Morning Mist and Silver Sun by StarSpray

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writen for the 2023 Jubilee instadrabbling event

Prompt: "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac

Fëanáro left Tirion for Formenos—with all of their sons—and Nerdanel left for the mountains. She could not have said why she needed to climb the highest lonely peak that she could find, which was just as well, for no one asked her. She followed goat trails and scaled rockfalls, bloodying her fingers and skinning her knees. The wind whipped around, tangling her hair and stinging her eyes

At last she reached—not the peak, for no Elf could climb to the very peaks of the Pelóri—but the highest place that her feet would take her. Drifts of snow lingered, even in summer, mixed with stones and other debris from recent landslides or avalanches; she plunged her hands into one and shuddered at the sudden cold

Then she turned and found herself looking out over the whole of Valinor, stretched out like a patchwork quilt someone had laid at her feet in a rainbow riot of colors. From here she could see the stars shining above the mingling light of the Trees. The air was clear and cool, and from this vantage point everything that had loomed so large and painful in her heart seemed so much smaller.

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