How do I get a channel for my event on the SWG's Discord server?

One of our long-running goals in the SWG is to collaborate with and support other fandom groups and events. If you are a member of this server, and you are hosting a fandom event and would like a channel where you can share news and discussions about your event, contact one of the server mods (listed in the #read-me-first channel) to request a channel added. You will be assigned the event moderator role, and server members can tag you (and other mods for your event) specifically with questions and requests.

Please note that we only add channels for events that are friendly to the Silmarillion fandom, and events must adhere to our expectations across the SWG for inclusivity and a positive focus to fandom. If you have questions about this, contact one of the server mods.

24 April 2023