20: The going of an inland soul to sea (E. Dickinson)
I24: To see the cherry hung with snow (A.E. Housman)
I26: Like a tedious argument of insidious intent (T.S. Eliot)
I29: The round earth’s imagin’d corners (J. Donne)
N31: Old year roaring and blowing (A.Tennyson)
N36: Time, which takes in trust our youth (W. Raleigh)
N41: The steady slowing down of the heart (Ch. Mew)
N44: The trumpet of a prophecy (P.B. Shelley)
G46: Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance (J. Keats)
G50: If it could weep, it could arise and go (E. Barrett Browning)
G54: The elfish light fell off in hoary flakes (S.T. Coleridge)
G57: Drinking largely sobers us again (A. Pope)
G58: How easy is a bush suppos’d a bear! (W. Shakespeare)
O62: Art’s hid causes are not found (B. Jonson)
O67: Day brought back my night (J. Milton)
O71: A furlong without symp! athy (W. Whitman)
O72: In what furnace was thy brain? (W. Blake)
O73: Westward, look, the land is bright (A.H. Clough)

177. A Song and a Story - new in 2019

Use these songs that tell stories to inspire the plot of your story.
B4: "All Along the Watchtower" by Jimi Hendrix
B6: "Travelin’ Soldier" by the Dixie Chicks
B7: "One" by Metallica
B10: "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" by Gordon Lightfoot
B13: "The Fields of Athenry" (Traditional)
I16: "Tamlin" by the Mediaeval Baebes
I17: "Hotel California" by The Eagles
I24: "Big Bad John" by Jimmy Dean
I27: "The Freshmen" by The Verve Pipe
I28: "Wildfire" by Michael Murphy
N32: "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman
N36: "The Boxer" by Simon & Garfunkel
N42: "A Boy Named Sue" by Johnny Cash
N44: "Hazard" by Richard Marx
G48: "Eleanor Rigby" by the Beatles
G50: "Luka" by Suzanne Vega
G51: "Mrs. McGrath" (Traditional)
G55: "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen
G57: "The Thunder Rolls "by Garth Brooks
O61: "Goodbye Earl" by the Dixie Chicks
O65: "Cat’s in the Cradle" by Harry Chapin
O68: "Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?" by Paula Cole
O71: "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" by the Charlie Daniels Band
O75: "Papa Was a Rollin’ Stone" by The Temptations

178. Song Lyrics

Use these lyrics to inspire a piece of art or writing.
B4: Book of golden stories, days of open roads - Runrig, Book of Golden Stories
B7: Now the light is slowly beckoning you to the shore - Karine Polwart - The Light on the Shore
B9: Echoes and silence, patience and grace, all of these moments I’ll never replace - Foo Fighters - Home
B13: You’re a one-man shift in the weather, you’re the woman who just won’t sell - Vienna Teng - Hope on Fire
B14: I saw all the bright people in imposing flocks they landed - Dar Williams - Mercy of the Fallen
I18: So here’s to drinks in the dark at the end of my road - Florence and the Machine - Shake it Out
I21: Go on a journey and roam the streets can’t see the way out and so use the stars - Sigúr Ros -Glosoli (translated)
I24: I’m not the hunter I’m not the marked I’m just looking for wisdom in the dark - Lights - Lions!
I27: Open ears and open eyes, wake up to your starboard bride - Bon Iver - Calgary
I30: Here’s a hymn to welcome in the day, heralding the summer’s early sway - The Decemberists - June Hymn
N34: Tomorrow will take us away far from home, no one will ever know our names - Blind Guardian - The Bard’s Song
N36: The Dark Lord rides in force tonight and time will tell us all - Led Zeppelin - The Battle of Evermore
N39: In this spellbound night the world’s an elvish sight - Nightwish - Elvenpath
N41: Lord of Gifts, your star shall fall; this is the end this is the freedom call - Battlelore - Into the New World
G48: It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine - REM - It’s the End of the World (As We Know It)
G51: Blessings are not just for the ones who kneel...luckily - U2 - City of Blinding Lights
G53: So close, no matter how far, couldn’t be much more from the heart - Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
G56: If we keep our pride though paradise is lost we will pay the price but we will not count the cost - Rush - Bravado
G59: And the songs that I have sung echo in the distance like the sound of a windmill goin’ round - Deep Purple - Soldier of Fortune
O63: And you will hear yourself in song, blowing by one day - Suzanne Vega - Gypsy
O66: Baby, don’t forget to catch me! Hold on, princess, don’t you think that it’s time? - Bandits - Catch Me
O70: Even though you’re a big strong girl the best-made plans are your open han ds - Deb Talan - Big Strong Girl
O74: ‘cause I crossed that line, the line reserved for angels - Rachel Sage - Frost
O75: And all will turn to silver glass, a light on the water all souls pass - Annie Lennox - Into the West

