Tengwar: To The Letter by cuarthol

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Arda (world)

If only it had been so simple
(No warnings.  Drabble)

The two sat in silent companionship, as often they had done on Balar.  The gardens offered both serenity and privacy, and in time Celebrimbor said what had been on his mind.

“My grandfather sought to preserve the light of the trees.  In this was he foresighted, though his jealousy became his downfall.”

Gil-galad remained silent, waiting.

“I, too, seek preservation.  If I cannot unmar Arda, perhaps I can slow its decay.  But do me this kindness, cousin.  If you see me falling-”  Celebrimbor looked away.  

“I’ll not let you fall,” Gil-galad swore.  “Against pride or folly, I will hold you.”

Chapter End Notes

Does this count as a good one for Celebrimbor?  I'm skeptical... I mean it's at least ... 'less bad'?

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