Fanworks Tagged with Gereth

This is a Writing fanwork

Before the Storm by polutropos

As Elwing navigates uncertainties about identity, rulership, and her impending motherhood, a chance meeting with a reclusive woman of the Haladin leads to a relationship that will give her strength facing the challenges to come. [WiP. Rating based on chapter 1 but will change to Adult.]

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This is a Artwork fanwork

The Forge by Sublime Penguin

Gereth at her forge.

As far as I know, there's no lore regarding elves and tattoos. I love the idea that they might have had them, but with special ink that made them appear differently, or not at all, depending on circumstances like day, mood, and words spoken.


Done for the Worldbuilding Exchange 2018, for Lunarium and heavily inspired by their works featuring Gereth

Fanwork Information

This is a Writing fanwork

Any Wise and Wintry Thing by Elleth

Evranin and Gereth meet in the woods of Doriath on a midwinter night, long before the birth of Elwing and the fall of Doriath. They share a night of passion, and when Doriath falls, they meet again.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents