Free Press by Lferion

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Tenth Walker

A second challenge - adding an element to a well-known story. A triple drabble.


Prompts - L:I5 Serialized Stories, A:G1 Newspaper comic strip, P:N3 FRSP Free Verse, F:B4 10th Walker

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"Well, my lovelies, we have another Request," Varandil announced, flourishing a note on the same distinctive paper as had accompanied the previous such Request-which-was-not-a-request.

Aiglor, Mithnis and Sindion all sighed expressively and looked at him, framed in the doorway. Before any of them could say anything, he went on, "Our intrepid Lady, who is definitely neither Lady Elwing nor Lady Galadriel, now venturing in Ennor much like Lord Glorfindel did once, is to be sent on the Quest in our planned retelling of the Tale of Master Frodo and the Ring."

Mithnis's lips formed an incredulous 'what!?' but no sound emerged. Aiglor shook his head as if he had gotten water in his ears, "Say again?"

Sindion demanded "How? Seriously, how?" at the same time.

"How is 'left up to our powers of invention and imagination.'" Varandil sighed as he flopped into his chair. "They did specify that she is not to replace any of the actual Walkers, but be a tenth."

A somewhat fraught silence ensued, while they all thought; doodling, twiddling, bobbing, staring up at the wave-and-star molded ceiling as aided each one's process. Presently, Varandil broke the silence as hands stilled and everyone sat up straighter. "So, first thoughts?"

"Free verse for the narration. No heroic couplets or stately braided rhymes," Sindion declared. The others nodded.

"I say we keep the bright colors, maybe even brighten up the other characters. Printing hasn't had any trouble with what we've asked for so far. I'll need to think about how much redesign to do."

Mithnis was making lists, muttering mostly to herself, "Add Arferyánis to the outline, re-calculate how many 6-panel and 12-panel segments...." She looked up, "At a guess, we're going to need another whole sequence just in the first canto of the six. We can do this."

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