Keeping Up Appearances by Ulan

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Chapter 1: That time when Glorfindel started it all (though maybe Erestor also let him)

As had now become his habit, Glorfindel strode inside Erestor's office with nary a knock or warning and proclaimed: "I told Celegwen that we are together."

Erestor looked up from his work. "The persistent archer?" he asked placidly, despite the fact that he and Glorfindel were most definitely not, to his knowledge, together. "I see. What did she say?"

"She said that she ought to push you off the cliffs of Lune for being so bold as to claim me from under her nose."

The dark-haired counsellor put his quill down and sighed. "Death threats before luncheon - wonderful. What use is diplomacy when I have you making enemies for me?" He shook his head, but although he complained, they both knew Glorfindel had already been forgiven even before Erestor spoke. "Pray tell, what did you say to her when she said this?"

Glorfindel crossed his arms, a scowl marring his fair and usually kind face. "That she should keep her hands to herself if she wants to keep them at all, and that if so much as a strand of hair is harmed on your lovely head, I will make sure she wakes up bald."

Erestor could not help it; his stern glare broke and he laughed. "Nienna, you said that to the poor thing? A lovestruck maiden, Glorfindel. Where ever did the gentleman I used to know go?"

"Lost!" exclaimed the golden-haired lord, his arms thrown up in the air. "We lost him when all these stubborn creatures would not relent and take a hint! It is ridiculous what they are doing. Erestor, I barely have any moment of peace what with all these reports of Orc sightings we are receiving of late. Yet whenever I return, looking forward to some moment of respite, there is always someone who approaches and asks for - nay, demands - my time! They are getting bolder, too." Glorfindel looked truly desperate. "Just the other day, I entered my rooms to find an ellon on my bed, bare as the day he was born. Why? Who even does that?"

Erestor bit his lip to hold back a grin. Really, to laugh would be insensitive, so disturbed did his friend look before him.

Ever since his return, Glorfindel had been widely sought after by ellyn and ellith alike. After all, truly great were his accomplishments and by the Second Age, he had become a household name. That he was reintroduced as an emissary of the Valar was another thing in his favour, for never had they heard of anyone lower than a Maia to be presented as such. Yet another surprise was... well, simply the way Glorfindel looked. Erestor supposed he had read once or twice that the Lord Glorfindel was fair and befitting of his name, but Erestor had ignored such writings as Glorfindel simply drawing the attention of old scholars by being a Vanya among the darker Noldor. But Glorfindel truly was passing fair, true to even some of the more flowery text that Erestor had come upon in his lifetime, and Elves of Lindon - or at least those of Ossiriand - had eyes and hearts naturally drawn to beautiful things. They were singers and artists, too, and so were honest in their affections, obvious in their admiration. Unfortunately, the returned Elf-lord was not one to revel in such things, and his old-fashioned ways often meant he was merely embarrassed by this sort of attention.

Erestor supposed that was where he came in. He had treated Glorfindel much like he treated everyone else, for he knew no other way to treat anybody. However impressive Glorfindel admittedly might be, Erestor was simply not prone to excitement the way others were, being an old Elf from darker times. Glorfindel's arrival he met only with mild surprise, for the mere fact that he never knew one could even return from the Undying Lands. He therefore welcomed and worked with Glorfindel with his usual degree of politeness and only some acknowledgement of the novelty of the other's situation, but nothing so great that it would come in the way of work, or even common etiquette.

Glorfindel claimed that Erestor was the first Elf in Lindon to greet him in the customary way without running off at the mouth about everything he had read or known about Gondolin in the First Age. Following this, Erestor was also the first friend he made in Lindon, simply because Glorfindel found that he had a turn at speaking when he was in Erestor's company. This friendship seemed to hold significant meaning to the reborn hero, for he never favoured another the way he did Erestor, not even now when several summers have already passed since his coming and people have grown more accustomed to him.

Still, although Glorfindel was no longer new to Lindon, a couple of his more persistent admirers remained, and moments like this, when the attention became too much for him and he would seek Erestor out for peace and sanctuary, were still unfortunately quite common for them.

Erestor shook his head in pity and stood up, walking from behind his desk to guide Glorfindel to one of the chairs in front of it. "All right, enough. You are safe now," he said as he reached out and laid his hands on his friend's shoulders in comfort. "I will have a word with that boy, if you wish, for I think I know who would be so bold and stupid enough to do such a thing. The youth these days... You would think dignity is so common and comes aplenty, so easily picked up once thrown away." At Glorfindel's tired sigh, Erestor relented with the lecture. "Well, never mind that. Would you like some tea? Or..." He paused, considering. "Perhaps something stronger would be the better choice today."

That finally earned him a smile. "I like that you are so dependable," said Glorfindel, almost fondly. His shoulder began to look less stiff and the smile lingered on his face. Erestor smiled back before walking to where he kept the wine. It was not midday yet, but he figured that troubled friends held higher priority than propriety.

"So," said Glorfindel with renewed cheer, now grinning up at Erestor as he was handed a glass of wine. "How has your day been, darling?"

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