Trinkets by Independence1776

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Chapter 17

Makalaurë and Findaráto leave Tirion. For Iavalir for Fandom_Stocking 2013. Ficlet. Rated General.

Makalaurë paused. “Are you sure? This was rather abrupt.”

Findaráto laughed and finished saddling his horse. “If you wish to spend the next three months baby-sitting your brothers…”

He shook his head and mounted his mare. “Alqualondë for the season it is.”

They trotted out of Tirion and broke into a canter when the road cleared of traffic. Findaráto said, “I look forward to dragging you to my newest haunt. You’ll enjoy it.”

Makalaurë shot him a wry look. “Just like I enjoyed the hunt you dragged me on, what, half a dozen years ago?”

Findaráto laughed. “You won’t be ambushed this time, I promise.” He grinned wickedly. “At least not by any beasts. Musicians, undoubtedly.”

Makalaurë rolled his eyes. “That will not be so terrible.” He glanced over his shoulder at Tirion and nudged his horse into a canter. “The sooner we arrive, the sooner you can arrange it.”

Findaráto cackled and swiftly caught up.

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