Lockdown Instadrabbling by Lindariel

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Chapter 21

Prompts:  ocean star song discover.

At only 97 words, this one's not strictly a drabble, but I'm hoping the format makes up for those three missing words.

Fair Elwing in a sea-mew's hame flew up and down the ocean cold

in search of Eärendil's ship, a-bearing of a star so bold.

She cried a song of Silmaril, of dying kin and riches staked,

as ice upon her wings built up and foam upon her beak it caked.

She dived toward the silver planks of Vingilotë's birchen deck.

He took her to his bosom then, until she woke upon his neck

changed back from bird to help him (in her shining Elven form again)

discover Tol Eressëa and bring back hope to Elves and Men.

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