Indy's B2MeM Stories by Independence1776

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Two stories written for this year are posted elsewhere on the archive.

Prompt: o68 Women of the Silmarillion (sisters and sisters-in-law)

“It is entirely unfair that our actions don’t even rate a mention,” Írimë said.

Findis shook her head. “I don’t mind that so much as the implication that we don’t exist. And I wasn’t even the one who went into Exile.”

Írimë snorted. “Apparently, the only thing I managed to do was survive. Which in and of itself is rather remarkable. But nothing was mentioned of my deeds, or of your deeds in helping the Noldorin remnant thrive after the Darkening.” She sighed. “We’re women. Evidently, we don’t count.”

“We’ll just have to write our own histories to show otherwise.”

Prompts: b7 Landscape (cliffs) and b7 Poetic Forms (haiku)

Morgoth gloated well.
“Pain and torment,” he declared,
“hanging from a cliff.”

Prompt: o65 Women of the Silmarillion (women of Gondolin)

It was stupid to ignore a Vala’s warning. Which is why she’d spent much of her free time studying maps of Gondolin and the surrounding mountains. Idril sighed. It would be difficult-- and break laws-- but it had to be done. She had to build a tunnel beneath the plain itself, ending close to the northern pass Cirith Thoronath.

It could be constructed, she’d discovered. But those who would design and build it must be handpicked by her, to keep word from getting to Turgon and Maeglin. It would be difficult, but she knew that the tunnel would be needed.

Prompt: o65 Of the Sea (sailor)

It had been centuries since Idril had been on the Sea. Tuor’s ship was mighty and well-built, but she worried.

How could she not? She was an Exile and her husband a Man. It would be so very easy for the Valar to never let them land, not even on Tol Eressëa, where no one lived. They didn’t know what defenses would be arrayed against them. They knew nothing save that the Valar would not be pleased with them.

And yet, she couldn’t imagine being anywhere else, sailing on a ship with her love. It felt right, just like building the tunnel had. Tuor looked young again, steering as she handled the sails. This journey was worth it for that alone.

He’d even begun to teach her how to sail. It was different from the swan ships she’d occasionally been on, partly because she was in control and not just a passenger, but followed the same principles. But she finally understood the Telerin refusal to give the Noldor their ships. To sail alone, with nothing but the waves and the weather to contend with-- it was freedom.

She looked over at Tuor and laughed for the sheer joy of it.

Prompts: G59 Silm Fanon (Maglor+Daeron=BFF), Crackfic (Jedi powers and lightsabers), Song Lyrics (“And the songs that I have sung echo in the distance like the sound of a windmill goin’ round.”); B6 Crackfic (they fight crime)

“I cannot believe this,” Maglor muttered to himself, shoving an extra robe into his pack. “How? How in the name of the Force could the Council think assigning Daeron as my partner would ever lead to anything but bloodshed?

“’You’re the best musicians the Jedi Order has, Master Fëanorion.’ Best musicians my ass. You just want us to overcome our rivalry. That won’t happen.”

But he showed up precisely on time at the spaceship, the one that matched their cover story of a traveling duo of singers/songwriters. And all to infiltrate a crime syndicate based on a backwater planet who used the entertainment industry as their cover. Daeron, of course, was already in the pilot’s seat. “Well?”

Maglor thumped into the copilot’s seat and fastened his restraints. “Let’s get this over with. And I hope to the Force you’ve been practising with your lightsaber.”

“If you practised your music more instead, maybe you’d be a better singer.” He pulled the joystick back, launching them into the sky. “But I doubt it. That last song of yours reminded me of windmills, spinning and going nowhere and meaning nothing in particular, just sounding pretty.”

Maglor growled and clenched his armrests. He would not kill Daeron. He would not kill Daeron. He would not kill Daeron. But, oh, the Council would pay for this assignment. They would pay.

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