179. Song Lyrics 2 - new in 2019

B1: The whole frosted night is just a song a song for you. (David Gray, The Light)
B5: Black wild ocean open up and swallow me. (Ed Kowalcysk, Seven)
B7: But I’m ready and waitin’ for my day of salvation and I’m patient. (Vince Stables, Home)
B8: One way up, no way out, I give it all, all for the family. (Wiz Khalifa and Iggy Azeala, Go Hard or Go Home)
B13: We live beneath the specter of an omnipresent Doom (Assemblage23, Blindhammer)
I17: I pray for a love resurrection and all the things we lost in the fire. (Darren Hayes, God Walking into the Room)
I22: There is a crack in everything that’s how the light gets in (Leonard Cohen, Anthem)
I24: I’m just tryna live my life I’m just hangin’ in the fight (Beau Young Prince, Let Go)
I26: Planets fade as day begins but the dark never ends (Oysterband, Steal Away)
I30: No-one’s placing blame on me but nothing’s what it seems to be (Sonato Arctica, Replica)
N34: This ship of fools sails west by night time and by day (Live, Lighthouse)
N39: I can’t look at the stars they make me wonder where you are (Grace Potter, Stars)
FREE SPACE (instrumental)
N41: This hurriace in my brain is the burden I bear (Nas and Im Miranda, Wrote My Way Out)
N43: I like high chances that I might lost I like it all on the edge (Blackway, Black Caviar, Whats Up Danger)
G46: If you were the night I’d be the sunlight (Sleepthief, Dust and Cloud)
G49: Cold is the night but colder still the heart made of stone turned from clay (Jars of Clay, Fade to Grey)
G53: Through the darkness shining the never-ending light (Dragonforce, Dawn of a New World)
G56: I was lightning before the thunder (Imagine Dragons, Thunder)
G59: Go switch off the stars and paint the sky black (Damen Hayes, Black Out the Sun)
O62: My reach is global My tower secure My cause is noble My power is pure (Flobots, Handlebars)
O67: Why would a star, a star ever be afraid of the dark? (Lil Wayne, Ty Dolla $ign, Scared of the Dark)
O70: My life, my live, my drive, it came from pain (Imagine Dragons, Believer)
O72: Rise up and take the power back (Muse, Uprising)
O75: I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood (Shrek Soundtracks, Holding Out for a Hero)

180. Sons of Fëanor

B1: Maedhros and Fingon
B4: "Maedhros alone stood aside."
B10: Maedhros as a leader
B12: How Maedhros got his name (any of them)
B14: The twins not as best friends
I18: Maglor the Mighty
I22: Maglor and Finrod
I24: Maglor as regent
I27: Maglor in the Fourth Age
I30: The twins at Losgar
N34: Celegorm in Nargothrond
N35: Celegorm as an older brother
N38: Celegorm and Aredhel
N41: "The evil servants of Celegorm ..."
G48: The wife of Caranthir
G51: Caranthir's hatred of Finarfin
G56: Caranthir after Uldor's betrayal
G57: Caranthir at Alqualonde
G58: The twins and Feanor
O61: Curufin fails at something
O63: Curufin as a father
O67: Curufin and Nerdanel
O71: Curufin at Formenos
O73: The twins' home in Ossiriand

