The People of Akallabeth by Hamfast Gamgee

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Journey to Numenor

Which is rather a silly thing to say when one is going on a journey with Numoreans with whom sea-faring is a way of life be they Faithful or Kings men.

Therefore in a few days, Naomi, Dan and Turin were boarding Amandil's ship, the Voyager, burdened with luggage for the journey. Amandils ship was large in Dan's eyes with room for over 100 to board comfortably. Now Whitesnake's men had departed on purposes of their own and some of Amandils followers decided on settling in Pelegir so there was room for more people. The sky was cloudy and the weather nippy and there was a smell of fresh Fish in the air as the trio were shown their quarters.

And by lunchtime the sails were unfolded, the wind was correctly positioned and to a chorus of good-byes the ship sped away from Pelegir up the River Anduin, followed by black and white crying seagulls. Now it is true that Amandil was travelling the shortest journey but the distance was still immense leagues upon leagues. How far is a league? I hear you ask. I'm not entirely sure but I think it is about 3 miles. In this time people used the term a league to describe a reasonable journey.

The first few days were fair swift and peaceful. The river shone a streaming blue with green hills and valleys on either bank. Although Naomi did mention to Dan and Turin that the land on the left i/e/ the western bank was noticeably more pleasant fertile and wild than that on the East which had a fair share of desolate mountains and evidence of widespread burning.

'Can't think why that is! commented Turin who I have to say while being a great fighter was not the greatest thinker of the 2nd age.

Dan, however, was better informed. He explained, 'all the Eastern side used to be controlled. by Sauron. he ruled with a rod of iron many Civilizations in this world he pressed the free peoples hard. But he cared little for the environment, vegetation or the land he conqured. As a result the land suffered the consequence of which you can see. In fact, a lot of the world we will be travelling used to be more dangerous years ago before the Numoreans defeated Sauron.

'this was before my time but I have heard my parents speak of the awe in which the Numorean fleet arose from the depths of the sea.' Dan himself was too young to remember this. he was thirty which was young for someone of Numorean race who could reasonably expect to live to nearly 200. Amandil, in fact, called himself a sprightly 150 and was not entirely joking.

But Naomi continued, 'That does not explain how Sauron is now referred to as Lord Sauron the Great,' by Whitesnake, ''

'No, I don't understand that myself Mr.N who has apparently met him says that one cannot underestimate Sauron's cunning. IN recent years the power of Gil-galad high king of the Elves has increased in these lands although I am sure that some evil powers still remain.'

Naomi sniffed in response, 'Well at least the smell of Fish has gone! Speaking of Whitesnake I have heard more stories about him.'

'Oh, yes, what?'

'I've heard that given a chance he likes eating babies, human ones'

'You have got to be kidding,'

'Wouldn't be too sure of that, Mr.N seemed well-informed, Naomi, ah, more music.'

One of the more musical minded crewmen played a flute and a few started to sing. It was a well known tune over the sea, but it was the first time Dan, Naomi and Turin had heard of it.

Oh, a few tunes have come to my attention with this story. Now, when I heard them, I heard them sung in a certain style, at least at first. But of course, tunes can be interrupted in many different ways. I might suggest what they sounded like, but if you have a better idea to yourself, please imagine that version! This one, I think was similar to celtic/folk music.

How do we go from her my friend

How will this situation find an end

Once rewarded for our evil's fight

Now we don't make a pretty sight

Coming from our island in the west

Our neighbours subjecting all the rest

and all men who are not of the sea

who oppose us may live in slavery

Of the mighty men of Numenor

Wasting the gifts they have won before

Being sundered from the Eldar

Mistakenly thinking that they are better.

After this song, the Voyager shuddered to a grinding halt. Dan asked Mr.N, 'What's going on?'

'Ah, didn't I tell you? We've had a meeting with a local chieftain who has told us that many of his people have been taking as slaves and are been kept in cages.'

'In slavery, by whom?'

''By the King's men, Naomi,' Mr.N's face whitened in anger. 'I had hoped their power haere had waned but it seems some stil remains. The trouble is that while relations between us and the King's men are not good outright violence between us is rare. But now might be one of those times. Look.'

Mr. N pointed and looking Dan could see many people being shackled and looking miserable. But from the Voyager, Amandil lead many people to the shore towards the captives. It was now late evening although the mon and stars shone brightly. Turin drew a sword crying, 'Ahha time for action!' and sped of towards Amandil.

There were some sentries guarding the Prisoners. But as Naomi whispered to Dan, 'I think we outnumber them!'

There was some discussion between Amandil and a sentry but then Amandil started unchaining the Prisoners. This was when the fighting began. Now I would be exaggerating to call this incident a battle but it was a touch fight. At first it seemed like it would be an easy victory for Amandil. But Dan was unsure. He was certain that he recognized the odd face of the Enemy. Then from around the hills a new force arrived. Many Men of Numenor charged into Amandil, pushing him back towards the River. Indeed the newcomers were re-inforced by many green-skinned, claw-fingered bow-legged creatures.

Orcs!' said Dan to Naomi. Now things looked desperate indeed. Amandil was fightint in dire straits holding on. Naomi even had to cry out, 'Duck' to him to avoid been decapitaded by a shoal of arrows. And looking around, Dan only saw Whitesnake skirting around the back.

Then there was a new sound. Some faint trumpets blarred and more people on horseback charged in aid of Amandil. 'Elves!' cried Dan joyfully and indeed they were. Now the fight was reversed and Whitesnake was forced into a hasty retreat.

There was then a meeting of the Victors. The casualties were not great but there were some dead and injured. Some were taken to the ship's medical section were Naomi and Dan helped with the recovery. But there was much frantic talking between Numorean, Middle-earth man and Elf.

Amandil's actions in freeing the inted slaves was a coup for him and the Elves where impressed by such Phalandirisum.

One thing that Dan had noticed was that the Elves were very adept at treating the injured that even those with serious injury gained dramatic improvement at the Elves skilled hands. Indeed soon the crisis was over and Dan, Naomi and Turin were no busier than usual.

A few words about Elves. Elves are people of a Starlit age far older than any race of Man. They are strong in mind and body, difficult (although not impossible) to hurt or kill are immortal if not slain, capable of subtle skills in craft and are nimble in movement. Elves of this branch tend to be pale0skinned with dark hair and deep set eyes. Although good people, I would be lying if I said they had never made mistakes in the past or if some were never selfish or evil.

Now the nex day Dan had noted that the Voyager had been moored and many including Amandil were heading for the land.

Mr. N explained, 'This is were we leave the river and head across the country.

After this song, the Voyager shuddered to a grinding halt. Dan asked Mr.N, 'What's going on?'

'Ah, didn't I tell you? We've had a meeting with a local chieftain who has told us that many of his people have been taking as slaves and are been kept in cages.'

'In slavery, by whom?'

''By the King's men, Naomi,' Mr.N's face whitened in anger. 'I had hoped their power here had waned but it seems some still remains. The trouble is that while relations between us and the King's men are not good outright violence between us is rare. But now might be one of those times. Look.'

Mr. N pointed and looking Dan could see many people being shackled and looking miserable. But from the Voyager, Amandil lead many people to the shore towards the captives. It was now late evening although the moon and stars shone brightly. Turin drew a sword crying, 'Ahha time for action!' and sped of towards Amandil.

There were some sentries guarding the Prisoners. But as Naomi whispered to Dan, 'I think we outnumber them!'

There was some discussion between Amandil and a sentry but then Amandil started unchaining the Prisoners. This was when the fighting began. Now I would be exaggerating to call this incident a battle but it was a touch fight. At first it seemed like it would be an easy victory for Amandil. But Dan was unsure. He was certain that he recognized the odd face of the Enemy. Then from around the hills a new force arrived. Many Men of Numenor charged into Amandil, pushing him back towards the River. Indeed the newcomers were re-inforced by many green-skinned, claw-fingered bow-legged creatures.

'Orcs!' said Dan to Naomi. Now things looked desperate indeed. Amandil was fighting in dire straits holding on. Naomi even had to cry out, 'Duck' to him to avoid been decapitaded by a shoal of arrows. And looking around, Dan only saw Whitesnake skirting around the back.

Then there was a new sound. Some faint trumpets blared and more people on horseback charged in aid of Amandil. 'Elves!' cried Dan joyfully and indeed they were. Now the fight was reversed and Whitesnake was forced into a hasty retreat.

There was then a meeting of the Victors. The casualties were not great but there were some dead and injured. Some were taken to the ship's medical section were Naomi and Dan helped with the recovery. But there was much frantic talking between Numorean, Middle-earth man and Elf.

Amandil's actions in freeing the slaves was a coup for him and the Elves where impressed by such Phalandirisum.

One thing that Dan had noticed was that the Elves were very adept at treating the injured that even those with serious injury gained dramatic improvement at the Elves skilled hands. Indeed soon the crisis was over and Dan, Naomi and Turin were no busier than usual.

A few words about Elves. Elves are people of a Starlit age far older than any race of Man. They are strong in mind and body, difficult (although not impossible) to hurt or kill are immortal if not slain, capable of subtle skills in craft and are nimble in movement. Elves of this branch tend to be pale0skinned with dark hair and deep set eyes. Although good people, I would be lying if I said they had never made mistakes in the past or if some were never selfish or evil.

Now the next day Dan had noted that the Voyager had been moored and many including Amandil were heading for the land.

Mr. N explained, 'This is were we leave the river and head across the country. Amandil is going to have a meeting with Gil-Galad, High King of the Elves. His country lies to the West of those mountains you can see in the far distance. Some of us may well settle in that country. We have heard it is welcoming, peaceful and bountiful.'

So for the next day the party travelled forward on land. The weather was cloudy with occasional showers which was natural for that country. Everyone travelled on Horseback so the journey was quick. Dan was curious about the Racial mix of the various people he was accompanying. The local men, which for the time being I will call the men of the North as they mostly dwelt in northan lands were very pale with blonde hair. The Elves as I have mentioned were pale with very dark hair and then there Amandil's people.

They seemed a very mixed bunch to Dan, ranging from very dark skin like Amandil himself to those where were almost blonde. Dan asked Amandil why this was. 'Well, we Numorean's were originally descended from many Trives in the west. These tribes had quite a variety of race mix. There are some, mostly of the kings party who are very blonde and pale. Others like us are partly descended from Darker or at least mixed men. Those of the King tend to be physically stronger, but I don't know... they seem to have other more subtle weaknesses. Oh, Naomi can i say thank you for saving my life back then. I would have been a gonner without your intervention.

'Now buck-up everyone we are about to enter the Grey mountains. What's that N? Oh, sorry, Misty Mountains, I'll have to get these names sorted out. But we will start climbing soon and the weather may get colder, it may be advisable to wrap up!'

The second part of Amandil's advice was true at least. It was not long before Dan beheld the peaks of the Misty Mountains shining in the pale sunlight. The Misty Mountains were a might chain of mountains in the wild. In normal circumstances it would have been impossible to cross but the Elves knew of a pathway and gave help to the others. Dan was again impressed by the nimble way the Elves used ropes and climbed tricky mountain faces.

Naomi, though, was more happy, 'Look at some of this mountain scenery isn't it gorgeous,' and it has to be said some of the views were spectacular. 'One could go skiing around here!' Dan replied confused

'Naomi, what are you talking about?'

'Er, never mind!

One peril which existed was the occasional fall of rocks. Some of these were quite intense and one rock hit Dan on the head causing him to fall down of the path knocking him unconcious. As a result he was patched up but had considerable brusing and had to be helped some of the rest of the way wincing a little.

But one Misty evening as dusk fell, one of the Elves cried out and Dan, Naomi and Turin beheld the fair valley of Rivendell. Rivendell was the capital dwelling of the Elves in the North-west and the abode of Gil-Galad. Although it looked sparsely populated a higher number of Elves than you would have thought where there. After what had seemed a tiring time travelling across the world a stay with Elves proved a welcome rest for Dan.

Now the party did have a relaxing time in Rivendell. They were safe (for the time being) and I wish I could tell you some of the tales they were told. The Elves were magical singers and Dan heard some enchanting tunes although Turin did mutter once, 'A bit whimsical I could do with some hard Rock!' However to stick to what is relevant to this tale Amandil, one or two of his counsellors (Including a woman called Sarah Mr.N, Dan held a council with the chief of the Elves Gil-Galad and Gil-Galad's no.2 Elrond.

Over a round table served with tasty cakes and refreshing fruit-flavored water Gil-galad heard news of his allies in Numenor. But it was not comfortable lore.

Amandil spoke to the Elves. 'things in our country in the West are far from pleasant. The King, Ar-Pharzon, claims Lordship over the entire world. I know he was essential in defeating Sauron but things have turned. Although supposedly a prisoner first, then a servant, then a counsellor and now he is in virtual charge of the kings policy, you should see how mighty lords creep to him! They say what the thinks the king soon follows. Life in Numenor is bad for us.

'You should hear the latest, though. The King intends to claim the undying lands from the Valar and therefore achieve immortality, which he believes the Gods are holding from him'

Elrond gulped in surprise, 'But surely that would mean declaring war on the Gods themselves!'

'Yes that's right but he believes he can do it. He is in the process of building a mighty fleet of ships which make the fleet of the Sauron campaign look small.' Amandil paused and sighed taking a sip of water. 'However, we have one thing he hasn't, Sarah!'

