Behind the Scenes

October 2017 SWG Challenge Behind the Scenes banner showing ballerinas lined up backstage

The Silmarillion is full of pivotal moments, of events where the characters we love and loathe literally and figuratively shaped the world of Arda. This month's challenge asks you to take one of those moments, one of those big events or turning points in the story, to think about where and what happened … and then create a fanwork about what was happening at that moment in time, anywhere but at the site of the action.

"Behind the Scenes" asks you to write, draw, or create a fanwork that shows what a character who was not involved in the major event was doing at the time it was taking place. The character may be canon or original. For example, what was Fëanor doing on the day that Lúthien was born? What was going on with the Elves of Ossiriand as the Battle of Sudden Flame began? As Númenor sank beneath the waves, what did Elrond's day look like? The event may impact your character later on in time, but in the moment when your story takes place, your character(s) has no idea what is happening.

This challenge opened in .

Fanworks Tagged with Behind the Scenes

This is a Writing fanwork

Marilliën and the Fall of Doriath by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Marilliën has always been devoted to the Sindar, ever since her beloved kinswoman ensnared their King. But with Melyanna gone, she at least had tried to serve as a protection to Doriath, and to Melyanna's family.

The tale of one 'young' Maia OC as she gets caught up in the Second Kinslaying. For October's "Behind the Scenes" and January 2018 "New Year's Resolution".

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Little Spiders in the Woods by LadyBrooke

Morwë and Nurwë may have been left behind with the rest of their family with no knowledge of events in Valinor (and little of what happens in Doriath), but the servants of Morgoth roam their woods as well.

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The Death of Finwë by oshun

Fëanor, summoned out of banishment by the Valar, arrives at the home of Eärwen and Finarfin the day before Manwë’s long to be remembered high feast on Taniquetil. No one knows what to expect from the Valar, but they certainly least of all expected the darkening of Valinor and the death of Finwë. (Written from Eärwen’s point of view.)

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Ships in the Harbour by Himring

In the harbour of Lindon, at the beginning of the Second Age, ships are being built--ships for the Edain to leave Middle-earth for Numenor, ships to carry the Elves to Valinor. At this time, Celebrimbor has an unexpected encounter and sees his path more clearly.

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Intermezzo by Grundy

It's not easy to know that great events are afoot but be unable to take part in them. It's not easy being left behind.

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Very Lands by Tyelca

The Drowning of Nûmenor is felt all over Middle-Earth.

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The Longest Day by Lyra

During the Midsummer festivities of 472 F.A., Anairë is struck by a wrenching sense of dread. Nerdanel helps her to make sense of it.

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"As Fate" by hennethgalad

Indis is away hunting when Fëanor is born.

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