
Series compiled by oshun

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mainly B2MeM prompts

Series Information


mainly B2MeM prompts

Major Characters:

Major Relationships:



Fanworks in "Art/graphics"

This is a Writing fanwork

A Sad Tale's Best for Winter by oshun, Dawn Felagund

Warnings: No warnings apply

Prompt: B2MeM 2014 - Write a story or create art about the midwinter holiday (Yule or another midwinter holiday of your choosing).

Elrond looks back on Yuletides past at two distinct periods in his life, nearly an Age and a half apart. “The famous saudade of the Portuguese is a vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist, for something other than the present, a turning towards the past or towards the future; not an active discontent or poignant sadness but an indolent dreaming wistfulness.” (In Portugal, by AFG Bell, 1912.)

Artwork included is by Dawn Felagund. (Calligraphy and illumination of brief passages from the story. Artist's note: The calligraphy utilizes a script I developed based on Tolkien's own writing in the Tengwar of "Namárië" and "A Elbereth Gilthoniel." The illumination is based on a style used in the 15th-century Bible of Borso d'Este. Ink, acrylic, and gold leaf on Bristol vellum.)

This is a Writing fanwork

Book Blubs by oshun

Warnings: No warnings apply

Chapter 5 – Bird Talk - Known for his popular TV show “Shut Up and Listen,” specialist in bird behavior from early childhood Turko Fëanárion insists that his methods work with the most resistant birds and the clumsiest of humans. Get all the details in this water-resistant 100-page paperback guide.
These blurbs are written by a reader who is on the mailing lists of far too many publishing companies. Why not use some of the dozens of prompts of yet another annual B2MeM to design covers or ads, write ad copy, review, or draft summaries of books I would not be likely to write?

This is a Writing fanwork

Of Night and Light and The Half-light by oshun

Warnings: No warnings apply

This is a place for short contributions or graphics (mostly but not all from Back-to-Middle-earth Month 2012). The title is from "He Wishes For The Cloths Of Heaven" by William Butler Yeats. Some are serious and some are silly.

Added "Death of Arvedui" graphic.

This is a Writing fanwork

While These Visions Did Appear by oshun

Warnings: No warnings apply

These are my responses in graphic format to B2MeM 2013 prompts.

If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber'd here
While these visions did appear.
Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream