Illegal Noldorin Immigrants by Himring

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The Themiscyra incident

Three Noldorin ladies explain to Herakles (aka Hercules) why they decided he needed to be sat on.

Originally written as comment fic for Grundy, to whom thanks for the inspiration!


Please note that this addition should perhaps be rated Teens, rather than General. Further warning in end notes, possible spoiler.

'You can let me up now,' said Herakles, aggrieved. 'I really did not mean to attack any of you!'

'You are safer staying down,' said Edhellos from where she sat on his legs. 'Some of our friends are angrier with you than you have probably realized. Don't try to throw us off, you might get run through with a spear.'

'We are giving you the benefit of the doubt,' Lalwen explained, holding down his middle. 'Because of possible cultural differences. You see, when Hippolyta said she was sorry for you and going to give you her precious and powerful girdle, if you really needed it...'

'That was literally all she meant,' continued Elenwe, who was holding his arms pinned. 'Just her girdle, that is. Not the woman inside it. She was very much not offering the sort of comfort you apparently thought. And, in the Amazon language, no means no.'

'But maybe that was all Greek to you...' Lalwen concluded and gave his midriff an extra warning push.

Herakles subsided.

Chapter End Notes

The warning is for prevented non-con. Hippolyta was able to summon help as soon as it became clear that Herakles was really going to cross the line.

Also apologies to any Greek readers for the anachronistic pun!

(I'm not really apologizing to the shades of the ancient Greeks, though, considering it was they who first came up with the concept of barbarians.)

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