elennalore's Wishlist

Let me know you filled one of my wishes!

Wish #1

The SWG discord server has become an important fandom space for me. I love the feeling of community we have there. My wish #1 is: if you have not yet joined the Silmarillion Writers' Guild discord server, please join us there (the link to join the discord server is at the bottom of SWG web page). If you are already there, I wish that you take part in some new activity in the server: perhaps come to write with us at write-in? Or share your art-in-progress at art-studio? Or perhaps share your favourite meta or headcanon? I'm looking forward to meeting you there!

Wish #2

There is never enough soft Silvergifting (that is, Mairon | Annatar /Celebrimbor pairing). I wish that you could write a drabble or a ficlet - or make some art - where Mairon and Celebrimbor both have warm feelings towards each other. There can be angst, and it may be complicated (it often is) as long as there are some genuine warm feelings, too.

Wish #3

I'd like to read a ficlet about Maedhros recovering after Thangorodrim. I know it has been already been written many times. Do I want to read more? Oh, yes. So this is my wish #3.