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This is a Writing fanwork Defiance by Marta

I love Ulmo (and well, all the Maiar of the sea). Here he was depicted quite nicely and thoroughly, despite the small size of the piece. There I was treated to two brief but good lines about my most favourite Maiar - Ossë and Uinen!


Fanwork Information

Of all the Valar, Ulmo arguably knew the Numenoreans best and it was his waves that were used in their destruction. What must he have thought about the Akallabeth?

Major Characters: Ulmo
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Drama, Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Mature Themes
Posted on 7 May 2009 Updated on 7 May 2009
This fanwork is complete.

This is a Writing fanwork The Blue Book of Bilbo Baggins, or, Tales of the Forbidden Silmarillion by Gandalfs apprentice

All right. I did not particularly like the last scenes of this story, but anyway I admit that it was a piece of superb quality. The word choice was good, and the flow too. The ideas were mostly original as well... and, what impressed me the most, some of the vague nooks in the Silmarillion were depicted rather vividly.


Fanwork Information

As readers know from Tyellas's Lost in the Translation, Bilbo made another book--one with a blue cover. This story tells of the fate of this mysterious volume, and, even better, has extracts from some of the know you want to read it. Seriously AU. Illustrations by greywing.

Thanks to Tyellas for allowing me to borrow the idea of the Blue Book from her superb story and to oshun for her thoughtful criticism and for being a good friend. Special thanks to Maeve Riannon and to greywing for their unique contributions, and to all the writers at the Garden of Ithilien.

Major Characters: Ainur, Beren, Dior, Elu Thingol, Glorfindel, Idril, Lúthien Tinúviel, Maeglin, Manwë, Melkor, Nienna, Sauron, Sons of Fëanor, Tuor, Uinen, Ulmo, Valar, Varda
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Drama, Humor Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Mature Themes
Posted on 6 June 2007 Updated on 6 June 2007
This fanwork is complete.

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