The Bard's lost scrolls by Rhapsody

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The Tidal Wave

Maglor was not the elf to run away from danger, until that morning when he ignored an omnious rumble...

Written for the Bingo card Maglor in History 1: the fall of Númenor. A double drabble.


That rumble... Where had he heard that before? And why had he not taken precautions once he heard the sudden quiet of nature, holding its breath as if something had awed it into silence. Uinen's wrath, this piece was not that important. Twice he had experienced it and twice he survived. Albeit, just barely. She was a fierce force of nature, claiming lands and life as it suited her whim.

He peered out the window and looked over the Bay of Belfalas, and worry turned into fright. From this shelter, high up in the mountains, he espied from afar impending danger. This was not a tidal wave caused by an average sea-quake.

This was far worse.

His heart raced while he quickly gathered his most priced belongings. In his blind panic, he could not find his instrument at first until he tripped over it. There would not be much time left. The wave started to build, taking with it ships and sea-life, lifting it higher and higher as if the Maia had enough of her toys. All he could do now was run for his life, higher up into the Ras Morthil, hoping it was not too late to survive.


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