Gnome Tome Challenge Prompt Generator

Use the generator below to develop a random prompt for our Gnome Tome challenge! Click each button to roll a random prompt. Loathe your result? Click again to reroll as many times as you want.

Excited about this. I finally got my copy of NoMe earlier today. (I realize one does not need it to participate but am happy to finally feel like I can catch up!) I picked something related to Melian that I can use in a story. Hooking up my new monitor also today. So I feel like I just got rescued from a desert island.

Woohoo! I'm excited for you and will be sooo glad to have you back! This weekend, I am tying up some loose ends, SWG-wise, that I started over the summer and had to let go once the busyness of moving + starting back to school set in, which got me wondering how you were doing, but knowing you were working on a small screen, I didn't want to bug you. And about an hour later, this comment appears! I promise give you some time to enjoy your new monitor and rejoin the world before I start pestering you about the bio again. :D I'm planning on writing Osse this month.

I have about 20 pages left in the NoMe and really need to do a more detailed reading again, taking better notes and doing more text-to-text comparison and all that ... but overall, I found it a really fun book. It felt totally different to me than the HoMe books, even though I saw it described in some places as a "13th HoMe"--perhaps what the HoMe might have looked like if CT wasn't so concerned with consistency.

I found the bit about Melian limiting herself to one child because she didn't want to lose more of her powers to the drain of pregnancy and childbirth extremely intriguing. A woman chooses career over children! It might be enough for me to forgive Tolkien for what was to come later in the book. ;)

I found the bit about Melian limiting herself to one child because she didn't

want to lose more of her powers to the drain of pregnancy and

childbirth /extremely/ intriguing.

That is exactly what ensnared me and made me want to try to write a short something! 

I could barely stand to be online on my tiny laptop. Now I can breath again. Basically, updating all my programs on big old computer and looking at the photos I took this summer. (I take photos so I can look at them on a big monitor and see what I have done and where I have been!) I bought a new keyboard too. That means I can type better also. (Not promising that will eliminate all typos!) I am getting ready to look at where I was on Maedhros when this all started!

Osse should be a terrific bio. Don't set the bar too high for me and make get writers block! 

I am so happy you are in your new home!  What a year. But it looks beautiful and pristine!

I suspected that's the bit you found too! I've never been much interested in writing about Melian. That got me.

Enjoy the new computer! This summer, living at the dacha with Internet that was very spotty and stuck doing most of my work on a bed with a laptop (something I've never found comfortable, despite all the stock photos of smiling people happily tapping away on laptops amid their blanket nests), now having a desk again and a bookshelf and Internet that is on way more than it is off feels amazing, so I can only imagine how you feel. I'm psyched for you!

I'll keep the bar low for Osse. :D