The Ties that Bind by Hoglorfen

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Whindaer dreamed.
She was back home in the haven, on her way to meet her uncle for her daily lessons. She entered his study where he sat as he always did, but when he turned towards her, his face was that of an Orc. She quickly backed out of the study and bumped into her brother. He asked her what was wrong – with the face of an Orc. Whindaër turned and ran back home, where her mother greeted her – as an Orc. Everyone she met, her father, her neighbours, her friends, Elveanië the healer – they were all Orcs. No one seemed to think that anything was amiss, no one even seemed to notice it except her. She screamed and ran, and the Orcs chased her, calling out with her beloved family's voices until she reached the sea where the Orcs cornered her on one of the high piers. She jumped and fell, fell until she was caught by strong arms. She looked up into Graznikh's warm red eyes. He smiled and kissed her – and Whindaër woke up screaming.

A sleepy Graznikh was looking at her as she leapt to her feet and scrambled towards the door. She tried in vain to pull it open, then went on to hammer it with her fists.
”Sorry little windelf,” Graznikh mumbled. ”It's locked and the key is in my loincloth.” He watched as she slowly slid down to the floor and began to cry.
”Bad dream, huh? I know, I have those too at times.” He got up and squatted next to the crying Elf. ”You look miserable.”
”I AM miserable!”
”Poor little windelf...” He began stroking her hair. She shuddered and tried to shy away, but a warning growl made her stay still and allow him to pet her. So soft, he thought. How can anything be this soft? He brought a fistful of it to his face, inhaled her scent and groaned. There were hints of fresh pine resin, young birch leaves, juniper wood shavings and something else he couldn't place, a scent that was sweet and sour at the same time. There was also the scent of woman that sent shivers down his back and set a fire to his groin. Eventually the sobs died down. Graznikh sat still for a while, hand resting on her neck.
”I must say, I'm kinda impressed,” he said.
She looked up. ”Why?”
”Well, considering how much you Elves cry and sob I'm surprised ya manage to keep quiet long enough to sneak up on anything.”
”I am no warrior.”
”Those who passed for warriors made quite a bit of noise themselves back there.”
”Must you remind me?” Her eyes began to well up with tears once more.
Not again, Graznikh thought. ”Ya don't wanna remember?”
”I... Wish I could forget.”
”That's the spirit! Leave the past behind and look to the future. At least...” He leaned in close. Whindaer did not wish to meet those eyes. She was becoming all too familiar with the expression her captor now wore and the evil promise within. But if she refused he might do something even worse, so she slowly turned to face him.
”At least,” he breathed, ”you still have a future to look forward to.” The hand that he had kept at her neck moved up to tease her ear. She let out an involuntary whimper as he rubbed the sensitive tip between his fingers. His eyes widened as if he couldn't believe what he had just heard. Whindaër tore herself away and tried to run somewhere, anywhere, but he caught her with ease and shoved her back against the wall. She dared not breathe, could not look away as he slowly inched closer, closer, so close...

Graznikh felt his breath quicken and his loincloth grow smaller. That sound... that was the first one he had drawn from her that wasn't out of fear or pain. He was well acquainted with such sounds, but to hear it from those pale lips... Oh darkness, how he wanted to hear that sound again! He held her steady, one hand tangled in her hair as he licked her neck and throat.
Whindaër screamed in disgust and fear but was quickly silenced by a callous hand covering her mouth. She felt the Orc's ragged breath as he licked her skin and the stench of old leather, grease, sweat and, underneath that, the strong musky scent of Orc. I am dying, she thought while staring at the roof. Elentári, I am dying! The Orc's tongue slowly followed the outline of her ear and stopped to circle the tip before he sucked her ear into his mouth and grunted with pleasure. Another treacherous whimper left her lips, and hot air slithered into her ear as the Orc chuckled and pulled away.
He forced her to meet his eyes and studied her intently as he moved his other hand over her body. The slip she wore was so thin that it was almost transparent and Graznikh had to take care not to tear it with his claws. He didn't get why Elves wore such useless clothing, but he liked the way it graced her body. A thumb gently brushed a nipple and elicited a gasp, and he noticed her eyes widening slightly. She still doesn't get it, he thought with amusement. Her body does, but not her mind. She cried out, muffled by his hand, as he shoved a knee up between her legs and lifted her with it so that she was forced to balance on her toes. Then he assaulted both her breasts with his fingers, kneading and caressing while nibbling her other ear. She cried, screamed and tried to push him away, and that along with the mingled scent of fear and desire almost made Graznikh fuck her then and there.

