Fanworks Tagged with Podfic

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(Podfic) Ulmo's Wife by pandemonium_213 by Anérea

It was written that Ulmo was alone, but delving deeper into the nature of the Valar and their adopted world reveals otherwise.

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[podfic] Examined Lives by Sallyavestheday by Anérea

Erestor and Pengolodh negotiate their respective truths, after sailing for Valinor.

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[podfic] Comfort Food by Himring by Anérea

Breakfast with the Feanorians, late in the First Age featuring Himring's OC Narye, ex-housekeeper of Himring.

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[podfic] Sarati by Chestnut_pod

Rúmil invents writing only half on purpose.

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[podfic] A Vulpine Gentleman With Business of His Own by Chestnut_pod

A brief interlude in the life of a fox with a job to do.

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[podfic] Of Perfect Make by Chestnut_pod, StarSpray

A letter comes to the Lonely Mountain from Bag End, requesting a large number of birthday gifts for Bilbo's upcoming eleventy-first birthday. The Mountain gets to work immediately.

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[podfic] Bookkeeper by Chestnut_pod, StarSpray

Elanor sits down to make a copy of the Red Book.

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[podfic] With What a Glory by Chestnut_pod, StarSpray

Goldberry has a song for each season.

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[podfic] As Though At Sea by Chestnut_pod

Lothíriel finds many things in Rohan unsettling, but none so much as her future sister-in-law.

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[podfic] Standing Together by Chestnut_pod

Nori's not really a protest sort of person. Dwalin, apparently, is.

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[podfic] Ink and Steel by Chestnut_pod

Dwalin has the mountains under her skin.

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[podfic] waving flares in the air by Chestnut_pod

The light enters the room before Éowyn does, a rolling dry heat with it; just enough warning for Faramir to close one book and open another. She enters hard on its heels. 'Hail, Steward, from the south fair tidings,' she says, pulling off her helm halfway through, so the words are muffled. 'I can’t stay long. I came to give you word of Harad and your brother.' (A Galadriel-accepts-the-ring AU.)

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[podfic] Light Words About Nothing, And Other Rare Pleasures of Life by Chestnut_pod

“We can’t all be as pleasant as hobbits,” Dis said. The hobbit in question tossed her head back, black curls bouncing and glinting in the late afternoon light, and laughed.

“You’ve met few hobbits then,” she replied, still smiling. “I’ve often thought we’re the most contentious race in all the lands.”

“You’ve met few dwarves then." Dis was rewarded with more laughter, and then all of a sudden, the hobbit was plopping herself down on the bench beside Dis, fishing out her own pipe.

Dis meets an unexpected companion as she waits in Rivendell.


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[podfic] Luminous by Chestnut_pod, StarSpray

Nerdanel crafts her first sculpture of strange but beautiful shape.

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Hearken Still Unsated by polutropos

When the Noldor return to Middle-earth to make war on Morgoth, only rumours reach Menegroth of their reasons for coming, but Doriath's minstrel experiences their loss and longing through his connection to Music and the gift of his Queen. Years later, he is sent to the Feast of Reuniting and meets the Elf whose grief he felt. A story about the Eldar returning home, their connection to the land and to each other, and their relationship to Music and fate, love and free will. 

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(podfic) Who You Are To Me by Anérea

The White Lady of the Noldor, seen by some of those who loved her best.
(Podfic of a triple drabble by Melesta)

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[podfic] Haven by Chestnut_pod

The ship diminishes against the horizon, the sun rising to brighten the waves, the curve of Eärendil’s arm falling as his figure becomes smaller, turning away.

Uinen’s mercy, Elwing thinks, and bites her tongue rather than pray.

A podfic of a story by Simaetha. 

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[podfic] The foam like flowers on the shore by Chestnut_pod

They have no choice but to build a life together.

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[podfic] Three times, the forge by Chestnut_pod

Celebrimbor kisses Narvi. Narvi kisses Celebrimbor. Somehow, Celebrimbor is still perplexed.

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[podfic] Spin Songs for the Sea by Chestnut_pod, heget

Eärwen as a young maiden of the Swan-haven, surrounded and supported by family, and the intersection of song and spinning thread.

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[podfic] Please, let's go home (I love you, they said, I love you) by Chestnut_pod

In Treelight, he and Artanis had walked the beaches of Elendë, the white sand soft beneath bare toes as she splashed in the shallows and demanded he name every sea star. Upon the ragged new shores of this eastern land, they wore stout boots, for they were all torn rock and silt, and the waters colder than the Bay of Eldamar. And Artanis was Galadriel now, and if her name was softer, it was all of her that was.

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[podfic] The Impatience of Youth by Chestnut_pod

Irissë looked pained. “I’ve bruised myself. On – oh Eru, a bust of Uncle Fëanáro. Talk about a mood killer…” 

“This isn’t working,” said Elenwë. “We need to go somewhere else or I’ll have nightmares for the rest of my life about your entire extended family watching us while we – ” 

“Agreed,” said Irissë, looking rather ill.

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[podfic] How far can you carry this? by Chestnut_pod

They make mountains upon the beach from sand and pebbles, because all Eärendil’s memories are of cold and pale walls of stone and walking for ever and ever.

When Elwing thinks of home it is dark forests and damp loam beneath her feet and running and stopping and hiding and running again, like rabbits.

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[podfic] all they had to lend by Chestnut_pod

From a few hundred feet up, the swan ships could be seen to hesitate.

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