181. The Steward and His Sons

B2: Finduilas
B3: Tamer of Man and Beast
B5: Éowyn
B9: Son and Heir
B13: Second Son
I19: Steward of Aragorn
I21: Captain General
I22: Osgiliath
I26: The Black Breath
I30: The One Ring
N35: Dreamers
N37: The Departure of Boromir
N38: Captain of the IthilienRangers
N41: Sword and Bow
G50: The Palantír
G51: Brothers
G55: Thorongil's Rival
G59: Playing with Fire
G60: The last of the Ruling Stewards
O61: Father
O62: Emyn Arnen
O67: Prince of Ithilien
O70: Seek for the Sword that was broken
O71: Scholar

182. Stewards Of Gondor

b2: Horn of Gondor
b8: Cirion and Eorl
b9: AU - during the War of the Ring, Finduilas is still alive
b10: Denethor and Pippin
b17: Beren (the 19th Ruling Steward) and Saruman
i19: Mardil Voronwë the first Ruling Steward of Gondor
i22: White rod of the Stewards
i26: AU - Aragorn as Boromir’s father
i27: Palendur plays the chief part in rejecting Arvedui’s claim
i29: The Stewards and the Palantiri
n32: Denethor II and Thorongil
n35: Ecthelion II and Gandalf
n37: Boromir, the son and the hier of Denethor II
n41: Aragorn and Faramir as King and Steward
g47: Éowyn as the wife of the Steward
g48: Elboron as Aragorn’s Stewart in the Fourth Age
g52: AU - Faramir never married Éowyn
g55: Seal of the Stewards (“The letters R.ND.R. surmounted by three stars, signifying arandur (steward)”.)
g56: “Whether Denethor ever thus made contact with the Orthanc-stone and Saruman is not told; probably he did...”
o62: House of the Stewards, last resting place of the Stewards of Gondor
o66: death of the White Tree of Gondor
o68: AU - Denethor survives the War of the Ring
o74: White banner of the Stewards
o75: Ecthelion II

183. Story Elements - new in 2019

B2: salt
B4: a summer night
B7: sword and shield
B9: thunder
B12: a bonfire
I18: an empty chair
I19: a gold vein
I23: the view from a hill
I26: a pearl necklace
I28: a palantír
N33: violets
N34: the smell of incense
N39: a sea journey
N41: a will-o'-the-wisp
G48: gathering eggs
G50: unmapped territory
G53: a winter morning
G54: waiting
G58: autumn light
O61: a flute
O65: storytelling
O66: herding sheep
O71: a riddle game
O75: an old inn

184. Taboo - new in 2019

B1: bad language
B5: violated Laws and Customs of the Eldar
B8: murder
B9: sexual deviance
B15: enthocentrism and prejudice
I18: food taboos
I20: laws
I26: acceptance and change
I27: table manners
I29: culture shock
N32: obscene gestures
N38: unclean things
N39: stigma
N45: euphemism
G48: political correctness
G51: weddings and funerals
G53: curses
G54: ostracization and exile
G56: incest
O61: cannibalism
O62: etiquette
O65: consequences
O69: religious taboos
O73: found out

185. Talents and Skills

B1: translating
B2: tracking
B5: sewing
B10: gardening
B13: sailing
I18: rope-making
I19: mining
I23: dyeing
I26: singing
I30: pottery
N32: archery
N35: teaching
N40: carving
N45: dancing
G46: writing
G50: weaving
G53: book-keeping
G58: roofing
G60: foot-racing
O63: forging
O64: baking
O70: flute-playing
O71: riding
O75: healing

186. Tengwar - new in 2019

B1: tinco
B4: ando
B7: thule
B9: anto
B13: numen
I16: parma
I19: umbar
I21: formen
I22: ampa
I27: malta
N32: calma
N33: anga
N44: anca
N45: ngoldo
G46: quesse
G51: ungwe
G54: hwesta
G55: unque
G58: ngwalme
O62: romen
O64: arda
O65: lambe
O70: alda
O73: silme

