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Member since 25 November 2010.

About Me

CALLIOPE is one of the nine Muses in Greek mythology. She specializes in epic poetry (she was the muse of Homer) and her sigil is a tablet and stylus.

And for the record, Freudian analysis of my sobriquet would prove amusing but baseless. If you'd like to nickname me, call me Stylus. I'd like to be Cal, but alas!--grammar! No, that was not accidental lowercase.

What to say next...

Of me: I am a Tolkien devotee with perhaps an unhealthy obsession with the happenings of the House of Finwë, particularly his oldest son.

Of my writing, and of the use of porn and Quenya therein: My stories can be either long in coming, with extensive editing and writer's block, or fast and furious; unfortunately, what with university, work and so on, time is a nonexistent commodity. There will be occasional profanity, but you may rest assured that I almost always steer clear of direct porn; exceptions are extremely rare--almost nonexistent. My characters do have non-gratuitous (very important disclaimer) sex, and some of them have a lot of it, but I like to give them their privacy and keep my readers from squirming too much (for whatever reason), so little will actually be observed. But do not think that I am prudish--I have a gutter mind that could make a frat boy blush. After all...

I am very picky about how I write my stories, but I do have a tendency to write sparsely--don't be surprised if that intense, emotional scene takes place in half a drabble-length. And titles...please, no comment. They are not amongst my strengths.

I do much of my name-making via the Quenya Name Frame, and Ardalambion is my source for all things relating to Tolkien's languages. I glean interesting trivia (such as the Quenya words for genitalia--there, now don't you want to look?) here. When using Quenya in my writing, I do not translate names unless they have a relevant or entertaining meaning, nor do I translate words or phrases that are either widely known or can be figured out from context (or are translated within the story itself). But if you do want translations that I do not provide, mention it in a review or PM, and I will try to get back to you. Oh, and some of the Quenya names I use are pure whimsy; I do not always check these against the QNF, and they may be edited purely for looks. After all, what type of Elf would name their kid "Shithead?" Whimsy-names are always marked and translated, because I will not let a reader miss out on the name "Butt-trumpet."

Regarding surnames: Most likely, Elves did not use them. The ataressë alone served for public use, often with the amilessë placed after it; as the Elves generally gave original names, the chances of confusion would be small. At one point I did toy with the idea of Elvish surnames, and figured that they would likely patronymics, so that a proper full name would go: Ataressë-Amilessë-Father’s ataressë+ion for a son or iel for a daughter.

If you find things in my stories that make you balk, don't worry; I've thought them through. Postal service? Well, they did need a way to communicate. Newspapers? They had those in ancient Rome, for Ilúvatar's sake. And palace guards in peaceful Aman? Well, every society has its Salahis.

Oh, and I like blood and gore. If there are wars or torture scenes...prepare for disembowelment.

Of your writing: I am a canon and grammar Orc, so help me. So please, if you really must go for the formal style of The Silmarillion (incidentally, I opine that doing so in fanfic simply makes the prose sound stilted and tiresome), just stop saying "from whence." Thank you.

Of reviewing: I try my best to give courteous concrit, or at least a commentary. But remember what I said about my Orciness, so please don't be offended if I jump on a tiny mistake that even the Professor might not notice. And of course, just like any author, I like reviews too. I try to respond, if possible ("!" is a bit difficult to respond to, as are anonymous reviews). And even when it burns like a swan-ship, concrit helps me improve.

Of my personal canon: Amras dies at Losgar. I hold by LaCE and my characters may use osanwë. Finwë has two daughters, Findis and Írimë Lalwen. To keep spelling consistent, the calma sound is always represented by the letter c, even when k looks better. Celegorm is also called Tyelco, the twins are Minyarussa and Atyarussa, I spell Míriel's disputed name with a Þ for correctness, and Maglor, Caranthir and Curufin all marry. Orodreth is the son of Angrod and the father of Gil-Galad and Finduilas. And Fëanor is not a smith--his crowning achievements were the Tengwar and the Silmarils, neither of which required a forge. Oh, and Celegorm is blond (source: HoME 4, The Shaping of Middle Earth. It contains Old English names for many characters--Fëanor's means "Jewel wright"; see above--and Celegorm's refers to fair hair). A light blond, though; not a golden Vanya-blond (the facial expression of the former picture is also adequate for Celegorm).


Bravo: Maglor shows his father his newest and greatest work. Complete.

Changes: While searching for Eluréd and Elurín Maedhros ponders the way he and his brothers have changed. Not for the arachnophobic. Complete.

Of Conflicts and Confessions: As the title implies, largely between Finwë and his son. Complete.



Of this section: This is where I will put FictionPress.com links that lead to my random ramblings. 



Fanworks by Calliopes Stylus

This is a Writing fanworkChanges by Calliopes Stylus

While searching for Eluréd and Elurín Maedhros ponders the way he and his brothers have changed. Not for the arachnophobic. Complete.

Major Characters: Maedhros
Major Relationships:
Genres: General Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 063
Posted on 6 December 2010 Updated on 6 December 2010
This fanwork is complete.
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This is a Writing fanworkOf Conflicts and Confessions by Calliopes Stylus

As the title implies, and taking place largely between Finwë and his son. Complete.

Major Characters: Finwë
Major Relationships:
Genres: Drama Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 203
Posted on 30 November 2010 Updated on 30 November 2010
This fanwork is complete.
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This is a Writing fanworkBravo by Calliopes Stylus

Maglor shows his father his newest and greatest work. Complete.

Major Characters: Maglor
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 413
Posted on 30 November 2010 Updated on 30 November 2010
This fanwork is complete.
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