More Than One Hundred Words About Maedhros by Himring

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Spring Came Late That Year

Maedhros is trying, he really is. But the past gets in the way.

Characters: Maedhros and Elrond.

Written for B2MeM 2013--well, sort of.

Rating: Teens.

Warning: mature themes

Maedhros's POV


If you were here. If only you were here. And he means—so many whose light has gone out of his darkening world—which used to be full of fire!—is chill and faded now—but especially the subtle scent of trust, the warmth of the encircling arms that defended him from himself—could not deserve, could not keep, has lost—is lost.
He claws his way back to some semblance of... Earth beneath his feet, sap rising in the boughs and the patient, too patient face of: Boy, they say you resemble Luthien, but I see—I see Turgon and Elenwe and Finwe and… This gesture of the hand, that turn of the head and.... But no, no memories now!
Boy, Elrond. Has he got what he needs? Silly question! Second-rate, third-rate, fourth-rate: stopgap. But: here, now.
‘I’m sorry, Elrond,’ Maedhros says, ‘I lost track of what you were saying. Would you mind repeating the question?’

Chapter End Notes

The B2MeM prompt was "Friendship", accompanied by the following quote:

"Long before, in the bliss of Valinor, before Melkor was unchained, or lies came between them, Fingon had been close in friendship with Maedhros; and though he knew not yet that Maedhros had not forgotten him at the burning of the ships, the thought of their ancient friendship stung his heart. Therefore he dared a deed which is justly renowned among the feats of the princes of the Noldor: alone, and without the counsel of any, he set forth in search of Maedhros; and aided by the very darkness that Morgoth had made he came unseen into the fastness of his foes."

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