Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

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Boat race

Prompt: swan, green, bridge, arch (Session: 01.08.2021 Olympics)

Eryn Lasgalen vs Lothlorien. A competition. Who will win?

Rated: General

The flag of Eryn Lasgalen flattered proudly over Thranduil’s boat, while Galadriel and Celeborn stood on their swan boat, watching the race.

Thranduil rolled his eyes.

And people claimed he had a flair for dramatics.

Eight elves were in the waters of Celebrant, ribbons tied around their arms to mark their allegiance. Green for the Greenwood, gold for the Golden Woods of Lothlorien.

The games were supposed to be a bridge between their people, to tighten relations that were torn by distance and war.

A whistle sounded. The race began.

Who would reach the arch that marked the goal first?

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