Drabbles for Tolkien Weekly by Ysilme

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Fanwork Notes

The drabble sets follow the prompt groups of tolkien weekly and are posted in chronological order, but aren't necessarily connected. I'm posting here only those who are inspired by the Silmarillion, the Unfinished Tales and other Tolkien writings, though sometimes a bit of LotR might appear.

All drabbles have an exact word count of 100 as by my Scrivener (the earlier ones by my Apache Open Office German edition):

Many thanks to shadowycat and Oshun for looking these over. All remaining mistakes are my own.

Disclaimer: Middle-earth belongs to Tolkien, I'm just playing a bit with it for fun.

Fanwork Information


Small drabble sets about three pairs of brothers, inspired by the prompts of tolkien weekly, the Silmarillion and the Unfinished Tales.

Major Characters: Celeborn, Celebrían, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Elros, Galadriel, Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 21 Word Count: 78, 501
Posted on 26 August 2013 Updated on 7 October 2018

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Table of Contents

This set of drabbles is for the Petrology challenge and set in the Silmarillion.

Characters: Elrond, Elros, Elladan, Elrohir

This set of Drabbles is for the Woodwork Challenge and set in the Silmarillion, sometime after the kinslaying at the Havens of Sirion.

Characters: Maglor, Maedhros, Elrond, Elros.

This set of Drabbles is for the Signs of Autumn Challenge and set in the early 3rd Age in Rivendell.

Character: will be revealed later.

After a long pause, I'm trying my hand at the tolkien_weekly challenge again.

Characters: Celeborn
Source: Silmarillion / HoME

Characters: Celeborn/Galadriel
Source: Silmarillion / HoME


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What a lovely set of drabbles!  These hang together like jewels threaded for a necklace - carefully crafted individually, but working together as a whole.  It's also more than evident that you take great care in your word choices, which is absolutely vital for a good drabble.  And that's what each of these are: good drabbles.  That is no mean feat.  I think drabbles are the most difficult writing form out there, and here you have provided insight into the characters, again, not at all easy in a short form.  Really love your characterization of Elrond!


Oh, what a wonderful review! *blushes* Thank you so much, you absolutely made my day - and gave me quite a motivation boost, too, particularly to not put my drabbles so far down on my to-do-list.

As you very likely know, the drabbles for this challenge are usually written by prompts one didn't know beforehand, so making them sit well together is an extra challenge. I don't always manage to answer to the prompts right away but did with this set, so I'm very pleased they work together not only in my own perception.

Judging them to be good drabbles is the best compliment you could have made me, since writing them at all in English is difficult enough for me. Getting concent, prompt, characterisation, language and grammar together and end up with 100 words is no mean feat and wouldn't be possible without my awesome beta.