Trifles by oshun

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Dark Shadows

This is at the request of Ladyelleth for "So, how about a Finrod/Curufin snippet?"

Finrod slipped into the forge, deserted except for Curufin. What a picture he made, bare to the waist, sharp, dark shadows defining his beautiful torso in the red and gold light. He stopped behind him and waited until Curufin put down his hammer and tongs. Wrapping his arms around him, he kissed the so familiar well-muscled shoulder tasting of salt and danger.

“I hope I am not unwelcome,” Finrod whispered.

Curufin turned and pulled him into a plundering kiss. When at last they broke apart, his predator’s face softened into an expression of boyish vulnerability. “Do you realize this is the first time since we began that you have sought me out?”

“I do,” Finrod said, with affection and regret. “I cannot fight it anymore.”

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