Fanworks Tagged with Podfic

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Five Bells by Dawn Felagund, anuhealani

The people of Tirion learn of Miriel's death. For the Five Things challenge for SWG's fifth birthday. 2011 MEFA nominee.

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Trinity by pandemonium_213

Three scientists discuss technology and responsibility in the Jornada del Muerto Valley on July 19, 1945.

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A Ponderous Tome by oshun, Dawn Felagund

A short character study of a youthful Elrond and a reflection on an aspect of his relationship with Maedhros and Maglor; in response to Day 26 of the B2MeM challenge. The prompt is: “a teacher who played a key role . . . . write a character who educated his people in some way.”

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Five Fires by Elleth, Dawn Felagund

Ambarussa is afraid of fire to this day. There were four instances in life that made him fear.

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A Minor Talent by Lyra, Dawn Felagund

Young Findekáno develops a passion for a song that continues to follow him as the events of the Silmarillion unfold.

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