How do I join the Yahoo! group?

You will need a free account with Yahoo! in order to join the SWG Yahoo! group. If you do not already have an account with Yahoo!, then you can sign up for one here. You will need to create a Yahoo! ID and provide a valid email address.

If you already have an account with Yahoo!, then you can sign up here to join the SWG group on Yahoo!

Please note that joining the Yahoo! group now requires moderator approval in an attempt to deter spammers. When asked why you want to join the group, please don't be daunted. All we want to know is that you're interested in us because of an appreciation for the works of Tolkien or a love of writing and not because you want to afflict our group with ads for services and products that have nothing to do with our purpose. If our moderators have any questions about your membership, they will contact you privately before rejecting any membership application.

Last updated 30 May 2008.

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