Fanworks Tagged with Quennar i Onótimo

This is a Writing fanwork

Three Golden Hairs by Idrils Scribe

"From her earliest years Galadriel had a marvellous gift of insight into the minds of others, but judged them with mercy and understanding, and she withheld her goodwill from none save only Fëanor."
Unfinished Tales

What the hell happened between those two? The Hair Incident, told in all its sordid glory.

A Holiday gift for Anoriath and Dawn Felagund, the greatest betas any writer could wish for. Many thanks to Grundy for the beta!

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This is a Writing fanwork

Sweeping past the minutes of its face by Himring

A mechanical clock is imported from The Shire to Valinor.

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This is a Reference fanwork

Quennar i Onótimo by Himring

One among Tolkien's several fictional loremasters, Quennar was briefly an intermediary between Rúmil and Pengolodh and later attested as the loremaster who wrote on the reckoning of time by the Elves, a role that overlaps with the medieval historiography familiar to Tolkien.

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