What is a Matryoshka challenge and how does it work?

Matryoshka dolls are also known as Russian nesting dolls, with each doll containing a smaller doll inside. A Matryoshka challenge works similarly, requiring creators to fit their response to each prompt within a fanwork already underway for previous prompts.

Matryoshka Prompts for Fiction

You will receive multiple prompts for a Matryoshka challenge via email.  You will include each prompt in your story. (See below for how to use the prompts for formats other than fanfiction.) Often, prompts will include directions about when you can open the next prompt.

When requesting a Matryoshka challenge, you should include the difficulty level:

  • Beginner: Two prompts
  • Easy: Three prompts
  • Medium: Five prompts
  • Difficult: Seven prompts

Note that Difficult prompt sets often require reaching a minimum word count before opening the next prompt.

You can request multiple prompt sets if you want. Each set will contain unique prompts.

You should contact the moderators if you need a set of Matryoshka prompts. You can request prompt sets for current as well as previous Matryoshka challenges.

Matryoshka Prompts for Other Fanwork Types

If you want to create a fanwork other than fiction for a Matryoshka challenge, you can use any of the following approaches to your prompt set:

  • You can, of course, use the Matryoshka rules for fiction. For example, if you are making a fan vid, you could open each prompt one at a time to guide the storyline and selection of video clips.
  • You can use each prompt individually to create a series of flash fanworks using either the prompt title or the full prompt (or a mixture of both). For example, if you request a Medium prompt set and want to make fan art, you could do a series of five sketches that fit each of the five prompts.
  • You can open all of the prompts at once and make a fanwork that incorporates them all in some way, using either the prompt title or the full prompt (or a mixture of both).
12 June 2023