Silver and Gold by Oboe-Wan

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Chapter 3


Chapter Three

“It is beautiful,” Galadriel commented unnecessarily, with something like regret in her voice, as she leaned from the streambank and let her fingertips trail in the icy water.  There were echoes of Lorien in the woods of Doriath, and it made her almost homesick.

            “What’s the matter?” Celeborn prompted, as if percieving her unspoken thoughts.  Melian had dressed her guest in a white gown, and Galadriel’s hair shone like the sun rising over a snowy mountain.

            Galadriel ignored his query, and looked up to the canopy as she straightened.  “You should bring your young pupil here to study.  The quiet might settle her.”

            Celeborn laughed his lovely laugh again, and leaned back against the mossy tree-trunk.  “Luthien?  Study in the forest?  She’d be chasing butterflies and dancing to the birdsong in no time.  Believe me, I’ve tried… No, she stays more focused on her tasks indoors.”  He too let his gaze drift up to the treetops, and the shafts of sunlight painting the forest floor with their warm hues.  “I truly can’t blame her though.  One could spend centuries with these trees,” he murmured thoughtfully after a moment.  “And I intend to…”

            Galadriel fixed her gaze on him suddenly, and he blinked at the sharpness of it.

            “And yet,” she began, “the world moves outside the protection of Melian and the safety of Menegroth.  It is folly to ignore it.”

            “Indeed,” Celeborn agreed.  “As well as this indescribable beauty, there exists fear and hate, and darkness beyond what I could comprehend…”

            Galadriel raised an eyebrow as if he’d just stated something very obvious.

            “I have learned the crafts of swordplay and archery…I have slain orcs and battled goblins at the borders of Doriath.  But I am no warrior,” he said quietly, looking at his ink-stained hands.  “Perhaps you think me weak.” He raised his eyes to meet hers.

            “Curiously enough,” Galadriel began slowly, “I do not.”

            A smile spread over Celeborn’s beautiful features, and he stood and moved to her side at the streambank.  “Finrod and the sons of Feänor go forth to battle the forces of Morgoth, while Celeborn is content to teach runes and lore to a little princess and wander the woods of Doriath.  But Galadriel does not scorn him for this?” He sat beside her, eyes very serious.

            Galadriel smiled at him.  “Why is that?” she asked.

            Celeborn laughed.  “Perhaps you ought to be explaining it to me.”

            “Give it a try.  I’ll let you know how close you are.”

            Taking a deep breath, Celeborn looked again at his hands, his expression serious once more, then out into the forest.  “I suppose…I am just too fond of beauty and of peace.  Should it become necessary, I will fight to protect this peace with all of my strength and all of my will.  But while I can, I would rather help to build it and make it prosper.”  He looked back to her.  “Something like that?” he inquired with a half-smile.

            Galadriel, who had been intent on the pieces of azure sky visible through the treetops, met his gaze and returned his smile.  She’d smiled before, but this time it seemed softer, somehow.  Not polite, or forced, or even merely amused…and it lit her face as brightly as the late afternoon sun did her hair.

            “Something like that.”

“There you are, Galadriel,” Finrod greeted, taking her by the hands and whirling her around.  Galadriel laughed.  What put him in such a good mood?  “And how did you find Doriath?”

            “Lovely,” she answered, smiling.  “And did Menegroth live up to your standards?”

            “Mostly,” Finrod admitted with a grin.  “There are a few things I’ll do differently.”

            “Well that’s optimistic, isn’t it?” Galadriel replied, returning his grin with a cynical twist that his lacked.  “That’s assuming you can find an appropriate site.  And assuming our people are willing to follow you.”

            Finrod waved off these details.  “Yes, yes, and assuming that Varda’s stars don’t come loose from the heavens and knock me out cold.”

            “Tempt not the Lady’s retribution,” Galadriel teased with a small, wry smile.

            Finrod laughed.  “Well my Galadriel, how would you feel about another journey into Doriath?” he inquired.

            “Eager, naturally.  Why do you ask?”  She narrowed her eyes slightly at him.

            He shrugged.  “Thingol has a mind to show me the system of border sentries, and I’d like to see it.  Would Milady care to join us?” he concluded with a gently teasing smile.

            “Milady would,” she retorted.  “I’m curious to see how the system that passed us along so efficiently when we arrived works.  I however, may not recommend any improvements with which to offend my host,” she stated, raising her eyebrows at her brother.

            “Well now, we can’t expect the most beautiful of the children of Finarfin to also be the most intelligent,” he replied, patting her cheek, eyes sparkling with restrained mirth.

            Galadriel leveled a look at him best described as “dangerous.”

            Finrod hurriedly looked up at Celeborn, who’d followed Galadriel into the hall a few steps behind.  “Er…will you be joining us then, Master Celeborn?” he asked, changing the subject.

            “To the borders?” Celeborn asked, voice impassive.  “Would you like me to?”

            Galadriel smiled.  “Please, if Luthien can make do without her tutor for a few days.  And I’m sure that you know many more beautiful parts of the forest.”

            Finrod raised an eyebrow, which Galadriel missed, as she was smiling at Celeborn.

            He returned her smile. “I do at that.  I’d be pleased to accompany you.”

            “Right then, Galadriel you should get changed.  That dress is not very sensible for traveling,” Finrod pointed out.

            She blinked.  “We’re going now?

            Finrod blinked back.  “Yes?”

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