Love Song Eternal by The Wavesinger

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Chapter 1

I say:

I love you. Too

much. I love you too much.

Your grace enraptures; I fall to

my knees.


Kiss me.

I will sing it

from the rooftops, sing for

all to hear. Kiss me. Hold me.

Love me.


My songs

fail. Your love is

light-fall through butterfly

wings. Droplets slip through my hands



Touch me.

I burn. I burn.

Trails of want shiver through

my skin where your fingertips touch

my heart.

Touch me.


Skin heats

under your hands.

Soft as silk you touch. Music

rings through me. Your soft hands play notes



My body

is the altar

of your love. My touch is

a hymn to the only god I



Your song

winds through my soul,

into all its secret

places, threads through my body. I

hear it.


Words are

not enough. I find

no name for what I feel.

Let me weave you melodies,

my love.




and the end of love, my

heart will sing of you, sing for you,

sing you.

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