He felt himself losing control and pulled away with a frustrated growl. He heard the Elf fall as he staggered out of the room. Outside, he collapsed against the door, panting and trying to cool off. He was surprised at how strong a reaction that little sound had set off in him. He leered at the ceiling. Poor little windelf... you're in for one hell of a ride once I've gotten ya to the point where I no longer have to hold back. Until then... He pulled the loincloth aside to relieve the tension.

When he opened the door, he found Whindaër balled up in a corner as far away from the door as possible, eyes squeezed shut. Graznikh chuckled as he noticed that she was covering her ears with her hands.
”What, you've never heard a wank before?” She didn't reply. ”Your mummy and daddy never told ya 'bout important things like that?” She shook her head. ”So how much d'ya know about the makin' of babies?” An almost inaudible gasp reached his ears, and he grinned. When she didn't reply, he turned her around and growled. ”Answer me.”
”My... My mother told me... that if a man and woman wishes to, they may embrace and join in hroa and fëa to form an eternal bond of love. If the woman wishes it, children may be formed through that bond and brought into the world through her body.”
Graznikh snorted at that. ”And what did she tell ya of dicks and cunts and such?” When she only looked away with a puzzled, frightened expression, Graznikh decided to take matters of education into his own hands, as much for his own pleasure as for her enlightenment.
”Hey!” She looked up and before she could look away, he stood and tore his loincloth off. Her eyes grew so wide that he thought for a moment that they would fall out. He grabbed his package with one hand and gave it a tug as he spoke. ”Here, this is a cock and balls. Every guy has them, Elves too I'd assume. When a guy gets horny, his dick will grow to twice this size or more. Then he's ready to fuck, either a gal like you or another guy. I'm not really into that, but to each his own.” He squatted in front of her, grinning like crazy and staring into the poor Elf's eyes with obvious pleasure as he continued. ”You gals have a cunt, a wet sort of pocket between your legs where a dick or other dick-shaped object might fit. When a gal gets horny, that is when she wants a guy to fuck her, that place gets slippery, more than usual. An' it feels nice to finger there, so by all means try it some time.
When someone, guy or gal, starts fuckin' someone who isn't willing, that's what you people call rape, or violation if you wanna get fancy. Elves die from it or so I've heard, which is why it's something I won't do to you. So ya can stop shaking like that. Which brings me to wankin'. It's simply what a guy does when he needs to relieve himself of some tension, in my case after I spend time around a pretty gal like yourself.”
He leaned even closer and forced her to meet his eyes as he continued with a hoarse, eager whisper. ”And fucking, now there's an interesting topic. Basically, I take my cock and put it inside your cunt. Then either of us move back and forth a bit, and it can feel amazingly good or horribly bad, depends on whether you're horny and willing or not. There's a lot more to it; touchin', lickin', bitin', some I've already given ya a taste of, the rest... well, I might introduce ya to the rest later. So; was that enlightening?”

