Star-Crossed by Leithriel

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Meetings and contemplations

The sound of splashing water stirred Nellas from her slumber. Sitting by the shore were Idril and Earendil, along with Elwing. Nellas watched as the sea water lapped at their feet, listened as they giggled. It was the very picture of a family. Family....

For some reason, the very word caused her pain. It was a grim reminder of something she could never have again. In spite of Tuor's advice, she doubted that Namo would grant her her request. It has been years, after all. And if he were to decline her request, she wasn't sure if she could take it.

Just as she was contemplating what to do next, Idril lifted her head, noticing her. A smile appeared on her face as she waved, beckoning for Nellas to come closer.

"Something troubles you." Idril noted, matter-of-factly, as Nellas sat down

"Something does indeed." Nellas admitted, avoiding Idril's gaze "But I am not sure if you could help."

"I am guessing you were in love, and your heart was broken." Idril spoke the words carefully

"You're right." Nellas began playing with hem of her gown "I am much like Luthien and you, for I too was in love with a mortal man. The first man in Arda to take his own life, to be exact."

"Who was it?" Idril pressed on, gently but firmly

"No one you knew." Nellas whispered

"Try me." Idril's voice was commanding

"He was....." Nellas paused, unsure how to put this "He was your husband's first cousin."

"If you want to know my opinion, then I think you should follow through with it." Idril said "After all, you won't succeed, unless you try."

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