Fun and Games... by Grundy

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Elrond - Dare - Do Something Completely Frivolous and Silly

Double drabble

Celebrían’s heart swelled at the sight.

Elrond’s feet were as bare as the child’s he was playing with, both wet to the knees from wading, and to all appearances having a grand time building a city in sand on the riverbank.

“Idhren Calardanion,” she said as sternly as she could. “Your father has been wondering where you were this last hour!”

Boy and man both startled, looking equally guilty as they regarded her.

“I suppose as you are technically in the company of your lord, you cannot be scolded. But you should get to your dinner before it gets any colder.”

The lad didn’t need telling twice, pausing only long enough to grab his shoes before scampering off.

“As I am in fact the lord, I don’t believe I can be scolded either, my lady,” Elrond said gravely.

She could see the faint flush on his cheeks at having been caught at such nonsense.

“No, you can’t,” she told him with a smile. “Though I didn’t know you were so fond of children as to indulge Idhren for hours.”

“My brother and I used to do something similar on the shores of the sea,” he shrugged. “It was good fun.”

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