Fanworks Tagged with Fëanor

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Into the Darkness They Go by Elwin Fortuna

Aranwë paints a significant scene in the history of the Noldor.

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The Bride's Jewel by Scribe of Mirrormere

The tale of enduring love, which began by the shores of Cuiviénen, that will set forth the events that impact all of Middle-earth for ages to come.

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Half Past Ten in the Rose Garden by grey_gazania

Caranthir discovers that this romance thing is a lot harder than it looks.

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The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

The Silm you read when you are not really reading the Silm. Everything you wanted to know without all the boring bits.

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Short Tales of Arda by grey_gazania

Various short pieces.


Newest (3/19/16):

"Ammë": Curufin and Celebrimbor struggle with the absence of Celebrimbor's mother.

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The Brightest of Us All by Ilye

AU in which Fëanor survives the Battle Under the Stars, Maedhros still gets captured, Fingon still pulls his disappearing solo operatic stunt, Fingolfin is remarkably philosophical for someone who’s been exiled by accident, and everyone still speaks Quenya because Thingol hasn’t had time to ban it yet.

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Fëanor's Autobiography by belegur

Fëanor writes about himself in the style of Nikola Tesla's My Inventions.

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Reel On, Love! by Agelast

Fingolfin adjusts to new realities and Fëanor tests boundaries until they break.

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Lover Boy by Cirth

Fëanor struggles with his feelings.

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Mythmoot Mathoms by Dawn Felagund

I hid a prize in my Mythmoot III presentation, and these ficlets were written for those who discovered it and sent me their request.

Updated! Answered Swiftly: Fingon's prayer and the rescue of Maedhros, told from Throndor's perspective. Slightly experimental and weirdish.

Older: Love There Too: Olórin comes upon a young Finwë and Míriel at Cuivíenen.
The Mystery of the Missing Medallion: Maglor's begetting day gift for his father has gone missing. A tale involving a mad music master, missing jewelry, and a very odd hostage.

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Omega: It Is Finished by ElrondsScribe

Alternate Universe. This is my very first fanfiction. You can find it posted on my FFN dot net profile under the name Elrond's Scribe. The ending of Arda Marred with a twist. You will have to read this little piece to make sense of many of my future stories. Includes the fate of the Silmarilli and much more. Hope you enjoy!

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The Last Prince: Musings on Finarfin by avanti_90

A character of few words may yet have great significance. An essay on Finarfin, the third son of Finwë and later King of the Noldor, and what he means to the story of the Silmarillion. 

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Assault to Abjury by Agelast

Maedhros defied his father only once. AU.

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The Untrodden Path by Cirth

In the Years of the Trees, an adolescent Finrod feels an inexplicable pull towards his singular cousin, Maglor, and learns a bit more about himself.

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Even More About Maedhros by Himring

Collection for slightly longer pieces featuring Maedhros.

Now added:  Land of Mist (Maedhros, Fingon)


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The Death of Fëanáro by Dawn Felagund

Fëanor's death and its aftermath, as told by the Fëanorian bards and as it truly happened. A free-verse poem.

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A Kindred Heart by oshun

Indis meets Nerdanel and responds to her. References to: Noldorin society in Valinor during the Years of the Trees, sons, husbands, art, family dynamics and dysfunctionality, even a brief mention (non-graphic) of childbirth/labor. Started a while ago, but finished at this time in response to the  legendarium ladies april event on Tumblr.

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Emotions-- A series of vignettes by MisbehavingMaiar

A study in sentiments over time; a collection of moments surrounding Melkor and Sauron, from the Spring of Arda to the fall of the Third Age. 

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Mother of the Flame by Kaylee Arafinwiel

As the rebellious Noldor begin to destroy themselves, one fëa in Mandos is forced to watch the destruction, and to know its source.

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Like Butterflies on the Wind by Elisif

Celegorm reflects on his life on the night before the assault on Doriath

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A Quiet Life by rawr_balrog

Long after the final ship has come to harbor, the Valar have mercy, and release some of the longest dead from the Halls of Mandos. Maedhros is among the last.

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Bracing by Luxa

Maedhros struggled with many forms of pain in his life, some more mundane than others. He spent half his life with his hand pressed to his back before anyone realized his spine was curving.

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My Wish for You by kiniro-no-hana

A young Macalaure reveals that he has more in common with his mother than she would like, and together they encounter fear in the quiet of Telperion's light.


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A Smear of Grey across the Sky by mangacrack

It was a wet and grey morning, on which Fëanáro had decided to surrender himself to the dull task of reviewing his students essays.

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