Cultus Dispatches: Duel of Surveys

Cultus Dispatches - Duel of Surveys: Comparing Tolkien Fanfiction and OTW Survey Data

What is better than fandom data? MORE FANDOM DATA!!! This month's Cultus Dispatches column offers a rough, taken-with-a-huge-grain-of-salt comparison between the 2020 Tolkien Fanfiction Survey and the recent OTW 16th Anniversary Survey.

The surveys offer a few points of glancing comparison: time active in fandom, attendance at fan conventions, and use of fandom platforms. The latter offers some particularly interesting conclusions, offering evidence that Tolkien fans go all Galadriel when it comes to migrating from Lothlorien to new fandom sites and adopting new technology.

You can read "Duel of Surveys" here.

Posted on 23 December 2023 (updated 3 February 2024) by SWG Moderators