187. Textual Ghosts - new in 2019

B3: wife of Maglor
B5: mother of Finwë
B9: mother of Mithrellas
B12: mother of Bëor
B15: wife of Tar-Elendil
I20: mother of Elenwë
I23: wife of Thranduil
I26: mother of Lindir
I27: wife of Haldad
I29: two daughters of Ecthelion
N32: mother of Círdan
N35: two daughters of Tar-Anarion
N44: daughters of Arwen
N45: wife of Ulfang
G47: mother of Nellas
G51: mother of Sadol Labadal
G55: Haleth's female guards
G57: mother of Azog
G59: mother of Anairë
O63: wife of Baragund
O66: wife of Isildur
O68: mother of Dori, Nori, Ori
O72: mother of Glorfindel
O73: three daughters of Farmer Maggot

188. Textual Ghosts 2 - new in 2019

Create fanworks about or inspired by these women we know existed, to whom Tolkien never gave names of their own. (Inspired by EllethÕs Textual Ghosts Project.)
B4: wife of Ingwë
B5: wife of Eldarion
B7: mother of Narvi
B10: wife of Orodreth
B14: mother of Beorn
I17: the Lady of the Blue Brooch
I18: handmaids of Ancalimë
I23: mother of Gildor Inglorion
I26: mother of Marach
I27: Sméagol's Grandmother
N33: wife of Elros
N36: mother of Malbeth the Seer
N41: daughters of Morwen of Lossarnach
N42: cousin of Ioreth
G47: mother of Berúthiel
G50: daughter of Helm Hammerhand
G51: wife of Bard I
G54: mother of Celebrimbor
G59: wife of Bëor
O64: mother of Azaghâl
O67: wife of Thrór
O68: daughters of Adelard Took
O69: wife of Caranthir
O75: mother of Khamûl

189. Textures

B1: bumpy
B2: soft
B10: smooth
B13: silken
B15: rough
I18: splintery
I19: sandy
I20: wrinkled
I26: wooden
I30: watery
N33: coarse
N38: papery
N42: firm
N45: velvety
G46: leathery
G49: furry
G51: painted
G53: carved
G59: pebbled
O62: glassy
O64: patterned
O68: fuzzy
O74: metallic
O75: yielding

190. Third Age Locations - new in 2019

B2: Bree
B5: Umbar
B10: Moria
B12: Gondor
B13: Dorwinion
I16: Rhûn
I19: The Old Forest
I20: Rohan
I24: Ered Luin
I29: Arnor
N32: Rivendell
N33: Laketown
N36: Mirkwood
N38: Edoras
G46: Dol Amroth
G47: Lothl—rien
G53: Harad
G55: The Shire
G57: Iron Hills
O61: The Lonely Mountain
O67: Minas Tirith
O69: Fangorn
O72: Dunland
O75: The Grey Havens

191. This Means War!

B2: Morgoth vs. Manwe
B3: Feanor vs. Fingolfin
B9: Ungoliant vs. Valar
B10: Sam vs. Gollum
B11: Balrog vs. Glorfindel
I17: White Council vs. Necromancer
I21: Denethor vs. Sauron
I23: Hobbits vs. Saruman
I25: Ancalime vs. Hallacar
I29: Finarfin vs. Morgoth
N34: Maedhros vs. Morgoth
N36: Treebeard vs. Saruman
N40: Eowyn vs. Witch-king
N41: Sauron vs. Isildur
G46: Aragorn vs. Lurtz
G47: Thorondor vs. Morgoth
G52: Beorn vs. Orcs
G54: Morgoth vs. Fingon
G56: Smaug vs. Bilbo
O64: Theoden vs. Saruman
O67: Sauron vs. Celebrimbor
O70: Amlach vs. Morgoth
O72: Eru Iluvatar vs. Ar-Pharazon
O75: Feanor vs. Morgoth

192. Tolkien Quotes - new in 2019

B1: Anairë refused to leave Aman, largely beause of her friendship with Eärwen.
B6: Those Elven-women who were called Yavannildi, the maidens of Yavanna
B9: Haleth had been a renowned amazon with a picked bodyguard of women
B10: But Galadriel remained long with Melian, for there was much love between them
B15: Their robes the wind their raiment air-- such loveliness to look upon
I16: We also are daughters of the great, and we have wills and courage of our own
I20: Who now shall refill the cup for me?
I24: It reminds me of the roses of Imloth Melui when I was a lass
I25: The younger women, who [with the Wainriders] were also gained in arms
I29: What is the name of this thing? For in my darkness I lost it.
N31: Mithrellas, one of the companions of Nimrodel
N32: He has gone again, then, and left her.
N43: ... and Indis hath my love
N45: [Tar-Telperien] was long-lived, and she would wed with no man
G48: Ancalimë, aided by the old woman Zamîn, went into hiding
G50: The glory of her eyes that gleamed with fires of secret thought in silent deeps
G54: Once in a while members of the Took-clan would go and have adventures
G55: So the Entwives made gardens to live in
G56: Those who hearken to her learn pity, and endurance in hope
O62: May I not now spend my life as I will?
O67: There must have been orc-women
O71: But Lobelia was not so easily got rid of
O72: [Dís] is the Dwarf-woman named in these histories
O74: In Shire Reckoning 1436 Elanor became a maid of honor to Queen Arwen Evenstar

193. Tolkien's Trees

B3: Ash
B6: Elm
B9: Holly
B10: Hawthorn
B11: Linden
I16: Mallorn
I20: Birch
I21: Oak
I24: Willow
I30: Beech
N31: Pine
N34: Cedar
N39: Cypress
N45: Larch
G47: Juniper
G50: Bay
G52: Olive
G57: Terebinth
G58: Lebethron
O61: Rowan
O65: Chestnut
O66: Nessamelda
O70: Nimloth
O73: Oiolaire

194. TVTropes of Tolkien

Prompts come from the LOTR/Silmarillion sections of TVTropes. B2: God In Human Form
B5: Dark Is Not Evil
B9: Ultimate Blacksmith
B11: Action Girl
B13: Tangled Family Tree
I19: Con Lang
I21: Worthy Opponent
I24: Elaborate Underground Base
I27: Kill It With Fire
I30: Iron Lady
N31: Royals Who Actually Do Something
N35: Big Damn Heroes
N41: The Obi-Wan
N44: You Shall Not Pass
G48: Honor Before Reason
G49: Pragmatic Villainy
G52: No Man of Woman Born
G54: Intergenerational Friendship
G58: Miles to go before I sleep
O63: I Call Her Vera
O65: Overshadowed by Awesome
O69: Shrug of God
O71: Legions of Hell
O74: Fantasy Pantheon

195. Waters

Create artwork or a 500-word ficlet for these challenges.
B4: Spring
B5: Waterfall
B10: Lake
B12: Swamp
B13: Sea
I16: River
I20: Stream
I24: Brook
I25: Creek
I29: Rivermouth
N31: Clouds
N32: Rain
N38: Pond
N44: Puddle
G48: Well
G52: Fountain
G55: Geyser
G56: Freshet
G60: Glacier
O61: Water Cave
O62: Underwater View
O65: Snow-time
O69: Flood
O70: Underwater Ruins

196. Weapons and Warfare

B3: Siege
B5: Swords
B9: Cavalry
B13: Flail
B14: Halberd
I16: Open battle
I21: Gunpowder
I24: Infantry
I27: Mace
I28: Lance
N31: Guerilla warfare
N37: Axes
N39: Plate mail
N44: Quarterstaff
G46: Rebel
G49: Shield
G52: Archery
G53: War hammer
G58: Pike
O61: Decisive battle
O63: Chainmail
O69: Spear
O70: Battering ram
O74: Leather armor

197. Weather

Create a piece in which the weather features.
B3: Fog
B5: Sunny
B10: Cloudy
B12: Rain
B15: Hot
I16: Thunderstorm
I20: Tornado
I22: Hurricane
I25: Drought
I27: Windy
N32: Calm
N37: Flood
N42: Rainbow
N43: Sleet
G48: Ice
G51: Snow
G53: Hail
G57: Overcast
G58: Partially sunny
O61: Drizzle
O66: Flurry
O68: Humid
O72: Thundersnow
O75: Cold

198. Weather and Climate - new in 2019

B1: The Spring of Arda
B4: Deserts of Rhûn and Harad
B8: Ard-Galen/Anfauglith
B9: The Two Trees
B10: 1420 in the Shire
I16: “Thunder and lightning in the mountains at night, when storms come up from East and West and make war.”
I18: “Then they went up out of the sea and found a country fair and beautiful.”
I23: “Mithrim was a name given to them by the southern-dwellers, because of the cooler climte and greyer skies.
I27: “The sky itself darkened, and there were storms of rain and hail in those days, and violent winds.”
I28: “The green sward of Tumladen under the windy skies of spring.”
N32: The Long Winter T.A. 2758/9
N37: The Darkening of Valinor
N40: Fog on the Barrow-downs
N42: Mallorn trees in flower
G48: “The first dawn of the Sun was a like a great fire upon the towers of the Pelóri.”
G51: “Adventures are not all pony-rides in May-sunshine.”
G54: “The dark forests of the South.”
G57: The weather may prove a more deadly enemy than any.”
G58: “Ah! the light and the music in the Summer by the Seven Rivers of Ossir!”
O62: Microclimate of Moria
O66: Influence of the Elven Rings
O68: Helcaraxë
O71: The Darkness of Morogth or Sauron
O73: Ithilien

199. Winter Wonderland

B3: Snow
B4: Ice
B7: Icicle
B14: Snowdrift
B15: Ice Crystal
I16: Iced Over
I17: Snowed In
I21: Snow-capped
I22: Ice Skating
I27: Sled/Sledding
N33: Gale
N37: Blizzard
N43: Winter Festivities
N45: Winter Tales
G47: Frostbite
G50: Hypothermia
G54: Chilly Winds
G57: Winter Cloak
G58: Furred Boots
O63: Woolen Hat/Scarf/Gloves
O66: Snowman
O71: Snowball
O72: Evergreen Trees
O73: Warm Fires

200. Women of Arda

B2: Arwen
B4: Lúthien
B8: Haleth
B13: Goldberry
B14: Rosie Cotton
I17: Ioreth
I22: Lobelia Sackville- Baggins
I25: Nerdanel
I26: Finduilas of Dol Amroth
I28: Gilraen
N32: Ivorwen
N36: Indris
N38: Galadriel
N43: Melian
G46: Idril
G49: Celebrian
G53: Aredhel
G56: Berúthiel
G60: Míriel Serindë
O62: Éowyn
O67: Míriel
O69: Lothiriel
O72: Elanor Gamgee
O75: Elwing

201. Women of Numenor - new in 2019

B1: women of the Elendili
B4: Erendis
B9: Almariel
B11: Yávien
B14: Silmarien
I16: Almarian, Inzilbêth, and other non-ruling queens
I18: Tar-Telperien
I20: Vardilmë
I22: Lindissë
I26: Nessanië
N31: Tar-Ancalimë
N36: Tindómiel
N39: Mother Zamîn and other country women
N41: Tar-Míriel
G46: Almiel
G49: Núneth
G52: women of the King's Followers
G59: Lindórië
G60: Fíriel
O61: Marien
O62: Isilmë
O64: Írildë
O65: Tar-Vanimeldë
O71: Ailinel

202. Women of The Silmarillion

B1: Women of the House of Finwe
B2: Sympathetic to a character you dislike
B6: Wives and mothers unnamed in canon
B12: Women from different cultures
B13: Defying expectations
I17: Women who change history
I19: Women who never marry
I23: Women of Valinor
I27: Women with unknown fates
I28: Mothers and daughters
N36: Mortal women
N38: Women of Doriath
N40: Women who create
N43: Women of Numenor
G48: Villainesses
G51: Women who survive
G55: Women born in Beleriand
G56: Women of Nargothrond
G60: Valar and Maiar
O62: Passing the Bechdel Test
O65: Women of Gondolin
O68: Sisters and sisters-in-law
O73: Making choices
O75: Original female character

203. Worldbuilding - new in 2019

Explore the realms of Middle-earth using these Bingo squares.
B3: Literature, arts, crafts, and music
B6: Justice, laws, and punishment
B11: Friends, family, and interpersonal relations
B14: Languages and dialects
B15: Economy, finance, and trade
I19: Climate and weather
I20: Technology level(s) and discoveries
I24: Cultures, ethnicities, and lifestyles
I29: Social hierarchies and demographics
I30: Wars and conflicts
N33: Jokes, humor, leisure
N35: Architecture and infrastructure
N41: Myth, religion, and superstition
N43: Sights, sounds, and smells
G49: Medicine
G52: Marginalized groups
G53: Landscapes
G56: Morals, ethics, and taboos
G59: International relations
O63: Historical eras, events, and figures
O65: Love and sex
O68: System(s) of government
O73: Makeup, hair, and fashion
O75: Flora and fauna

204. Writer's Block Smash - new in 2019

Use these prompts to add to a work-in-progress of a story where you're stuck.
B3: travel somewhere you haven't been yet
B5: a fight starts in the next 500 words
B9: "You aren't the person I thought you were."
B11: sudden death (of a character in the story)
B15: someone surfaces from your character's past
I18: change your character's mind on a matter you thought settled
I19: your character's secret is discovered
I22: your character overhears something important
I24: "I'm pregnant."
I25: something breaks in the next 500 words
N31: "I can't."
N34: a person/object essential to the story is lost and must be found
N39: in the next 500 words, your character is betrayed
N44: a background conflict becomes more important than you thought
G46: a character fails at a critical moment
G49: let two characters meet whom you didn't plan to meet
G54: in the next 500 words, your character does something totally OOC (out-of-character)
G55: your character lets go of something
G57: "I won't."
O61: your character falls in love in the next 500 words
O62: "Before you do that, there's something you should know."
O67: *knock knock* Who's there (find an unexpected person or thing on the other side ...)
O71: a character has a chance to fulfill a dream
O75: someone was lying

205. Write What You Know

Prompts may be used as literally or as liberally as you like.
B1: Title and/or lyrics from the last song you listened to
B5: Title of a favorite non-fantasy film
B9: Title and/or lines from a favorite non-Tolkien poem
B12: Title of the most recent non-fiction book you read
B15: A favorite quote from a political or historical figure
I18: A character with whom you have something in common
I22: A character you dislike--what might you have in common?
I23: Which character would you like to see as your country's head of state?
I24: A character who would fit in well in your hometown (within reason)
I29: A character who would be completely out of place in your hometown (no reason necessary!)
N32: What did you have for lunch yesterday?
N35: A favorite beverage (hint: cocktail names are fun!)
N38: A food you dislike
N42: The best meal you've ever cooked
G48: A character who's the same age you were when you first discovered Tolkien's Middle-earth
G51: Borrow someone else's original character (with permission, of course)
G54: Think of your favorite place in Middle-earth. What would be the *worst* thing about living there?
G57: Write about a Middle-earth event that "took place" on your birthday, or as close as possible.
G58: Write a sequel, prequel o! r gapfil ler to someone else's fanwork that you've enjoyed
O63: What's your least favorite aspect of your current or past job?
O66: Your favorite sport or outdoor activity
O70: What scares you?
O73: Shaken or stirred?
O74: An awkward social interaction you recently had.

206. Years of the Trees - new in 2019

B1: Cuiviénen
B8: the Great Journey
B10: Telperion
B11: Laurelin
B14: Aman
I18: Tirion
I19: Alqualondë
I24: Valimar
I25: Calacirya
I27: Formenos
N31: Ingwë
N32: Elwë
N38: Finwë
N45: Olwë
G47: Seige of Utumno
G48: Chaining of Melkor
G52: Sundering of the Elves
G54: Orcs
G60: Making of the Dwarves
O62: Darkening of Valinor
O64: Oath of Fëanor
O71: Flight of the Noldor
O73: First Battle of Beleriand
O75: Helcaraxë