Whindaër whimpered as something dawned on her. She opened her mouth as if to speak, then closed it again and shuddered.
”Go ahead,” Graznikh said with a purr. ”I won't bite ya... yet.”
”S-so... wh-when you... Y-you won't... let me g-go, until... after... w-we... Af...”
”Pretty much, yeah.” She squeezed her eyes shut and wrapped her arms around her knees. A half-choked terrifed sob escaped her. Graznikh watched her. Shit, this really is hard for her. It did not make him change his mind though, quite the opposite.
”Look,” he said while he sat down beside her, putting an arm around her shaking shoulders and pulling her close. ”Once is all I ask for. One time, then you'll be free to go wherever you want. I'll lead ya back to your forest if you wanna. After that one time.”
”But I cannot!!” she cried out. ”I-I cannot bring myself to... to want something like that, I cannot! It will kill me!”
”Oh? I've heard that Elves are frail in matters like these, but you know what I've heard more? That Elves have strong wills. That if an Elf wants to die, they die, just like that, nothing can keep 'em. But an Elf that wants to live, she'll go through no matter what torture she suffers. Is that all wrong? Should I just give up, fuck ya whether you want it or not and move on?” Graznikh was making stuff up along the way, but he hoped he sounded convincing.
The way he looked her in the eyes, Whindaër could not look away. She shook her head in response and Graznikh smiled.
”Then you could convince yourself to want it enough to fool your body not to give up? If ya tried real hard, hmm?” He played with a lock of her hair.
She hesitated. ”You said you would not... take me, against my will.”
”I did. But I'm still an Orc, and I have needs. No wankin' in the world can get rid of the frustration I'm feelin' with you around. I don't just want a shoot, I want you,” he leaned in and licked her eartip as he spoke, ”and I will have ya, one way or another.” He searched his belt bags and pulled out more dried meat. ”Here. These are the last I have, but I'll go huntin' tonight. Think about it. I'm gonna try an' find something fresh to give ya.” Then he got up and left her alone with the torrent of thoughts.

Whindaër buried her face in her hands until the Orc had dressed and left. There was no way she could make herself want something like that. How could she? Even now she felt her fëa squirm as she remembered his scent and his hands upon her. She laid down upon the pallet. His scent was there too, as if to prove that there was truly no way she could escape him.
Her uncle's voice came to her, bubbling up from some obscure corner of her memory. ”Your will and determination is a powerful weapon,” he said as he paced the floor of the circular gazebo where he held his lessons. ”Without these two traits you can accomplish nothing, for it is necessary whether you are building a ship or learning archery. Steel your will and miracles can be accomplished.” Hot tears streamed down her face as she realised that he was probably dead. She cried for her uncle, for the others who were dead or soon to be, for her family who knew naught of her fate and the possible survivors of the raid who were probably worried sick. The fact that the Orc's words had been so similar to her uncle's made her feel ill.

Whindaër did not want to die. She knew that Elves did not truly die, that their fëas ended up in the Halls of Mandos and were eventually released to wander the Blessed Lands. It was the moment of death that frightened her; being forced to leave her home, her family and this beautiful world to wander among divine beings she had only heard frightening and awe-inspiring tales about. And all because an Orc could not keep his hands away from her. It made her angry.
She tried to sleep, but the Orc's scent kept bringing unwanted memories. His hands as he fondled her, his hot breath against her skin, the warm wetness of his tongue... Why had she whimpered like that? Where had it come from? Even the memory of him made her feel strange. As she turned on the mattress, she suddenly realised why she felt so strange. Reluctantly she brought a hand down between her legs. The slick wetness there almost made her scream. ”When a gal gets horny, that is when she wants a guy to fuck her, that place gets slippery...”
”No,” she whispered, panicking. ”No, no, no...” She desperately wiped her hands on the mattress, but nothing could get the disgusting, slippery feeling between her legs to go away. She tried to wipe it off with her hands and bumped against something that sent a tremor of inexplicable pleasure through her body. She stared at the wall, swallowing hard and trying to comprehend what had just happened. The pleasure had not been that of hearing a lovely music piece or an enchanting poem. It was dark, raw and utterly bewildering. She swallowed again and tried to regain her composure as she heard a sound outside the door. She quickly laid down and pretended to sleep, but no one came. The tears returned and she let them fall, crying silently into the mattress until sleep finally took her away.

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