All Hues and Honeys by Dawn Felagund

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Maedhros tries to explain his relationship with Fingon to Elrond and Elros. 150 words, written for the Holiday Party prompt "Truth or Dare." Shadow provided a Truth prompt for Maedhros to "explain his relationship with Fingon to Elrond and Elros."

"You mention him a lot. Fingon."

It was naturally Elrond who first noticed. Elros asked the questions that pushed their history lessons beyond the edge of the page. Elrond, though, took every word, spoken or written, and turned it like a gem in his fingers, letting each facet flash.

Nelyo Maitimo Maedhros knew the tendency to embroider every anecdote with the name scribed in one's heart. It's how Nerdanel sussed out his crushes in his youth, sometimes even before he knew them himself. He'd kept Fingon intentionally beyond the margins of the page. He'd even thought he was doing well at it.

It was not a conversation he wished to have, not when the thought alone of Fingon felt like being wrenched open, his soft insides seized, crushed.


Darkness fell. He did not speak. Elros asked no questions. Elrond turned his silence, flashing, like a gem in his hand.

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