Chasing Mirages by Russandol

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Appendix B. List of Characters, Place Names and Other Terms

This story takes place in a variety of settings, spanning several ages of Arda. Inevitably, an assortment of terms and names from several languages has made its way into the tale.

For consistency I have assumed all along that Eönwë speaks Quenya in his inner narrative, even if he is likely to be addressing someone in a different language, like Sindarin, during a particular scene.

For Yucatec, on which the invented language of Kiinlúum is based, I have relied on the “Diccionario español - maya en línea” to find words, some of which I have used without modification, while in other cases I have adapted them or combined them to create my own names or terms.



Ajyin - Lotiya’s brother

Ambar-metta (Quenya) the end of the world

Andórë (Quenya) Land of Gift, another name for Númenor.

Angamando (Quenya) Iron- prison. Morgoth's fortress in the North of Beleriand, more commonly known by its Sindarin name Angband, the “Hells of Iron”.

Aranincë (Quenya) little king

ataressë (Quenya) name given to a child at birth by the father

Béek - Eönwë’s aide in Kiinlúum

Brégil - retainer of Gil-galad’s

Bruithros - servant of Elrond in Lindon

Casári (Quenya) translation of the dwarvish word Khazâd, used by the Dwarves to refer to themselves

Chakiik’ (Yucatec) Eönwë’s mare in Kiinlúum; her name means red wind

Chakmóol (Yucatec, meaning “red jaguar”, though I imagine it as a bigger animal, closer to a leopard) god-king or ahaw of Kiinlúum

Chéel - Eönwë’s servant in Kiinlúum

Chimal - ahaw of Kiinlúum, fourteen generations after Chakmóol

curwë (Quenya) defined by Tolkien (HoME XII, The Peoples of Middle-earth) as “technical skill and invention” (kurwe), as opposed to “’Philosophy’ in its older applications which included Science” (nolme).

Eglanir (Sindarin) forsaken

Ekkaia (Quenya) the Outer Ocean

Elerondo (Quenya) Elrond

Elerossë (Quenya) Elros

Endórë (Quenya) equivalent to Sindarin Ennor, Middle-earth

Eruhíni (Quenya, singular Eruhin) Children of Eru, referring to Elves and Men

Ezellôchâr (Valarin) the Green Mound where the Two Trees once stood. Better known as Corollairë and Máhanaxar in Quenya.

fana (Quenya) raiment of the Ainur in the shape of the Children of Ilúvatar

fëa (Quenya) almost equivalent to the spirit or soul of the Incarnates (Elves and Men)

Gaerlin - healer in Forlond

hröa (Quenya) almost equivalent to the body of the Incarnates (Elves and Men)

Ilmen (Quenya) region above the clouds where the Sun, Moon and stars are

in Ahaw (Yucatec) my King

in Yúum (Yucatec) my Lord

Jolkan - officer in the army of Kiinlúum, son of Yaajóol

Kiinlúum (Yucatec-based name, from kiin “sun” and lúum “land”) a realm in the far east of Middle-earth

Laergil - page in Elrond’s household in Lindon

Líik’ (Yucatec) to rise, get up. Líik’en is the second person (sing.) of the imperative

Lintavailë - great eagle of Manwë

Lotiya - one of Chimal’s wives, originally from another realm

Luinhir - scholar and trusted member of staff in Elrond’s office in Lindon

lúva (Quenya, plural lúvar) the bow or curves of tengwar script

Mâchanumâz (Valarin) the Authorities or Powers, that is, the Valar

Mânawenûz (Valarin) Manwë

Mejen - jewel merchant in Kiinlúum

meldonya (Quenya) my lover; meldo is translated as “friend” or “lover”

mistarillë (Quenya-based, not attested) equivalent to mithril in Sindarin

Moritarnon (Quenya) The Door of Night, that opens into the Void. The name and the description are recorded in “The Book of Lost Tales”, History of Middle-earth I.

Mornien - one of Tolkien’s potential choices for the name of the beach on the shores of Ekkaia from where it was said mortal fëar travelled from the Halls of Waiting to their final fate beyond the Circles of the World in the black ship Mornie.

Nikteháa (Yucatec-inspired name from nikte' ha' which means “lotus flower” or “waterlily”)  Chakmóol’s daughter.

Ñorthus (Quenya) mist of fear - equivalent of Sindarin Gorthaur (Abhorred) [“Word, Phrases and Passages in The Lord of the Rings,” Parma Eldalamberon 17]

Nurufantur (Qenya) an earlier title or surname for the Lord of Mandos, meaning “lord of Death-cloud”

Olofantur (Qenya) an earlier name for the Vala Irmo (Lórien)

ósanwë (Quenya) thought-transmission, or telepathy

péepem (Yucatec) butterfly

Ren - servant of Sauron in Eregion (later to become one of the Nazgûl)

Rušurigas (Valarin-based) epessë given to Mairon by Aulë, meaning “fire heat”

Sáabin - man of Kiinlúum

sakeek’ (Yucatec) Eönwë’s stallion in Kiinlúum; his name means “white star”

sak’k’áak’ (Yucatec-based word) from sak’ (“itch”} and k’áak’ (“fire”), it could be translated as “itch of fire”, an imaginary succulent plant of the family Euphorbiaceae (spurges), used ritually in Kiinlúum

Síihil Ka’teen (Yucatec-based term) from ka’teen (“again”) and síihil (“birth”), the ceremony performed by the ahaw of Kiinlúum to bring “rebirth” or “renewal” to his realm

Síináan (Yucatec-inspired name) - captain of Chakmóol’s personal guard, and his cousin

suku’n (Yucatec) older brother

Tar-Calion - Quenya name of Ar-Pharazôn

Tauras - Gil-galad’s horsemaster in Lindon

Taur-e-Ndaedelos (Sindarin) forest of great dread; a Sindarin name for Mirkwood

tilkal (Quenya) an alloy made by Aulë from copper, silver, tin, lead, iron, and gold, from which the chain Angainor was made

Tintallë (Quenya) kindler, another name for Varda

ungo (Quenya) dark shadow, cloud

Valarauco (Quenya, pl. Valaraucar) equivalent of Sindarin balrog

(Qenya) an old name for the Halls of Mandos

Vefántur (Qenya) an old name for the Vala Námo (Mandos)

Xaman (Yucatec) North; Xamanlúum can be translated as “Land of the North”

Yaajóol - captain in the army of Kiinlúum

yén (Quenya, plural yéni) long-year of the Elves, equivalent to 144 of our years


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