Himring's Wishlist

Let me know you filled one of my wishes!

Wish #1

Create a fanwork for a thematic prompt or formal challenge from the tolkienshortfanworks prompt tag (linked). The tag includes twelve sets of prompts posted over the last year, plus a summary post.

I am happy for you to combine this wish fill with other prompts and challenges! That includes those that will not be revealed before the challenge end date; you would just need to let the mods know as well as myself.

If your fanwork is a piece of writing under 1000 words, I would love it if you posted a link to the tolkienshortfanworks community on Dreamwidth as well, but that would be a bonus. It is not part of this wish and this wish is not restricted to written fanworks!

Wish #2

Create an artwork or a playlist for one of the original characters in my Silm fic. (Artwork could be an edit, a moodboard, a banner or a sketch, as well as a full drawing or painting).

You may find the list of original characters helpful to jog your memory that is included in this journal entry on Dreamwidth.

However, that list is mainly a record of the naming of characters for myself and it was not drawn up to provide prompts, so I would expect you to actually read or have read the story featuring the character for this. 

And I would equally be happy if you were to be inspired by an unnamed character that appears in a drabble and is not included on the character list.


Wish #3

Use the Challenges by Name page of this archive (or some other means) to find three fanworks by different authors that were written for SWG challenges and that you have not commented on yet and leave a comment on each of the three.