Sarah stood up and showed the Elves some glittering stones. She informed, 'Now this is essentially an early-warning system. It allows you to see around your borders to keep an accurate watch on movements. Used in conjunction with the Plantir it can be very useful. We can deliver some to you to help you if you like!' After some discussion the Elves agreed to this device. But Amandil had one more thing to say

'Life for us Faithful in Numenor is hard. We are called spies, traitors, discriminated against and we suspect have had cases of murder against us. Therefore many of us wish to settle with our allies in Middle-Earth I hear there is plenty of room in the North!'

Gil-Galad smiled running his fingers through his Golden hair. 'I'm sure you would be welcome as our neighbours, Elrond here knows the procedure but, well... I wonder, Amandil from what I hear and feel I think your people will need you!'

'That's one reason why I'm here!'

'I mean your people in Numenor. If you love them you need to return!'

'Well, that's not easy you know!'

'I thought the King let you go if you didn't bother him?'

'Go and not come back is the general idea.' Amandil sighed. Much of him wanted to retire in peace in Middle-earth, rather than face the perils of Numenor. But Gil-galad was known to be accurate on this type of thing. 'Well, Gilly, if you're sure, I'll make preparations to depart!' with that, the council was over.

In the next few days Amandil discussied with his people, their next move. Many were still planning to settle near Rivendell. Elrond had agreed to this and suggested many places which could be colonized.

But Dan, Naomi and Turin decided to travel with Amandil back to Numenor. Dan said to Elrond, 'I'm not sure how this war with the Valar will end.'

'I suspect in disastar. For someone. What with the war Ar-Pharzon plans, the strength of Numenor and Sauron's rise to power things seem to be coming to a head.'

'We never see that much of the Valar in this age do you as the Elves know why?'

'This does not seem to be the age of the valar. There was a time when the Valar were powerful and in the ages of the Stars offered much gidance. Even at the start of this Age it was the Valar who created Numenor and gave them their strength in the first place, though not many remember that now. Indeed it was the perceived refusal of the Gods (or Valar) to give the Numereans immortality which was the start of their estrangement. But with the exception of the odd message you don't see the Valar that much.'

'Well, it will be interesting to see the home of my forebears!'

'I'm looking forward to it!' called Turin who had just entered the room.

That was all of importance which occurred in their stay at Rivendell. Oh, apart from one incident when Turin nearly started a duel with one of the Northmen. The two were separated by Amandil who said, 'come on Turin the Northmen are our alllies, remember!'

'Oh, what oh, yes! They can't help been uncultured barbarians, eh!' Tact was not Turin's strong point. But with fond farewells a reduced party exited Rivendell travelling west.

On horseback a group of around 59 in a cloudy, chilly dawn rode on a pathway out of Rivendell over the ford heading west. To describe a reasonably long journey in print where not a great deal happens is a little hard to do. I suppose in other Media one can have a red line pointing over a map to stirring music. Anyway, imagine Dan, Naomi, Mr.N and Turin travelled through Sun, cloud, rain, haul, wind, snow, across mountains, Rivers, woods, grasslands, the odd home or farm and more rivers. 'Lots of rivers in these parts,' grumbled Naomi as her horse splashed across one causing water to fly over her dark hair. Naomi was not the greatest horse-woman in Middle-earth but had mastered the basics.

'Just hang on!' being Amandil's advice. But then a scout gave a cry and Amandil pointed out the mysterious Elvish port of the Grey Havens on the west coast. Ah, yes, there was one small moment of interest. In one of the Inns they frequented on the way, Dan heard a strange tale.

A young black woman called Sarah told him of rumours of a terrible creature in the North which roamed at night, drank blood could control people's minds and even the weather.

'Hmmmm,' said Dan thoughtfully, 'I think I know what this could be!'

Amandil however advised, 'Come on son, don't go on any glory mission just yet we haven't time!'

'Shame, all I need is something silver!' which just shows that Dan could be wrong sometimes! But now the people entered another sea-bound ship directed by one of the Elf ship-wrights Cirdan unfurled the sails, found cabin quarters, set up tasks and with a great heave-to set sail upon the shinning western Ocean.

Naomi was a little uncomfortable about journeying upon the open seas thinking it may be unpleasant. However, Mr. N said at first evening meal, 'This is an old Elwing C type ship. They're not as fast as the flashy jobs the King's men like but in my view are much more comfortable. You barely feel the sea it's of an Elvish design you see!' Dan grunted as he leaned against the ships railings looking at the sea. He was rather nervous about going himself and had only been persuaded because Sarah was going to whom he was rather fond of.

Anyway, on this sea voyage there were 3 dangerous moments. Firstly the ship was attacked by a Kracken. But the archers of Amandil were true and with a few well-aimed arrows sent the creature to the rightabouts.

Secondly it was discovered that the Ship was sinking and had sprung a leak which couldn't be found. With a day of dashing around, cries of 'it's got to be somewhere! and a nervous wait as the ship sunk a little the crew managed to find the leak.

Unfortunately Amandil himself was not much use at this. While he was a talented leader, brave and resourceful he wasn't much good at the nuts and bolts of sea-faring. 'Never could handle all that stuff about ropes mulaky!' said he. However, just in time, Sarah, Mr;N and a woman called Kierana cried,

'Found it, look hiding under the woodboards, cunning little thing!'

Thirdly and the worse peril came just as the ship was entering Numorean waters. Another large - and I mean large! Ship slowly sailed up and ominously pointed nasty looking cannon-type things at them. It was a ship of the King's men. It's Captain boarded and demanded to speak to Amandil. It was soon clear that the captain was far from satisfied with Amandil's account.

So te Captain sent Amandil a Numorean entry application form which was a large and complicated document in which the applicants had to persuade the Numorean customs that they could be let in. 'all part of the get tough on immigration policy!' said Mr.N gloomily.

'But we're Numoreans! cried Sarah,

'Yes of the faithful which is worse,' Mr.N replied, 'Were not really supposed to return.' And they had one day to complete it or the ship would blow them out of the water. Even Amandil said,

'I hate red tape,' looking at the document in shock.

Oddly enough the one person who did help was Dan. He was strangely good a forms like this and was able to fill in most of it with uncomfortable ease. With some assistance from Sarah on spelling (some of those Numorean words can be damn tricky to spell I assure you!) but not from Naomi who may have been able to handle the main form but the 3 supplement documents threw her!

Now let me tell you something about the world these people were in. It was indeed a magical, mysterious and enchanting place. It had wild lands, astonishing creatures and sights of beauty which could bend the strongest hearts. In it dwelt, Men, elves, Dwarfs other creatures and of course those of deadly evil. However it also had red tape just like other places and indescribably difficult application forms.

Which wasn't much use to Turin who pointed at the customs ship saying, 'Lets take 'em on!' Seeing as the customs ship was ten times bigger than theirs, Mr. N counselled

'We'll do this when we're desperate Turin, er, that's very desperate!'

But by the evening Amandil was able to hand in a completed form to the customs who after 2 tense hours contacted Mr. N confirming passage and the ship sailed onto the island of Numoner which Naomi beheld in the early hours of the next days sunlight.

Numenor! Wonder of the second world of the age and indeed of any age in he world. Technically speaking it was an island although one could easily foget that it was hundreds of leagues long from side to side. Consisting of millions of people, with mighty cities, ports, towns, countryside, trades, ships and the major power in the world.

Indeed it was so mighty that in the previous generation it was able to produce a force which challenged Sauron the dread who surrendered without putting up a fight. I cannot tell you how powerful this makes the men of Numenor. Mind you, I have to say (in case you haven't realised) that recently it had used it's might in evil ways and it's name was associated with dread as much as awe.

However Amandil's people were not party to this and the ship slowly sailed into the harbour of Yavanna in one of the quieter ports of Liverpool. And Amandil and his crew were greatly welcomed as the ship was tied up onto the stony harbour platform. As Dan, Naomi and Turin looked on many of their fellows crew greeted friends from the shore. One of whom was Amandil's eldest son a youngest man called Elendil.

'A great pleasure to see you, father, we were not expecting any of you to return, how is life on the mainland (referring to middle-earth)'

'Well to be honest we did not intend to return, but certain matters await me!'

'Oh, what matters?'

Not sure yet son but I imagine I will find out. Especially if I have some information about what is happening around here. Fancy a pint?'

Elendil sighed, 'I don't really have your taste in alcohol father, but maybe I will manage some wine!'

So in a local Inn many of the people exchanged news. It was not particularly pleasant what Elencil told him.

'The situation here has gone from bad to worse. Sauron is in full control of the King and council. All the talk is of the invasion of the West he plans.'

'He's going ahead with it then?'

'You bet your life N. The largest fleet in history is being prepared in the North and East. No-one (other than us perhaps) dares to say a word against Sauron. And the Valars name is mud be careful if you praised them too loudly! You might have seen the new foul palace Sauron has build for himself.'

'Oh, did we?'

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