Video and Multimedia Fanworks Are Here!

Video and Multimedia Fanworks Are Here

We are excited to announce the final fanwork types are now available on our archive: video and multimedia!

If you'd like to add a video or multimedia fanwork, you can find these options under your My Account menu. If you need help adding them, see our video FAQ and multimedia FAQ.

What Exactly Is a Multimedia Fanwork?

Multimedia fanworks provide the means to combine two or more of the other fanwork types into a single fanwork, presented on a single page.

Did you do a ton of research for a story, and you'd like to present your link collection alongside the fic? Maybe there's an illustration of the story too? Do you have a video that goes with a meta piece, or a podcast discussing a work of art? (Or the playlist you listened to while making the art?) Or you are participating in a big bang and would like to post the artwork and novella together?

Multimedia fanworks allow you to archive fanworks that don't fit tidily into our existing fanwork types: artwork, audio, link collection, playlist, video, and writing. You can combine as many fanwork types together in whatever order you choose. The multimedia FAQ includes more information about the various ways this fanwork type can be used to present hard-to-archive fanworks on our site.

Banner image by mohamed hassan form PxHere.

Posted on 1 August 2022 (updated 19 August 2022) by Dawn Felagund