Dawn Felagund's Wishlist

Let me know you filled one of my wishes!

Wish #1

I would love a music playlist for one of my stories. I don't care which one, and I like every genre of music, so feel free to go wild ... I'd love to discover some new favorite songs.

Wish #2

Talk to someone in the fandom whose work you admire but you've never told. It can be a comment or a PM or a post to their social media or absolutely anything. Creating fanworks can feel really lonely. It can feel like no one notices what you do. Your clicks go up but you often hear nothing from your readers. One of the most wonderful things to happen to me in fandom is when someone contacts me and says, "I've been reading your work for years and wanted to tell you ..." I don't care how long it took; I'm so glad I know they're out there! Go be that bright spot in another creator's life!

Wish #3

Volunteer. It doesn't have to be here. But when you see a fandom event or a site asking for someone to help out, be that person who steps up. Volunteers keep our fandom communities and events alive. (Now if you do want to help out here, in this old dive, here is the SWG volunteer page ... ;)