Gil-Galad Was No Elven-King by kimikocha

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Gil-Galad Was No Elven-king

Invalid is that elven-king!
The one who’ll ne’er his parents bring!
The first not born of royalty,
Between the mountains and the sea!

Though I’ll admit his mind is keen,
His countenance bears a kingly mien—
No noble blood has he reveal’d,
For none is there for him to yield!

I tell you all, I tell you true,
To view the records, swift I flew—
Of Finwë, Finrod, Orodreth,
Of birth and of untimely death…

I looked there, but I did not see
Evidence of his pedigree—
‘Twas in the record of his birth
The TRUTH I found, for what it’s worth!

He has NO sire to his name,
No father writ for him to claim,
Nor mother — yes, I tell you so!
The names so faded, none could show.

But long ago he came this way,
And yes, we crown’d him — what to say?
When ask’d, the rest of Finwë’s line
Said, “Take it! Better yours than mine.”

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