Fanworks Tagged with Beleg/Mablung

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a place where both our hearts may rest by ohboromir

He remembered how they had once desired glory. How they had once wanted to take part in great deeds. And how that battle had ended in nothing but betrayal and bloodshed. No, Mablung did not wish to be a warrior any longer – he longed for his books and journals, for the comfort of song and the company of friends.

Beleg exhaled deeply. “We will not be soldiers again; not captains, not lords, only Beleg and Mablung.”


Beleg and Mablung survived the First Age. In search of a better future, they set off on an exploration of Eriador, but peace is not always easy to find.

Inspired by wonderful art from @lycheesodas

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This is a Writing fanwork

Fish Tickling by sallysavestheday

Newlywed Beleg contemplates the changes in his life.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Winter's Kiss by ohboromir

Winter snows blanketed the forests. The trees bent under its weight, the leaves sparse, the shrubs bare. Shimmering crystals of ice formed out of the dew, glittering in the white starlight.  In these deep dark hours, the mist gave the woodland a dreamlike haze, curling around the bare feet of the two elves, but its chill did not disturb them.


Beleg, Mablung, and winter in Nan Elmoth.

(For Tolkien Secret Santa 2022, for tumblr user lycheesodas)

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Spacious Starlight by polutropos

Mablung visits Beleg on the northern marches to spend some time alone together before the summer festival.

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