Independence1776's Wishlist

Let me know you filled one of my wishes!

Wish #1

TRSB 2021 recs: I haven't had time to read pretty much anything that wasn't written for my art, so  I'd love to know where to start. Any rating, but I prefer bookverse gen to shipfic. Favorite characters: Maglor, Elrond, House of Finwe in general, Hobbits in general, the Three Hunters, Nerdanel. I also like original characters. Love hurt/comfort, canon divergent AUs, space AUs, plotty adventures, character pieces, Fourth Age (or later) stuff in general, Elves in history, darkfic with a happy or hopeful ending. Squicks: bees/wasps/etc., animal death (non-graphic hunting is fine), character or ship bashing, incest (including first cousin ships), focus on pregnancy.

Wish #2

I am always up for fics where Maglor is tortured: captured, Maglor in a bad place in history, medical experiments, whatever. As long as there's a happy ending, I'm game. Adult rating is 100% welcome. Squicks: bees/wasps/etc., animal death (non-graphic hunting is fine), character or ship bashing, incest (including first cousin ships), focus on pregnancy.