You Can't Go Home Again

At last worn by haste and the long road (for forty leagues and more had he journeyed without rest) he came with the first ice of winter to the pools of Ivrin, where before he had been healed. But they were now but a frozen mire, and he could drink there no more.

Thus he came hardly by the passes of Dor-lómin, through bitter snows from the north, and found again the land of his childhood. Bare and bleak it was; and Morwen was gone. Her house stood empty, broken and cold; and no living thing dwelt nigh.

-The Silmarillion, "Of Túrin"

What would happen if one of Tolkien's characters returned to a beloved home after a long absence? This challenge asks fanworks creators to pursue that very question. The return may be canonical--such as Túrin's return to Dor-lómin in the quote--or alternate universe, such as Fëanor's return to Tirion after many ages in the halls of Mandos. What and whom might the character encounter? What has changed? How has the character changed?

This challenge opened in .

Fanworks Tagged with You Can't Go Home Again

This is a Writing fanwork

Shore Beyond the Shadowy Sea by Quente

In which Elfwine goes to sea to find himself, but finds Beleriand instead, and then finds himself.


Ulmo sends another human in a swan crest to Gondolin, with expected results.

  • This tale is a paean (and sequel of sorts) to Bunn’s work, the Undying Lands. This will have a few spoilers, so you might go and read this glorious work, and the one before it.
  • But long story short, Beleriand is back, and Fëanor might have built a few pathways between Middle-earth and Beleriand, just for fun.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Letters in the Sand by Rhapsody

Maglor is trapped within a circle regarding his fate and destiny.

 ~ MEFA 2006 nominee - Thank you Robinka! ~

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents