Meadow Flowers & Butterflies by StarSpray

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Message on Weathertop

written for the Meet & Greet instadrabble event

Passwords/secret codes

The Riders were closing in. Gandalf stood for a moment uncertain, looking out from Weathertop over the Road and surrounding countryside. Behind him Shadowfax pawed at the ground, sending pebbles clattering over old and cracked flagstones. Somewhere out there, perhaps near Midgewater Marsh, Frodo and his companions, and Aragorn—thank the stars Aragorn had found him!—were making their way east. If Gandalf knew Aragorn, he would come to Weathertop, hoping just as Gandalf had hoped, perhaps, for a meeting.

Well, that could not happen. But he could leave a sign. He picked up a stone and etched a few lines upon it, setting it atop a pile of other stones of similar size and shape. It would mean nothing to anyone else.

A chill swept over the hill. Harsh voices called out and were answered; Shadowfax neighed a challenge. Gandalf picked up his staff, Narya warming on his finger.

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