Fanworks Tagged with Éowyn

This is a Writing fanwork

And There Make a Garden by Arveldis

Éowyn walked through the rows of the garden that sprawled beyond the house, her hand laid over the swell of her stomach. It was high summer, and the garden grew in wild abandon, hardly distinguishable from the fragrant wilderness that rippled and tumbled over the hills of Emyn Arnen.

Éowyn walks in her garden and reminisces about all the people who helped her create it.

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This is a Audio fanwork

[podfic] As Though At Sea by Chestnut_pod

Lothíriel finds many things in Rohan unsettling, but none so much as her future sister-in-law.

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This is a Video fanwork

Tolkien Fandom | Animated illustration with music (English subtitles) by Sirielle

My illustrations with a bit of life and music by DTH. English subtitles added for the lyrics in Polish. (More details in description.)

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This is a Audio fanwork

[podfic] waving flares in the air by Chestnut_pod

The light enters the room before Éowyn does, a rolling dry heat with it; just enough warning for Faramir to close one book and open another. She enters hard on its heels. 'Hail, Steward, from the south fair tidings,' she says, pulling off her helm halfway through, so the words are muffled. 'I can’t stay long. I came to give you word of Harad and your brother.' (A Galadriel-accepts-the-ring AU.)

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This is a Writing fanwork

Éowyn - warrior & healer by daughterofshadows

Éowyn refuses to be a foot note in the history of men.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Sunshine by chrissystriped

After Sauron's defeat and the return of the army to Minas Tirith, Éomer goes to see his sister and finds her changed.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Runaway Horses by Himring

A runaway conversation about runaway horses.
Early in the Fourth Age, some of our heroes meet at Bree, including Merry, Elrohir, Faramir and Eowyn.
In the evening, the conversation takes an unexpected turn; stories are told and the stories range widely...
A Tale for the New Year (originally written in January 2019).

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This is a Reference fanwork

Burning in the House: Éowyn's Outcry and the Death of Aerin by Himring

In an attempt to allow widely separated parts of the Legendarium to throw light on each other, Aerin's final acts are compared to the imagery in which Éowyn's expresses her concerns in The Lord of the Rings. The relevant passages share the motif of the burning house. The handling of this motif suggests authorial sympathy with Éowyn's plight.

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